Monster List
list: API endpoint for returning a list of monsters.
retrieve: API endpoint for returning a particular monster.
GET /monsters/?cr=3&ordering=-document__slug&page=3", "previous": "", "results": [ { "slug": "gnollhavocrunner-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Gnoll Havoc Runner", "size": "Medium", "type": "Humanoid", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "chain shirt", "hit_points": 58, "hit_dice": "9d8 + 18", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 16, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 14, "intelligence": 8, "wisdom": 12, "charisma": 9, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 15, "skills": { "Athletics": 5, "Perception": 5 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "False", "condition_immunities": "False", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15", "languages": "Gnoll", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The gnoll makes one Bite attack and two Battleaxe attacks." }, { "name": "Battleaxe", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage if used with two hands." }, { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Lightning Lope", "desc": "The gnoll takes the Dash or Disengage action." } ], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Harrying Attacks", "desc": "If the gnoll attacks more than one creature in the same turn, the first target has disadvantage on attack rolls until the end of its next turn." }, { "name": "Pack Tactics", "desc": "The gnoll has advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the gnoll's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 213, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_gnoll-havoc-runner/" }, { "slug": "goat-man-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Goat-Man", "size": "Medium", "type": "Monstrosity", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 65, "hit_dice": "10d8 + 20", "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "strength": 19, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 14, "intelligence": 10, "wisdom": 13, "charisma": 8, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": 4, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 11, "skills": { "Acrobatics": 4, "Athletics": 6, "Stealth": 6 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "False", "condition_immunities": "charmed, frightened", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11", "languages": "understands Common, Giant, and Trollkin but can’t speak", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The goat-man makes one Bite attack and two Slam attacks. If both Slam attacks hit the same target, the target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of its next turn." }, { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage." }, { "name": "Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Charge", "desc": "If the goat-man moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a Slam attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 4 (1d8) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 214, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_goat-man/" }, { "slug": "greyfur-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Greyfur", "size": "Small", "type": "Humanoid", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Neutral", "armor_class": 13, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 67, "hit_dice": "15d6 + 15", "speed": { "walk": 20 }, "strength": 9, "dexterity": 16, "constitution": 12, "intelligence": 16, "wisdom": 12, "charisma": 10, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 11, "skills": { "Acrobatics": 5, "Stealth": 5 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "False", "condition_immunities": "False", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11", "languages": "Common, Lemurfolk", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Greyfur's Staff", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage plus 5 (2d4) force damage." }, { "name": "Arcane Bolt", "desc": "Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) force damage." }, { "name": "Spellcasting", "desc": "The greyfur casts one of the following spells, requiring no material components and using Intelligence as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 13):\nAt will: light, mage hand, prestidigitation\n3/day each: color spray, sleep" } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Glide", "desc": "The lemurfolk has membranes between its fore and hind limbs that expand when falling to slow its rate of descent to 60 feet per round, landing on its feet and taking no falling damage. It can move up to 5 feet horizontally for every 1 foot it falls. The lemurfolk can't gain height with its gliding membranes alone. If subjected to a strong wind or lift of any kind, it can use the updraft to glide farther." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 250, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_greyfur/" }, { "slug": "jaculus-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Jaculus", "size": "Small", "type": "Dragon", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Neutral Evil", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 65, "hit_dice": "10d6 + 30", "speed": { "walk": 10, "fly": 20 }, "strength": 14, "dexterity": 18, "constitution": 17, "intelligence": 13, "wisdom": 13, "charisma": 13, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": 6, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 13, "skills": { "Acrobatics": 6, "Perception": 3, "Stealth": 6 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "acid, lightning", "damage_immunities": "False", "condition_immunities": "False", "senses": "blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13", "languages": "Common, Draconic", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The jaculus makes one Bite attack and two Claw attacks." }, { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage." }, { "name": "Claws", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Spearhead", "desc": "If the jaculus moves at least 10 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a Bite attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 4 (1d8) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone." }, { "name": "Standing Leap", "desc": "The jaculus's long jump is up to 20 feet and its high jump is up to 10 feet, with or without a running start." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 241, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_jaculus/" }, { "slug": "jbafofispider-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "J’ba Fofi Spider", "size": "Large", "type": "Beast", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Unaligned", "armor_class": 18, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 75, "hit_dice": "10d10 + 20", "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "strength": 17, "dexterity": 17, "constitution": 15, "intelligence": 4, "wisdom": 13, "charisma": 6, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 11, "skills": { "Stealth": 5 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "False", "condition_immunities": "False", "senses": "blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If the poison damage reduces the target to 0 hp, the target is stable but poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining hp, and is paralyzed while poisoned in this way." }, { "name": "Call Spiderlings (1/Day)", "desc": "The j'ba fofi releases pheromones and calls 1 swarm of spiders. The spiders arrive in 1d4 rounds, acting as allies of the j'ba fofi and obeying its pheromone commands. The spiders remain for 1 hour, until the j'ba fofi dies, or until the j'ba fofi dismisses them as a bonus action." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Camouflaged Webs", "desc": "With 10 minutes of work, the j'ba fofi can create a camouflaged web in a 10-foot cube. The web must be anchored between two solid mases or layered across a floor, wall, or ceiling. A camouflaged web layered over a flat surface has a depth of 5 feet. The web is camouflaged to match its surroundings, requiring a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check to notice them. Each creature that starts its turn in the camouflaged web or that enters it during the creature's turn must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or be restrained. A creature, including the restrained creature, can take its action to break the webbing and free the restrained creature by succeeding on a DC 13 Strength check. The webbing can also be attacked and destroyed (AC 10; hp 5; vulnerability to fire damage; immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage)." }, { "name": "Forest Camouflage", "desc": "The j'ba fofi has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in forested terrain." }, { "name": "Spider Climb", "desc": "The j'ba fofi can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check." }, { "name": "Spider Passivism", "desc": "No spider can willingly attack the j'ba fofi, unless attacked first. A spider can be forced to do so through magical means." }, { "name": "Web Sense", "desc": "While in contact with a web, the j'ba fofi knows the exact location of any other creature in contact with the same web." }, { "name": "Web Walker", "desc": "The j'ba fofi ignores movement restrictions caused by webbing." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 344, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_jba-fofi-spider/" }, { "slug": "kotbayun-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Kot Bayun", "size": "Medium", "type": "Monstrosity", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Neutral", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 66, "hit_dice": "12d8 + 12", "speed": { "walk": 20 }, "strength": 16, "dexterity": 16, "constitution": 13, "intelligence": 12, "wisdom": 16, "charisma": 17, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": 5, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 13, "skills": { "Stealth": 5 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "False", "condition_immunities": "False", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13", "languages": "Common, Sylvan", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The kot bayun can use its Slumbering Song. It then makes one Bite attack and two Claw attacks." }, { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage." }, { "name": "Claw", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage." }, { "name": "Invisibility", "desc": "The kot bayun magically turns invisible until it attacks or uses Slumbering Song, or until its concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell). Any equipment the kot bayun wears or carries is invisible with it." }, { "name": "Slumbering Song", "desc": "The kot bayun sings a magical song to one creature it can see within 60 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Charisma saving throw on fall unconscious for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If the kot bayun uses a bonus action on its subsequent turns to continue singing, the target has disadvantage on this saving throw. Otherwise, the effect ends for a target if the target takes damage while below half its hp maximum." }, { "name": "Healing Purr (2/Day)", "desc": "The kot bayun purrs at a creature it can see within 15 feet of it. The target magically regains 10 (3d6) hp and is freed from any disease, poison, blindness, or deafness." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 248, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_kot-bayun/" }, { "slug": "mahoru-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Mahoru", "size": "Large", "type": "Monstrosity", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Unaligned", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 105, "hit_dice": "14d10 + 28", "speed": { "walk": 60 }, "strength": 18, "dexterity": 19, "constitution": 14, "intelligence": 3, "wisdom": 12, "charisma": 7, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 13, "skills": { "Perception": 3, "Stealth": 6 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "False", "condition_immunities": "False", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (3d10 + 4) slashing damage. If the mahoru scores a critical hit, the target must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or the mahoru bites off one of the target's limbs. A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to slashing damage." }, { "name": "Roar", "desc": "The mahoru roars while above water or emits a loud, low thrum while underwater. Each creature within 30 feet of the mahoru that can hear the roar or thrum must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. A creature that fails the saving throw by 5 or more is also paralyzed until the end of its next turn. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the Roar of all mahoru for the next 24 hours." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Amphibious", "desc": "The mahoru can breathe air and water." }, { "name": "Blood Frenzy", "desc": "The mahoru has advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that doesn't have all of its hp." }, { "name": "Keen Sight and Smell", "desc": "The mahoru has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight or smell." }, { "name": "Pack Tactics", "desc": "The mahoru has advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the mahoru's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 260, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_mahoru/" }, { "slug": "mbielu-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Mbielu", "size": "Huge", "type": "Beast", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Unaligned", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 76, "hit_dice": "8d12 + 24", "speed": { "walk": 20 }, "strength": 19, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 16, "intelligence": 2, "wisdom": 12, "charisma": 6, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 13, "skills": { "Perception": 3 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "poison", "condition_immunities": "poisoned", "senses": "passive Perception 13", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Tail", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (3d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 2 (1d4) poison damage. If the target is a Large or smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone." }, { "name": "Rumbling Bellow (Recharge 5-6)", "desc": "The mbielu releases a deep bellow that vibrates within the bodies of those nearby. Each creature within 15 feet of the mbielu must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) thunder damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If a creature poisoned by the mbielu's Toxic Skin fails this saving throw, it is also incapacitated until the end of its next turn as the combined vibrations and hallucinations disorient it." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Hold Breath", "desc": "The mbielu can hold its breath for 30 minutes." }, { "name": "Toxic Skin", "desc": "A creature that touches the mbielu or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 2 (1d4) poison damage and must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned in this way, a creature has disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws as it experiences mild hallucinations. The poisoned creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 101, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_mbielu/" }, { "slug": "millitaur-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Millitaur", "size": "Large", "type": "Monstrosity", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Neutral", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 85, "hit_dice": "10d10 + 30", "speed": { "walk": 30, "burrow": 40 }, "strength": 17, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 16, "intelligence": 8, "wisdom": 16, "charisma": 10, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 13, "skills": { "Acrobatics": 4 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "poison, slashing", "damage_immunities": "False", "condition_immunities": "prone", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 30 ft., passive Perception 13", "languages": "Common, Millitaur", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The millitaur makes two Handaxe attacks." }, { "name": "Handaxe", "desc": "Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage plus 3 (1d6) poison damage." }, { "name": "Poisonous Flask (Recharge 5-6)", "desc": "The millitaur hastily combines alchemical substances into a poisonous concoction and throws it at a point the millitaur can see within 30 feet. Each creature within 15 feet of that point must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 14 (4d6) poison damage and is poisoned for 1 minute. On a success, a creature takes half the damage and isn't poisoned. A poisoned creature can make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." }, { "name": "Healing Tonic (2/Day)", "desc": "The millitaur administers a healing tonic to a willing creature within 5 feet of it. The target magically regains 7 (2d6) hp and is freed from any disease or poison." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 267, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_millitaur/" }, { "slug": "mindrotthrall-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Mindrot Thrall", "size": "Medium", "type": "Plant", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Neutral", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 82, "hit_dice": "11d8 + 33", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 15, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 17, "intelligence": 11, "wisdom": 14, "charisma": 6, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": 5, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 12, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "acid, poison", "condition_immunities": "charmed, frightened, poisoned", "senses": "tremorsense 30 ft., passive Perception 12", "languages": "understands Common but can’t speak", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The mindrot thrall makes two Claw attacks." }, { "name": "Claw", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage." }, { "name": "Spore Breath (Recharge 4-6)", "desc": "The thrall exhales a blast of acidic spores from its rotten lungs in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the area must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 18 (4d8) acid damage and is infected with the mindrot disease (see the Mindrot trait). On a success, a creature takes half the damage and isn't infected." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Fungal Aura", "desc": "A creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of a mindrot thrall must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become infected with the mindrot disease." }, { "name": "Mindrot", "desc": "A creature infected with this disease manifests symptoms in 1d4 days after infection, which include migraines and muscle weakness. Until the disease is cured, at the end of each long rest, the infected creature must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 9 (2d8) acid damage, and its hp maximum is reduced by that amount. This reduction lasts until the creature finishes a long rest after the disease is cured. The creature dies if the disease reduces its hp maximum to 0. One day after the creature dies, it rises as a mindrot thrall. A creature that succeeds on two saving throws recovers from the disease." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 270, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_mindrot-thrall/" }, { "slug": "mirager-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Mirager", "size": "Medium", "type": "Fey", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Neutral Evil", "armor_class": 13, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 78, "hit_dice": "12d8 + 24", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 12, "dexterity": 16, "constitution": 14, "intelligence": 10, "wisdom": 14, "charisma": 19, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 14, "skills": { "Deception": 6, "Performance": 8, "Perception": 4 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "False", "condition_immunities": "False", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14", "languages": "Common, Sylvan", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The mirager makes two Slam attacks. If both Slam attacks hit a Medium or smaller creature, the target is also grappled (escape DC 13). The mirager can grapple only one creature at a time." }, { "name": "Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage." }, { "name": "Thirsting Kiss", "desc": "Melee Spell Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one willing creature, or a creature that is grappled by the mirager, incapacitated, or restrained. Hit: 22 (4d8 + 4) necrotic damage, and the mirager gains temporary hp equal to half that amount." }, { "name": "Blow Kiss", "desc": "The mirager blows a kiss at a creature charmed by it. The target must make a DC 14 Charisma saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 17 (5d6) psychic damage and is stunned until the end of its next turn. On a success, a creature takes half the damage and the charmed condition immediately ends on it." }, { "name": "Illusory Appearance", "desc": "The mirager covers itself and anything it is wearing or carrying with a magical illusion that makes it look like another creature of its general size and Humanoid shape. The illusion ends if the mirager takes a bonus action to end it or if the mirager dies." }, { "name": "Spellcasting", "desc": "The mirager casts one of the following spells, requiring no material components and using Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 14):\n3/day: charm person\n1/day each: hallucinatory terrain (as an action), suggestion" } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Sand Dancer", "desc": "While in sandy terrain, the mirager takes the Dash or Disengage action." } ], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Sensuous Grace", "desc": "The mirager moves with a flowing grace that Humanoids find appealing. If the mirager moves at least 10 feet on its turn, each Humanoid within 30 feet of it that can see it must succeed on a DC 14 Charisma saving throw or be charmed until the end of its next turn." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 271, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_mirager/" }, { "slug": "monolithfootman-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Monolith Footman", "size": "Large", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Neutral", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 60, "hit_dice": "8d10 + 16", "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "strength": 15, "dexterity": 12, "constitution": 14, "intelligence": 10, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 10, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 10, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks not made with adamantine weapons", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10", "languages": "Elvish, Umbral", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The footman makes two Shortsword attacks." }, { "name": "Shortsword", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage plus 4 (1d8) cold damage or fire damage (the footman's choice). If the target is within a fey court or castle, the target must succeed on a DC 12 Charisma saving throw or become invisible, silent, and paralyzed for 1 minute, while an illusory version of the target under the footman's control remains visible and audible. The illusion shouts to the target's allies for a retreat or similar action. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself and destroying the illusory double on a success." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Coldfire Weapons", "desc": "The monolith footman's weapon attacks are imbued with blue fey fire and magical. When the footman hits with any weapon, the weapon deals an extra 1d8 cold damage or fire damage (included in the attack), the champion's choice." }, { "name": "Construct Nature", "desc": "The monolith footman doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep." }, { "name": "Simple Construction", "desc": "A critical hit against the footman causes it to burst into pieces and be destroyed. Each creature within 5 feet of the footman must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take 5 (2d4) bludgeoning damage." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 275, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_monolith-footman/" }, { "slug": "nightscorpion-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Night Scorpion", "size": "Large", "type": "Beast", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Unaligned", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 90, "hit_dice": "12d10 + 24", "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "strength": 15, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 14, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 9, "charisma": 3, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 9, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "False", "condition_immunities": "False", "senses": "blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 9", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The scorpion makes two Claw attacks and one Sting attack." }, { "name": "Claw", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 12). The scorpion has two claws, each of which can grapple only one target." }, { "name": "Sting", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the target takes 7 (2d6) poison damage and is blinded for 1 hour. On a success, a creature takes half the damage and isn't blinded. If the target fails the saving throw by 5 or more, it is also poisoned for 1 minute, and it is paralyzed while poisoned in this way. A poisoned creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 320, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_night-scorpion/" }, { "slug": "pombero-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Pombero", "size": "Medium", "type": "Fey", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 90, "hit_dice": "12d8 + 36", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 17, "dexterity": 16, "constitution": 16, "intelligence": 8, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 14, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 10, "skills": { "Athletics": 5, "Sleight of Hand": 5, "Stealth": 5 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "False", "condition_immunities": "False", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10", "languages": "Sylvan", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The pombero makes two Slam attacks. It can replace one attack with a use of Charming Touch, if available." }, { "name": "Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage." }, { "name": "Charming Touch (Recharge 5-6)", "desc": "One creature the pombero can see within 5 feet of it must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed for 10 minutes. If the target suffers any harm, the effect ends. Otherwise, the target can repeat the saving throw at the end of every minute, ending the effect on itself on a success. The pombero can have only one creature charmed at a time. If it charms another, the effect on the previous creature ends." }, { "name": "Invisibility", "desc": "The pombero magically turns invisible until it attacks or uses Charming Touch, or until its concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell). Any equipment the pombero wears or carries is invisible with it." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Contortionist", "desc": "The pombero can contort its body into unnatural positions, allowing it to easily move through any opening large enough for a Tiny creature. The pombero's destination must still have suitable room to accommodate its volume." }, { "name": "Forest Camouflage", "desc": "The pombero has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in forested terrain." }, { "name": "Speak with Beasts", "desc": "The pombero can communicate with Beasts as if they shared a language." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 294, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_pombero/" }, { "slug": "ravenfolkwarrior-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Ravenfolk Warrior", "size": "Medium", "type": "Humanoid", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Neutral", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "studded leather armor", "hit_points": 78, "hit_dice": "12d8 + 24", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 12, "dexterity": 16, "constitution": 14, "intelligence": 10, "wisdom": 15, "charisma": 10, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": 5, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": 4, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 14, "skills": { "Deception": 2, "Perception": 4, "Stealth": 5 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "False", "condition_immunities": "False", "senses": "darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 14", "languages": "Common, Feather Speech, Ravenfolk", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The ravenfolk warrior makes one Peck attack and one Runespear attack, or it makes two Longbow attacks. It can replace one attack with a use of Ghost Wings." }, { "name": "Peck", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) radiant damage." }, { "name": "Runespear", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) radiant damage." }, { "name": "Longbow", "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) radiant damage." }, { "name": "Ghost Wings", "desc": "The ravenfolk warrior furiously “beats” a set of phantasmal wings. Each creature within 5 feet of the ravenfolk must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or be blinded until the start of its next turn." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [ { "name": "Odin's Call (Recharge 6)", "desc": "When the ravenfolk warrior takes damage while below half its hp maximum, it moves up to half its speed without provoking opportunity attacks." } ], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Mimicry", "desc": "The ravenfolk warrior can mimic animal sounds and Humanoid voices. A creature that hears the sounds can tell they are imitations with a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) check." }, { "name": "Rune-Powered Weapons", "desc": "The ravenfolk's weapon attacks are magical. When the ravenfolk hits with any weapon, the weapon deals an extra 1d8 radiant damage (included in the attack)." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 304, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_ravenfolk-warrior/" }, { "slug": "seadragonwyrmling-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Sea Dragon Wyrmling", "size": "Medium", "type": "Dragon", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Neutral Evil", "armor_class": 17, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 52, "hit_dice": "8d8 + 16", "speed": { "walk": 40, "fly": 30 }, "strength": 17, "dexterity": 10, "constitution": 15, "intelligence": 13, "wisdom": 11, "charisma": 15, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": 2, "constitution_save": 4, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": 2, "charisma_save": 4, "perception": 14, "skills": { "Perception": 4, "Stealth": 2 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "cold", "condition_immunities": "False", "senses": "blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14", "languages": "Common, Draconic, Primordial", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) cold damage." }, { "name": "Tidal Breath (Recharge 5-6)", "desc": "The dragon exhales a crushing wave of frigid seawater in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage and 11 (2d10) cold damage and is pushed up to 5 feet away from the dragon and knocked prone. On a success, the creature takes half the damage and isn't pushed or knocked prone." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Amphibious", "desc": "The dragon can breathe air and water." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 127, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_sea-dragon-wyrmling/" }, { "slug": "spirewalker-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Spire Walker", "size": "Tiny", "type": "Fey", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", "armor_class": 16, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 49, "hit_dice": "11d4 + 22", "speed": { "walk": 20 }, "strength": 3, "dexterity": 18, "constitution": 14, "intelligence": 11, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 16, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": 6, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 10, "skills": { "Acrobatics": 6 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "piercing from nonmagical attacks", "damage_immunities": "lightning, thunder", "condition_immunities": "False", "senses": "passive Perception 10", "languages": "Common, Sylvan", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Lightning Burst", "desc": "Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (4d6 + 3) lightning damage, and each creature, other than the target, within 10 feet of the target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." }, { "name": "Invisibility", "desc": "The spire walker magically turns invisible until it attacks or until its concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell). Any equipment the spire walker wears or carries is invisible with it." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Steeple Step", "desc": "The spire walker teleports, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space it can see. The destination must be on the steeple of a building, mast of a ship, corner of a rooftop, or similar narrow point or feature." } ], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Energized Body", "desc": "A creature wearing metal or wielding a metal weapon that touches the spire walker or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 3 (1d6) lightning damage." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 347, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_spire-walker/" }, { "slug": "strife-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Strife", "size": "Small", "type": "Fey", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 60, "hit_dice": "11d6 + 22", "speed": { "walk": 40, "fly": 40 }, "strength": 8, "dexterity": 20, "constitution": 14, "intelligence": 13, "wisdom": 14, "charisma": 16, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 12, "skills": { "Deception": 7, "Stealth": 9 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "False", "condition_immunities": "False", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12", "languages": "Common, Sylvan", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The strife can use its Sow Discord. It then makes two Claw attacks." }, { "name": "Claw", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) slashing damage." }, { "name": "Sow Discord", "desc": "The strife attempts to sow discord in up to two creatures it can see within 30 feet of it. Each target must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 7 (2d6) psychic damage and distrusts its allies until the start of the strife's next turn. On a success, a creature takes half the damage and doesn't distrust its allies. A creature that distrusts its allies can't give or receive aid from its allies, including spells, class features like Sneak Attack, and the Help action." }, { "name": "Invisibility", "desc": "The strife magically turns invisible until it attacks or until its concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell). Any equipment the strife wears or carries is invisible with it." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [ { "name": "Induce Doubt", "desc": "If a creature misses the strife with an attack, the strife can cause the attacker to doubt itself. The attacker must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or each time it makes an attack roll or saving throw before the end of its next turn, it must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled from the attack roll or saving throw." }, { "name": "Familiar", "desc": "The stryx can serve another creature as a familiar, forming a magic, telepathic bond with that willing companion. While the two are bonded, the companion can sense what the stryx senses as long as they are within 1 mile of each other. While the stryx is within 10 feet of its companion, the companion shares the stryx's Keen Hearing and Sight trait. At any time and for any reason, the stryx can end its service as a familiar, ending the telepathic bond." } ], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Mimicry", "desc": "The strife can mimic Humanoid voices. A creature that hears the sounds can tell they are imitations with a successful DC 17 Wisdom (Insight) check." }, { "name": "Delight", "desc": "When a creature within 30 feet of the strife takes psychic damage, the strife gains 5 temporary hp or gains advantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn (the strife's choice)." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 349, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_strife/" }, { "slug": "stygianfat-tailedscorpion-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Stygian Fat-Tailed Scorpion", "size": "Tiny", "type": "Beast", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Unaligned", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 63, "hit_dice": "14d4 + 28", "speed": { "walk": 20 }, "strength": 3, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 15, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 2, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 10, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "False", "condition_immunities": "False", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The Stygian fat-tailed scorpion makes two Claw attacks and one Sting attack." }, { "name": "Claw", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage." }, { "name": "Sting", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage plus 14 (4d6) poison damage. The target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until it finishes a short or long rest. Each time the poisoned creature takes poison damage, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or suffer one level of exhaustion." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 320, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_stygian-fat-tailed-scorpion/" }, { "slug": "swarmofprismaticbeetles-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Swarm of Prismatic Beetles", "size": "Medium", "type": "Swarm", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Unaligned", "armor_class": 13, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 60, "hit_dice": "11d8 + 11", "speed": { "walk": 30, "fly": 5, "burrow": 20 }, "strength": 3, "dexterity": 16, "constitution": 12, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 13, "charisma": 2, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 13, "skills": { "Perception": 3, "Stealth": 5 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "bludgeoning, piercing, slashing", "damage_immunities": "False", "condition_immunities": "charmed, frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned", "senses": "blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 13", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Bites", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 0 ft., one creature in the swarm's space. Hit: 14 (4d6) piercing damage, or 7 (2d6) piercing damage if the swarm has half of its hp or fewer. The target must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 10 (4d4) poison damage and is euphoric for 1 minute. On a success, a creature takes half the damage and isn't euphoric. A euphoric creature has disadvantage on saving throws. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Glittering Carapace", "desc": "When a creature that can see the swarm starts its turn within 30 feet of the swarm and the swarm is in bright or dim light, the swarm can force the creature to make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw if the swarm isn't incapacitated and can see the creature. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature falls unconscious. Otherwise, a creature that fails the save is incapacitated and its speed is reduced to 0 until the start of its next turn, as it remains transfixed in place by the glitter of the swarm. A creature has advantage on the saving throw if the swarm is in dim light." }, { "name": "Swarm", "desc": "The swarm can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny insect. The swarm can't regain hp or gain temporary hp." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 356, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_swarm-of-prismatic-beetles/" }, { "slug": "swarmofsluaghs-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Swarm of Sluaghs", "size": "Medium", "type": "Swarm", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", "armor_class": 13, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 54, "hit_dice": "12d8", "speed": { "walk": 50, "fly": 30 }, "strength": 6, "dexterity": 16, "constitution": 11, "intelligence": 6, "wisdom": 13, "charisma": 10, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 11, "skills": { "Stealth": 5 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "fire", "damage_resistances": "bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing", "damage_immunities": "cold", "condition_immunities": "charmed, frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11", "languages": "Common, Sylvan", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Chilling Touch", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 0 ft., one creature in the swarm's space. Hit: 28 (8d6) cold damage, or 14 (4d6) cold damage if the swarm has half of its hp or fewer. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be unable to regain hp for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Shadow Stealth", "desc": "While in dim light or darkness, the swarm of sluaghs takes the Hide action." } ], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Sunlight Weakness", "desc": "While in sunlight, the swarm of sluaghs has disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws." }, { "name": "Swarm", "desc": "The swarm can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny fey. The swarm can't regain hp or gain temporary hp." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 357, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_swarm-of-sluaghs/" }, { "slug": "swarmofwharflings-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Swarm of Wharflings", "size": "Large", "type": "Swarm", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Unaligned", "armor_class": 13, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 66, "hit_dice": "12d10", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 10, "dexterity": 16, "constitution": 10, "intelligence": 2, "wisdom": 12, "charisma": 8, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 13, "skills": { "Perception": 3, "Sleight of Hand": 5 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "bludgeoning, piercing, slashing", "damage_immunities": "False", "condition_immunities": "charmed, frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Pilfering Bites", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 0 ft., one creature in the swarm's space. Hit: 28 (8d6) piercing damage, or 14 (4d6) piercing damage if the swarm has half of its hp or fewer, and the target must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or lose one item it is wearing or carrying to the swarm, provided the item weighs no more than 10 pounds, isn't a weapon, and isn't wrapped around or firmly attached to the target, such as a shirt or armor." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Amphibious", "desc": "The swarm of wharflings can breathe air and water." }, { "name": "Snapping Jaws", "desc": "A creature that attempts to move out of or through the swarm of wharflings must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 7 (2d6) piercing damage." }, { "name": "Swarm", "desc": "The swarm can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny wharfling. The swarm can't regain hp or gain temporary hp." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 395, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_swarm-of-wharflings/" }, { "slug": "thursir-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Thursir", "size": "Large", "type": "Giant", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Neutral Evil (50%) or Lawful Evil (50%)", "armor_class": 13, "armor_desc": "chain shirt", "hit_points": 114, "hit_dice": "12d10 + 48", "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "strength": 19, "dexterity": 10, "constitution": 18, "intelligence": 13, "wisdom": 15, "charisma": 11, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": 6, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 14, "skills": { "Athletics": 6, "Perception": 4 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "False", "condition_immunities": "False", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14", "languages": "Common, Dwarvish, Giant", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Warhammer", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage, or 15 (2d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack." }, { "name": "Rock", "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Runic Blood (3/Day)", "desc": "The thursir touches a weapon, painting the thurs rune on the weapon in the thursir's blood. When the thursir hits with the weapon while the rune is active, the weapon deals an extra 9 (2d8) lightning damage, and the target can't take reactions until the start of its next turn. The rune lasts for 1 minute." } ], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Cast Iron Stomach", "desc": "The thursir has advantage on saving throws against being poisoned." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 210, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_thursir/" }, { "slug": "tosculiwarrior-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Tosculi Warrior", "size": "Small", "type": "Humanoid", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Lawful Evil", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 58, "hit_dice": "9d6 + 27", "speed": { "walk": 60, "fly": 20 }, "strength": 12, "dexterity": 20, "constitution": 16, "intelligence": 10, "wisdom": 12, "charisma": 12, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 11, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "False", "condition_immunities": "False", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11", "languages": "Tosculi", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The tosculi warrior makes one Claw attack and one Stinger attack." }, { "name": "Claw", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d4 + 5) slashing damage." }, { "name": "Stinger", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 10 (2d4 + 5) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned in this way, the target is also paralyzed. A poisoned target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." }, { "name": "Prepare Host", "desc": "The tosculi extends the paralysis on a creature within 5 feet of it that was paralyzed by a tosculi's Stinger attack. The paralyzed target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 8 hours and no longer makes saving throws to end the paralysis. The paralysis ends if the target takes damage while below half its hp maximum. Otherwise, a spell or effect that cures disease ends this paralysis." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Crowd Tactics", "desc": "The tosculi can share its space with up to one other tosculi. While sharing its space with one other tosculi, it has advantage on attack rolls against a creature if the other tosculi in its space isn't incapacitated." }, { "name": "Hive Sense", "desc": "The tosculi can pinpoint the location of its hive queen when she is within 300 feet of it, and it can sense the general direction and distance to the hive where its queen makes her home." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 367, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_tosculi-warrior/" }, { "slug": "venomousmummy-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Venomous Mummy", "size": "Medium", "type": "Undead", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Lawful Evil", "armor_class": 11, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 58, "hit_dice": "9d8 + 18", "speed": { "walk": 20 }, "strength": 16, "dexterity": 8, "constitution": 15, "intelligence": 7, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 14, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": 2, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 10, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "fire", "damage_resistances": "bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks", "damage_immunities": "necrotic, poison", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10", "languages": "the languages it knew in life", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Venomous Fist", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage plus 10 (3d6) poison damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed. Every 24 hours that elapse, the cursed target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 7 (2d6) poison damage, and its hp maximum is reduced by that amount. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest after the curse is removed. The target dies if this effect reduces its hp maximum to 0. The curse lasts until removed by the remove curse spell or similar magic." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Toxic Smoke", "desc": "If the venomous mummy takes fire damage, each creature within 10 feet of it must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw as its venom-soaked wraps emit a poisonous smoke. On a failure, a creature takes 7 (2d6) poison damage and is poisoned until the end of its next turn. On a success, a creature takes half the damage and isn't poisoned. The smoke fills a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on the mummy. The sphere spreads around corners, and its area is lightly obscured. It lasts until the end of the mummy's next turn. A creature that enters the cloud for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there is poisoned until the end of its next turn." }, { "name": "Venom-Soaked Wraps", "desc": "A creature that touches the mummy or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 3 (1d6) poison damage." }, { "name": "Undead Nature", "desc": "The venomous mummy doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 279, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_venomous-mummy/" }, { "slug": "wolfreaverdwarf-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Wolf Reaver Dwarf", "size": "Medium", "type": "Humanoid", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Any Chaotic Alignment", "armor_class": 16, "armor_desc": "chain shirt, shield", "hit_points": 76, "hit_dice": "9d8 + 36", "speed": { "walk": 25 }, "strength": 18, "dexterity": 12, "constitution": 19, "intelligence": 9, "wisdom": 11, "charisma": 9, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 10, "skills": { "Athletics": 6, "Intimidation": 3 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "False", "condition_immunities": "False", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10", "languages": "Common, Dwarvish", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The wolf reaver dwarf makes one Battleaxe attack and two Spear attacks, or it makes three Handaxe attacks." }, { "name": "Battleaxe", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage, or 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage if used with two hands." }, { "name": "Handaxe", "desc": "Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage." }, { "name": "Spear", "desc": "Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage, or 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Danger Sense", "desc": "While conscious, the wolf reaver dwarf has advantage on Dexterity saving throws." }, { "name": "Dwarven Resilience", "desc": "The wolf reaver dwarf has advantage on saving throws against poison." }, { "name": "Pack Tactics", "desc": "The wolf reaver dwarf has advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the dwarf's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated." }, { "name": "Reckless", "desc": "At the start of its turn, the wolf reaver dwarf can gain advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls during that turn, but attack rolls against it have advantage until the start of its next turn." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 412, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_wolf-reaver-dwarf/" }, { "slug": "alseid-grovekeeper", "desc": "", "name": "Alseid Grovekeeper", "size": "Medium", "type": "Monstrosity", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "chaotic neutral", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "studded leather Armor", "hit_points": 71, "hit_dice": "13d8+13", "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "strength": 13, "dexterity": 17, "constitution": 12, "intelligence": 8, "wisdom": 16, "charisma": 8, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 5, "skills": { "nature": 3, "perception": 5, "stealth": 5, "survival": 5 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15", "languages": "Common, Elvish, Sylvan", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Quarterstaff", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit (+5 with shillelagh), reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage or 5 (1d8 + 1) bludgeoning damage if used in two hands, or 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage with shillelagh.", "attack_bonus": 3, "damage_dice": "1d6+1" }, { "name": "Shortbow", "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.", "attack_bonus": 5, "damage_dice": "1d6+3" } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Spellcasting", "desc": "the grovekeeper is a 5th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). It has the following druid spells prepared:\n\ncantrips (at will): druidcraft, guidance, produce flame, shillelagh\n\n1st (4 slots): animal friendship, cure wounds, faerie fire\n\n2nd (3 slots): animal messenger, heat metal, lesser restoration\n\n3rd (2 slots): call lightning, dispel magic" }, { "name": "Woodfriend", "desc": "When in a forest, alseid leave no tracks and automatically discern true north." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 15, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob_alseid-grovekeeper/" }, { "slug": "amphiptere", "desc": "_The amphiptere is most commonly found as a flight of gold-crested, bat-winged serpents bursting from the foliage._ \n**Tiny Wyverns.** An amphiptere has batlike wings and a stinger similar to a wyvern’s at the end of its tail. Their reptilian bodies are scaly, but their wings sprout greenish-yellow feathers. \n**Swooping and Swift.** They are surprisingly maneuverable in spite of their size, able to change direction suddenly and make deadly hit-and-run strikes. They swoop in and out of combat, snapping at targets with their needlelike teeth and striking with their envenomed stingers. Once a foe is poisoned and injured, they hover closer in a tightly packed, flapping mass of fangs, battering wings, and jabbing stingers. \n**Strength in Flocks.** Despite their fighting ability, amphipteres are not particularly brave. Most often, they tend to lurk in small flocks in dense foliage, where they can burst forth in a flurry of wings when prey comes within view. They display surprising cunning and tenacity in large groups; they may harass foes for minutes or hours before closing in for the kill.", "name": "Amphiptere", "size": "Medium", "type": "Beast", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 60, "hit_dice": "8d8+24", "speed": { "walk": 20, "climb": 20, "fly": 60, "swim": 20 }, "strength": 11, "dexterity": 18, "constitution": 17, "intelligence": 2, "wisdom": 16, "charisma": 6, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 5, "skills": { "perception": 5 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "blindsight 10 ft., passive Perception 15", "languages": "-", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The amphiptere makes one bite attack and one stinger attack." }, { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.", "attack_bonus": 6, "damage_dice": "1d6" }, { "name": "Stinger", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) poison damage, and the target must make a successful DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour.", "attack_bonus": 6, "damage_dice": "1d6" } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Flyby", "desc": "The amphiptere doesn't provoke an opportunity attack when it flies out of an enemy's reach." }, { "name": "Swarming", "desc": "Up to two amphipteres can share the same space at the same time. The amphiptere has advantage on melee attack rolls if it is sharing its space with another amphiptere that isn't incapacitated." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 16, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob_amphiptere/" }, { "slug": "arboreal-grappler", "desc": "_Long, simian arms snake through the trees like furred serpents, dangling from a shaggy, striped ape in the leafy canopy above and trying to snare those below._ \nAn arboreal grappler is a malformed creation of the gods, a primate whose legs warped into long, muscular tentacles covered in shaggy, red fur. \n**Carry Prey to the Heights.** Arboreal grapplers use their long limbs to snatch prey and drag it behind them as they use their powerful forelimbs to ascend to the highest canopy. Their victims are constricted until their struggles cease and then are devoured. Their flexible tentacles are ill-suited for terrestrial movement; they must drag themselves clumsily across open ground too wide to swing across. \n**Clans in the Canopy.** Arboreal grappler tribes build family nests decorated with bones and prized relics of past hunts. These nests are built high in the jungle canopy, typically 80 feet or more above the ground. Clans of 40 or more spread across crude villages atop the trees; in such large settlements, a third of the population are juveniles. These nests are difficult to spot from the ground; a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check is required. A creature observing an arboreal grappler as it climbs into or out of a nest has advantage on the check. \n**Carnivorous Elf Hunters.** Grapplers are carnivorous and prefer humanoid flesh, elves in particular. Some suggest this arises from hatred as much as from hunger, a cruel combination of fascination and revulsion for the walking limbs of humanoid creatures.", "name": "Arboreal Grappler", "size": "Medium", "type": "Aberration", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "neutral evil", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 90, "hit_dice": "12d8+36", "speed": { "walk": 10, "climb": 40 }, "strength": 16, "dexterity": 16, "constitution": 16, "intelligence": 6, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 6, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": { "acrobatics": 5, "stealth": 5 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10", "languages": "-", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The arboreal grappler makes one bite attack and two tentacle attacks." }, { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.", "attack_bonus": 5, "damage_dice": "1d6" }, { "name": "Tentacle", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 13). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and the tentacle can't be used to attack a different target. The arboreal grappler has two tentacles, each of which can grapple one target. When the arboreal grappler moves, it can drag a Medium or smaller target it is grappling at full speed.", "attack_bonus": 5, "damage_dice": "2d6" } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Spider Climb", "desc": "The arboreal grappler can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check." }, { "name": "Boscage Brachiation", "desc": "The arboreal grappler doesn't provoke opportunity attacks when it moves out of an enemy's reach by climbing." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 25, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob_arboreal-grappler/" }, { "slug": "bagiennik", "desc": "_With webbed claws, bulbous eyes, and two nostril-slits that ooze an oily black substance, the creature is not quite hideous—but it might be, if most of it wasn’t concealed by a thick coating of muck and mud._ \n**Bathing Uglies.** When a bagiennik is alone, it spends its time bathing in local springs, rivers, and marshes. The creature sifts through the muck and silt, extracting substances that enhance its oily secretions. If anything disturbs the creature during its languorous bathing sessions, it angrily retaliates. Once a bagiennik has bathed for four hours it seeks a target for mischief or charity. \n**Unpredictable Moods.** One never knows what to expect with a bagiennik. The same creature might aid an injured traveler one day, smear that person with corrosive, acidic oil the next day, and then extend tender care to the burned victim of its own psychotic behavior. If the creature feels beneficent, it heals injured animals or even diseased or injured villagers. If a bagiennik visits a settlement, the ill and infirm approach it cautiously while everyone else hides to avoid provoking its wrath. When a bagiennik leaves its bath in an angry mood, it raves and seeks out animals or humanoids to spray its oil onto. If a victim drops to 0 hit points, the foul-tempered bagiennik applies healing oil to stabilize them, grumbling all the while. \n**Acid Oils.** Collecting a dead bagiennik’s black oils must be done within an hour of the creature’s death. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check yields one vial of acid, or two vials if the result was 20 or higher. A bagiennik can use these chemicals either to heal or to harm, but no alchemist or healer has figured out how to reproduce the healing effects. Other than their acidic effect, the secretions lose all potency within moments of being removed from a bagiennik. A bagiennik weighs 250 lb., plus a coating of 20 to 50 lb. of mud and muck.", "name": "Bagiennik", "size": "Medium", "type": "Aberration", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "chaotic neutral", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 75, "hit_dice": "10d8+30", "speed": { "walk": 30, "swim": 40 }, "strength": 16, "dexterity": 18, "constitution": 16, "intelligence": 9, "wisdom": 16, "charisma": 11, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 5, "skills": { "perception": 5 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15", "languages": "Common", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The bagiennik makes two claw attacks." }, { "name": "Claw", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (4d6 + 4) slashing damage.", "attack_bonus": 6, "damage_dice": "4d6" }, { "name": "Acid Spray", "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 15 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d10 + 3) acid damage. The target must make a successful DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone in the slick oil, which covers an area 5 feet square. A creature that enters the oily area or ends its turn there must also make the Dexterity saving throw to avoid falling prone. A creature needs to make only one saving throw per 5-foot-square per turn, even if it enters and ends its turn in the area. The slippery effect lasts for 3 rounds.", "attack_bonus": 6, "damage_dice": "2d10" } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Healing Oil", "desc": "A bagiennik can automatically stabilize a dying creature by using an action to smear some of its oily secretion on the dying creature's flesh. A similar application on an already-stable creature or one with 1 or more hit points acts as a potion of healing, restoring 2d4 + 2 hit points. Alternatively, the bagiennik's secretion can have the effect of a lesser restoration spell. However, any creature receiving a bagiennik's Healing Oil must make a successful DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be slowed for 1 minute." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 31, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob_bagiennik/" }, { "slug": "bearfolk", "desc": "_Although it has the head of a shaggy bear, this humanoid creature wears armor and carries a battleaxe in one massive, clawed hand and a warhammer in the other. It’s a solid slab of muscle that towers imposingly over most humans._ \nThe hulking bearfolk are intimidating creatures. Brutish and powerful, they combine features of humanoid beings and bears. Their heads are ursine with heavy jaws and sharp teeth. Dark fur covers their bodies, which are packed with muscle. Adult bearfolk stand at least 7 feet tall and weigh more than 600 pounds. \n**Passionate and Volatile.** Boisterous and jovial, the bearfolk are a people of extremes. They celebrate with great passion and are quick to explosive anger. Settling differences with wrestling matches that leave permanent scars is common, as is seeing two bloodied bearfolk sharing a cask of mead and a raucous song after such a scuffle.", "name": "Bearfolk", "size": "Medium", "type": "Humanoid", "subtype": "bearfolk", "group": null, "alignment": "chaotic good", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "hide armor", "hit_points": 45, "hit_dice": "6d8+18", "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "strength": 19, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 16, "intelligence": 8, "wisdom": 12, "charisma": 9, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11", "languages": "Common, Giant", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The bearfolk makes three attacks: one with its battleaxe, one with its warhammer, and one with its bite." }, { "name": "Battleaxe", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage, or 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage if used two-handed.", "attack_bonus": 6, "damage_dice": "1d8" }, { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.", "attack_bonus": 6, "damage_dice": "2d6" }, { "name": "Warhammer", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage, or 9 (1d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage if used two-handed.", "attack_bonus": 6, "damage_dice": "1d8" } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Frenzy (1/rest)", "desc": "As a bonus action, the bearfolk can trigger a berserk frenzy that lasts 1 minute. While in frenzy, it gains resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage and has advantage on attack rolls. Attack rolls made against a frenzied bearfolk have advantage." }, { "name": "Keen Smell", "desc": "The bearfolk has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 33, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob_bearfolk/" }, { "slug": "cactid", "desc": "_Rootlike tendrils explode from the sand at the base of this tall cactus bristling with needles. It uses its tendrils to reach for prey._ \n**Needled Sentients.** Cactids are semi-sentient cacti that grow in a myriad of shapes and sizes, from ground-hugging barrels and spheroid clumps that pin their victims to the ground to towering saguaros with clublike arms that yank victims off their feet. Most cactids are green or brown with distinct ribs; all are lined with countless needles. \n**Drain Fluids.** In addition to gathering water, a cactid's tendril-roots can snag nearby creatures and pull them into a deadly embrace. Once a creature is pinned, the cactid’s spines siphon off the victim’s bodily fluids, until little but a dried husk remains. Many cactids are adorned with bright flowers or succulent fruit to lure prey into reach. Some scatter shiny objects within reach to attract sentient creatures. For those traveling the desert, however, a cactid’s greatest treasure is the water stored within its flesh. A slain cactid’s body yields four gallons of water with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check. Failure indicates that only one gallon is recovered. \n**Slow Packs.** Cactids were created by a nomadic sect of druids, but their original purpose is lost. They have limited mobility, so they often congregate in stands or to travel together in a pack to better hunting grounds.", "name": "Cactid", "size": "Large", "type": "Plant", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 76, "hit_dice": "8d10+32", "speed": { "walk": 5 }, "strength": 16, "dexterity": 8, "constitution": 18, "intelligence": 7, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 9, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "fire", "damage_resistances": "bludgeoning, piercing", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "blinded, deafened", "senses": "blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 10", "languages": "understands Sylvan, but can't speak", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The cactid makes two attacks with its tendrils and uses Reel." }, { "name": "Tendril", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 15 ft., one creature. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage plus 3 (1d6) piercing damage, and a Medium or smaller target is grappled (escape DC 13). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained. If the target is neither undead nor a construct, the cactid drains the target's body fluids; at the start of each of the target's turns, the target must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature's hit point maximum is reduced by 3 (1d6). If a creature's hit point maximum is reduced to 0 by this effect, the creature dies. This reduction lasts until the creature finishes a long rest and drinks abundant water or until it receives a greater restoration spell or comparable magic. The cactid has two tendrils, each of which can grapple one target at a time.", "attack_bonus": 5, "damage_dice": "2d6" }, { "name": "Reel", "desc": "Each creature grappled by the cactid is pulled up to 5 feet straight toward the cactid." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Hail of Needles (1/Day)", "desc": "When reduced below 10 hp (even below 0 hp), the cactid releases a hail of needles as a reaction. All creatures within 15 feet take 21 (6d6) piercing damage, or half damage with a successful DC 14 Dexterity saving throw." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 50, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob_cactid/" }, { "slug": "clockwork-beetle-swarm", "desc": "_Light glints off the moving parts of almost a thousand clockwork beetles in a biting cloud._ \n**Freed But Foolish.** Clockwork beetle swarms form when several of the creatures break free of their creators and bond together in a noisy mass of clattering mechanical parts. Severed from the bond of their creators, the beetle swarm lacks the telepathy of singular clockwork beetles and has a reduced mental capacity.", "name": "Clockwork Beetle Swarm", "size": "Large", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "Swarm", "group": null, "alignment": "neutral", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 52, "hit_dice": "8d10+8", "speed": { "walk": 30, "fly": 50 }, "strength": 8, "dexterity": 16, "constitution": 12, "intelligence": 4, "wisdom": 12, "charisma": 7, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing", "damage_immunities": "fire, poison, psychic", "condition_immunities": "charmed, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11", "languages": "-", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Bites", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 0 ft., up to 4 creatures in the swarm's space. Hit: 17 (5d6) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) poison damage.", "attack_bonus": 5, "damage_dice": "5d6" } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Swarm", "desc": "The swarm can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny construct. The swarm can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit points." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 61, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob_clockwork-beetle-swarm/" }, { "slug": "clockwork-huntsman", "desc": "_A clockwork huntsman is mechanical soldier clad in flat-black armor, and beneath its breastplate, gears tick and whir._ \n**Slave Hunters.** These metal huntsmen were once the province of corrupt aristocrats, running down escaped slaves and tracking prey in hunting expeditions. Their masters may vary, but the clockwork huntsmen still perform when called upon. In some places they operate only on the command of the secret police, hunting down persons of interest wanted for questioning. \nHuntsmen may operate alone, but usually they seek their quarry as a small group of two or three. Because they are unsleeping and tireless, few can hide from them for long without magical assistance. \n**Despised Machines.** Clockwork huntsmen are painted matte black with mithral trim, and occasionally outfitted with armor or a black steel blade for added intimidation. Common folk detest them; all but their keepers and commanders shun them. \n**Obedient to Orders.** Bound with specific instructions, clockwork huntsmen patrol, stand sentry, or remain unmoving as ordered, always paying attention, always alert to their surroundings. Clockwork huntsmen are unrelenting and single-minded in their missions, focusing on particular targets—priests, spellcasters, or heavily armored intruders, as directed. Oblivious to injury, clockwork huntsmen attack until destroyed or ordered to stand down. \nClockwork huntsmen stand nearly six feet tall and weigh 400 lb. \n**Constructed Nature.** A clockwork huntsman doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep.", "name": "Clockwork Huntsman", "size": "Medium", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 110, "hit_dice": "20d8+20", "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "strength": 17, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 12, "intelligence": 4, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": 5, "dexterity_save": 4, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 4, "skills": { "perception": 4, "survival": 4 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14", "languages": "understands Common", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Longsword", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage.", "attack_bonus": 5, "damage_dice": "1d8" }, { "name": "Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage.", "attack_bonus": 5, "damage_dice": "1d6" }, { "name": "Net Cannon", "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 5/15 ft., one target, size Large or smaller. Hit: the target is restrained. A mechanism within the clockwork huntsman's chest can fire a net with a 20-foot trailing cable anchored within the huntsman's chest. A creature can free itself (or another creature) from the net by using its action to make a successful DC 10 Strength check or by dealing 5 slashing damage to the net. The huntsman can fire up to four nets before it must be reloaded.", "attack_bonus": 4, "damage_dice": "0" }, { "name": "Explosive Core", "desc": "The mechanism that powers the huntsman explodes when the construct is destroyed, projecting superheated steam and shrapnel. Every creature within 5 ft. of the construct takes 10 (3d6) fire damage, or half damage with a successful DC 13 Dexterity saving throw." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Immutable Form", "desc": "The clockwork huntsman is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form." }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "The clockwork huntsman has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 63, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob_clockwork-huntsman/" }, { "slug": "duskthorn-dryad", "desc": "_A duskthorn dryad is a striking woman with obvious fey features and skin the color of slate, often found in the shade of an ancient tree. Clothed in vines and leaves, it can be difficult to tell where one leaves off and the other begins._ \n**Creeper Vine Spirits.** Duskthorn dryads are spirits tied to thorn-bearing creeper vines. They seek out dead trees and use them as a home for their vines to cling to. They can travel through trees to escape their foes but must stay near their vines. \n**Create Guardians.** Duskthorn dryads use their vines and the plants in their glades to defend themselves, animating enormously strong vine troll skeletons as well as ordinary skeletons, children of the briar, and other horrors. These defenders are linked to the tree and vines that animated them, are controlled by hearts within the tree. If the hearts are destroyed, the servants wither or scatter.", "name": "Duskthorn Dryad", "size": "Medium", "type": "Fey", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "chaotic", "armor_class": 17, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 77, "hit_dice": "14d8+14", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 10, "dexterity": 20, "constitution": 13, "intelligence": 14, "wisdom": 15, "charisma": 24, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": 3, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": 4, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 4, "skills": { "deception": 9, "nature": 6, "perception": 4, "persuasion": 9, "stealth": 7 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15", "languages": "Common, Elvish, Sylvan, Umbral", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Dagger", "desc": "Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d4 + 5) piercing damage.", "attack_bonus": 7, "damage_dice": "1d4" }, { "name": "Longbow", "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage.", "attack_bonus": 7, "damage_dice": "1d8" } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "desc": "the dryad's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 17). She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:\n\nat will: dancing lights, druidcraft\n\n3/day each: charm person, entangle, invisibility, magic missile\n\n1/day each: barkskin, counterspell, dispel magic, fog cloud, shillelagh, suggestion, wall of thorns" }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "The dryad has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." }, { "name": "Speak with Beasts and Plants", "desc": "The dryad can communicate with beasts and plants as if they shared a language." }, { "name": "Tree Stride", "desc": "Once on her turn, the dryad can use 10 feet of her movement to step magically into one dead tree within her reach and emerge from a second dead tree within 60 feet of the first tree, appearing in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the second tree. Both trees must be Large or bigger." }, { "name": "Tree Dependent", "desc": "The dryad is mystically bonded to her duskthorn vines and must remain within 300 yards of them or become poisoned. If she remains out of range of her vines for 24 hours, she suffers 1d6 Constitution damage, and another 1d6 points of Constitution damage every day that follows - eventually, this separation kills the dryad. A dryad can bond with new vines by performing a 24-hour ritual." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 160, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob_duskthorn-dryad/" }, { "slug": "elvish-veteran-archer", "desc": "", "name": "Elvish Veteran Archer", "size": "Medium", "type": "Humanoid", "subtype": "elf", "group": null, "alignment": "chaotic good or chaotic neutral", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "studded leather", "hit_points": 77, "hit_dice": "14d8+14", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 11, "dexterity": 16, "constitution": 12, "intelligence": 11, "wisdom": 13, "charisma": 11, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 5, "skills": { "nature": 2, "perception": 5, "stealth": 5, "survival": 3 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "passive Perception 15", "languages": "Common, Elvish", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The elvish veteran archer makes two melee attacks or three ranged attacks." }, { "name": "Shortsword", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.", "attack_bonus": 6, "damage_dice": "1d6" }, { "name": "Longbow", "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.", "attack_bonus": 6, "damage_dice": "1d8" }, { "name": "Volley (Recharge 6)", "desc": "The elvish archer makes one ranged attack against every enemy within 10 feet of a point it can see." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Beast Hunter", "desc": "The elvish veteran archer has advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track beasts and on Intelligence (Nature) checks to recall information about beasts." }, { "name": "Fey Ancestry", "desc": "The elvish veteran archer has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put the elvish archer to sleep." }, { "name": "Keen Hearing and Sight", "desc": "The elvish veteran archer has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or sight." }, { "name": "Magic Weapons", "desc": "The elvish veteran archer's weapon attacks are magical." }, { "name": "Stealthy Traveler", "desc": "The elvish veteran archer can use Stealth while traveling at a normal pace." }, { "name": "Surprise Attack", "desc": "If the elvish veteran archer surprises a creature and hits it with an attack during the first round of combat, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) damage from the attack." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 422, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob_elvish-veteran-archer/" }, { "slug": "far-darrig", "desc": "_These shy fairies dress as small fey herdsmen wearing tan hide armor, hide boots, cloaks, and cowls, all trimmed in fox fur and often with a red sash or tunic. They often ride woodland creatures, such as dire weasels or snowy owls._ \nHunters & Herders. The far darrig were the hunters, herders, and equerry of the elven nobility—some still serve in this capacity in planes where the elves rule. Some stayed behind after the many of the fey retreated to wilder lands in the face of expanding human kingdoms. \nFar darrig carry glaives made from fey antlers; each remains enchanted only as long as a far darrig holds it. Their leaders ride on fey elk the color of foxes, with gleaming green eyes; it is believed that their antlers are the ones used to make far darrig antler glaives. \n**Hate Arcanists.** While not inherently evil, far darrig are hostile to all humans and will often attack human wizards, warlocks, and sorcerers on sight. If they can be moved to a friendly attitude through Persuasion or a charm spell or effect, they make very good guides, scouts, and hunters. \n**Serve Hags and Worse.** They are sometimes found as thralls or scouts serving hags, trollkin, and shadow fey, but they are unwilling and distrustful allies at best.", "name": "Far Darrig", "size": "Small", "type": "Fey", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "neutral", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "hide armor", "hit_points": 104, "hit_dice": "16d6+48", "speed": { "walk": 20 }, "strength": 15, "dexterity": 16, "constitution": 17, "intelligence": 11, "wisdom": 15, "charisma": 17, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": 5, "constitution_save": 7, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": 7, "perception": 6, "skills": { "medicine": 6, "nature": 4, "perception": 6, "survival": 6 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16", "languages": "Common, Elvish, Sylvan", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The far darrig makes four antler glaive attacks." }, { "name": "Antler Glaive", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or 10 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) slashing damage and the target must make a successful DC 13 Strength saving throw or either be disarmed or fall prone; the attacking far darrig chooses which effect occurs.", "attack_bonus": 4, "damage_dice": "1d10" }, { "name": "Enchanted Glaive Maneuvers", "desc": "A far darrig can magically extend or shrink its antler glaive as a bonus action to give it either a 10-foot or 5-foot reach." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "desc": "the far darrig's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:\n\nconstant: magic weapon (antler glaive only), speak with animals\n\nat will: calm emotions, charm animal (as charm person but affects beasts only), cure wounds, detect poison and disease, water breathing, water walk\n\n3/day each: barkskin, conjure woodland beings, hold animal (as hold person but affects beasts only), jump, longstrider\n\n1/day each: commune with nature, freedom of movement, nondetection, tree stride" } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 179, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob_far-darrig/" }, { "slug": "flame-dragon-wyrmling", "desc": "_The dragon bears black scales, more charred than naturally colored. Cracks between the scales glow a dull red, until the dragon rears its head and roars. Red embers become bright orange flames as the creature lights up from tail to maw._ \nThe flame dragons are capricious creatures, fascinated by dark emotions and destructive passions. The dragons of eternal fire are proud and jealous, quick to anger, and utterly unforgiving. They bring complete and total ruin to entire civilizations for trivial reasons, but their true motivation is the fun to be had. These burning serpents treat rage, deceit, and despair as toys for their amusement. “May you be the fire’s plaything” is a curse often used by the foolish. \n_**Taunting Others.**_ The hot-blooded creatures tease their victims like cats, seeing the world and all within it as their rightful prey. Young flame dragons are less subtle than their elders. Wyrmlings may force a woman to watch her family die or ruin a beautiful face for pleasure—direct and evil. As the dragon matures, this natural sadism develops into a desire for more complicated sport. Aging dragons of fire use politics, murder, and magic in elaborate schemes only their ilk can appreciate. Many create plots so intricate and layered that they lack a true resolution, creating only endless manipulation. A hero might foil an assassination only to see the king thus saved become a despot. She might defeat the vizier whispering lies in the ruler’s ear only to discover he was a pawn in a vast conspiracy. Dark ambitions, poisoned daggers, and old vendettas build such momentum that one scheme begins each time another ends. Often, even killing the draconic mastermind cannot extinguish the fires it started. \n_**Malevolent Purpose.**_ The results of these schemes are secondary to the enjoyment they derive from pursuing a nebulous and everchanging goal. Some spend centuries torturing a family line for nothing more than trespassing on the dragon’s land. Others plot eternal curses after twisting poorly chosen words into the most dire of insults. The vengeance itself is not as important as having an excuse to hate, plot, and ruin. Flame dragons relish such opportunities for revenge, seeing each as a delightful hobby. The disruption of a game kindles a true and terrible rage, and in these rare moments of defeat, their anger can be catastrophic. Entire cities burn. \n_**Fond of Souvenirs.**_ Flame dragons are as materialistic and territorial as other true dragons. Each pursues an individual obsession it fixates upon with mad devotion to fill its hoard. Some corrupt innocence, others push nations to war, but they always collect a memento for each victory, whether petty or grand. One might collect scorched skulls, while another saves the melted treasures of toppled empires. When not out sowing discord, the ancient flame dragons enjoy contemplating their hoards. Every piece reminds them of their own majesty and genius. \nNothing is safe from a flame dragon’s endless scheming and narcissism. They crave absolute attention and constant reassurance. Anyone who humiliates a flame dragon would be wiser to kill it. Its survival ensures the dragon’s undivided attention for generations. It would be wiser still to make certain there is not a trace of involvement in a flame dragon’s death. All burning serpents see the murder of one of their kin as the gravest insult. \n\n## Flame Dragon’s Lair\n\n \nFlame dragons dwell in lairs where a burning fire is always near: volcanoes, sulfur mines, caves full of geysers, and places where the Elemental Plane of Fire touches the Material Plane. Whatever the place, its purpose is always to serve as a showcase of all the trophies the dragon has collected. Carefully arranged and organized prizes decorate the walls, sometimes even protected behind crystal walls. This display both feeds the dragon's vanity and pride, and also serves as a lure to attract adventurers, since flame dragons love to encourage the lowest instincts in their prey. \nMany of these lairs feature a huge, reflective surface. A flame dragon likes nothing more than itself. \n\n### Lair Actions\n\n \nOn initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the dragon takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects; the dragon can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row.\n* A cloud of smoke swirls in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point the dragon can see within 120 feet of it. The cloud spreads around corners and the area is lightly obscured. Each creature in the cloud must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be blinded for 1 minute. A blinded creature repeats the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.\n* The ground erupts with volcanic force at a point the dragon can see within 120 feet of it. Any creature within 20 feet of the point must make a successful DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone and trapped in the ground. A creature trapped in this way is restrained and can’t stand up. A creature can end the restraint if it or another creature takes an action to make a successful DC 15 Strength check.\n* A wall of fire rises up from the ground within 120 feet of the dragon. The wall is up to 60 feet long, 10 feet high, and 5 feet thick, can take any shape the dragon wants, and blocks line of sight. When the wall appears, each creature in its area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. A creature that fails the saving throw takes 21 (6d6) fire damage. Each creature that enters the wall for the first time each turn or ends its turn there takes 21 (6d6) fire damage. The wall is extinguished when the dragon uses this lair action again or when the dragon dies.\n \n### Regional Effects\n\n \nThe region containing a legendary flame dragon’s lair is warped by the dragon’s magic, which creates one or more of the following effects:\n* Arguments and misunderstandings erupt easily within 6 miles of the lair. Friendships are easily broken and criminal acts are common.\n* Temperatures rise within 6 miles of the lair. Crops wither, producing famines.\n* Sulfur geysers form in and around the dragon’s lair. Some of them erupt only once an hour, so they’re spotted only with a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check. A creature on top of an erupting geyser takes 21 (6d6) fire damage, or half damage with a successful DC 15 Dexterity saving throw.\n \nIf the dragon dies, the arguments and misunderstandings disappear immediately and the temperatures go back to normal within 1d10 days. Any geysers remain where they are.", "name": "Flame Dragon Wyrmling", "size": "Medium", "type": "Dragon", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "chaotic evil", "armor_class": 17, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 52, "hit_dice": "8d8+16", "speed": { "walk": 30, "climb": 30, "fly": 60 }, "strength": 12, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 15, "intelligence": 13, "wisdom": 12, "charisma": 16, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": 4, "constitution_save": 4, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": 3, "charisma_save": 5, "perception": 5, "skills": { "deception": 5, "insight": 3, "perception": 5, "persuasion": 5, "stealth": 4 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "fire", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "blindsight 30ft, darkvision 120ft, passive Perception 15", "languages": "Common, Draconic, Ignan", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d10 + 1) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) fire damage.", "attack_bonus": 3, "damage_dice": "1d10+1" }, { "name": "Fire Breath (Recharge 5-6)", "desc": "The dragon exhales fire in a 10-foot cone. Each creature in that area takes 24 (7d6) fire damage, or half damage with a successful DC 12 Dexterity saving throw." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": null, "spell_list": [], "page_no": 129, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob_flame-dragon-wyrmling/" }, { "slug": "ghoul-darakhul", "desc": "", "name": "Ghoul, Darakhul", "size": "Medium", "type": "Undead", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "neutral evil", "armor_class": 16, "armor_desc": "scale mail; 18 with shield", "hit_points": 78, "hit_dice": "12d8+24", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 16, "dexterity": 17, "constitution": 14, "intelligence": 14, "wisdom": 12, "charisma": 12, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": { "deception": 3, "stealth": 5 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "necrotic", "damage_immunities": "poison", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, poisoned", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11", "languages": "Common, Darakhul", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The darakhul bites once, claws once, and makes one war pick attack. Using a shield limits the darakhul to making either its claw or war pick attack, but not both." }, { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) piercing damage, and if the target creature is humanoid it must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or contract darakhul fever.", "attack_bonus": 5, "damage_dice": "2d8" }, { "name": "Claw", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage. If the target is a creature other than an undead, it must make a successful DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. A paralyzed target repeats the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a humanoid creature is paralyzed for 2 or more rounds (the victim fails at least 2 saving throws), consecutive or nonconsecutive, the creature contracts darakhul fever.", "attack_bonus": 5, "damage_dice": "2d6" }, { "name": "War Pick", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.", "attack_bonus": 5, "damage_dice": "1d8" } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Master of Disguise", "desc": "A darakhul in a prepared disguise has advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks made to pass as a living creature. While using this ability, the darakhul loses its stench." }, { "name": "Stench", "desc": "Any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of the darakhul must make a successful DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the start of its next turn. A successful saving throw makes the creature immune to the darakhul's stench for 24 hours. A darakhul using this ability can't also benefit from Master of Disguise." }, { "name": "Sunlight Sensitivity", "desc": "The darakhul has disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight and on attack rolls while it, the object it is trying to see or attack in direct sunlight." }, { "name": "Turning Defiance", "desc": "The darakhul and any ghouls within 30 feet of it have advantage on saving throws against effects that turn undead." }, { "name": "Darakhul Fever", "desc": "spread mainly through bite wounds, this rare disease makes itself known within 24 hours by swiftly debilitating the infected. A creature so afflicted must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw after every long rest. On a failed save the victim takes 14 (4d6) necrotic damage, and its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction can't be removed until the victim recovers from darakhul fever, and even then only by greater restoration or similar magic. The victim recovers from the disease by making successful saving throws on two consecutive days. Greater restoration cures the disease; lesser restoration allows the victim to make the daily Constitution check with advantage. Primarily spread among humanoids, the disease can affect ogres, and therefore other giants may be susceptible. If the infected creature dies while infected with darakhul fever, roll 1d20, add the character's current Constitution modifier, and find the result on the Adjustment Table to determine what undead form the victim's body rises in. Adjustment Table Roll Result:\n\n1-9 None; victim is simply dead\n\n10-16 Ghoul\n\n17-20 Ghast\n\n21+ Darakhul" } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 216, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob_ghoul-darakhul/" }, { "slug": "gnoll-havoc-runner", "desc": "_The runner is a mottled blur, a sprinting gnoll laughing as it runs, ax held high. It sprints past, its weapon flashing in the sun._ \nWith the bristly mane and spotted fur characteristic of all gnolls, havoc runners blend into their tribe. Only the canny glint in the eyes hints at the deadly difference before the havoc runner explodes into violence. \n_**Blinding Raids.**_ Havoc runners are scouring storms across the trade routes that crisscross the tribe’s territory. Like all gnolls, they are deadly in battle. Havoc runners incorporate another quality that makes them the envy of many raiders: they can tell at a glance which pieces of loot from a laden camel or wagon are the most valuable, without spending time rummaging, weighing, or evaluating. Their ability to strike into a caravan, seize the best items, and withdraw quickly is unparalleled.", "name": "Gnoll Havoc Runner", "size": "Medium", "type": "Humanoid", "subtype": "gnoll", "group": null, "alignment": "chaotic evil", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "chain shirt", "hit_points": 58, "hit_dice": "9d8+18", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 16, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 14, "intelligence": 8, "wisdom": 12, "charisma": 9, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 5, "skills": { "athletics": 5, "perception": 5 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15", "languages": "Gnoll", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The gnoll makes one bite attack and two battleaxe attacks." }, { "name": "Battleaxe", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage or 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage if used in two hands.", "attack_bonus": 5, "damage_dice": "1d8" }, { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.", "attack_bonus": 5, "damage_dice": "1d6" } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Harrying Attacks", "desc": "If the gnoll attacks two creatures in the same turn, the first target has disadvantage on attack rolls until the end of its next turn." }, { "name": "Lightning Lope", "desc": "The gnoll can Dash or Disengage as a bonus action." }, { "name": "Pack Tactics", "desc": "The gnoll has advantage on its attack rolls against a target if at least one of the gnoll's allies is within 5 feet of the target and the ally isn't incapacitated." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 230, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob_gnoll-havoc-runner/" }, { "slug": "goat-man", "desc": "_This hunched, man-like figure lurches with a strange, half-hopping gait. Tattered clothing hangs from its muscled shoulders, and its legs are those of a ram, ending in cloven hooves._ \n**Trespassers on the Rites.** The first of the goat-men was the victim of a powerful curse intended to punish him for spying on magical rites exclusive to the women of his tribe. Admiring the grotesque result, the Black Goat of the Woods With a Thousand Young adopted him as its servant, and ensured that all who committed the same taboo fell to the same curse, and thus into the Black Goat’s service. \n**Bleating Speech.** A goat-man’s head is tusked, adorned with curling ram’s horns, and its beard often drips with gore. Rows of transparent, needle-like teeth fill its mouth; these teeth are malformed and make clear speech impossible for goat-men, though they understand others’ speech perfectly well. \n**Serve Foul Cults.** Cultists of Shub-Niggurath or the Black Goat in good standing are sometimes granted the services of a goat-man. The creatures guard rituals sites, visit settlements to capture or purchase suitable sacrifices, and perform certain unspeakable acts with cult members to call forth ritual magic.", "name": "Goat-Man", "size": "Medium", "type": "Monstrosity", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "chaotic evil", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 65, "hit_dice": "10d8+20", "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "strength": 19, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 14, "intelligence": 10, "wisdom": 13, "charisma": 8, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": 4, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": { "acrobatics": 4, "athletics": 6, "stealth": 6 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks not made with silvered weapons", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "charmed, frightened", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11", "languages": "Common, Giant, Trollkin, but cannot speak", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The goat-man makes one bite attack and one slam attack." }, { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.", "attack_bonus": 6, "damage_dice": "1d6" }, { "name": "Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.", "attack_bonus": 6, "damage_dice": "2d8" } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Headbutt", "desc": "If the goat-man moves at least 10 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a slam attack on the same turn, the target must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone and stunned for 1 round. If the target is prone, the goat-man can make one bite attack against it immediately as a bonus action." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 231, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob_goat-man/" }, { "slug": "imy-ut-ushabti", "desc": "_These tomb guardians walk their rounds silently, an ornate sword in its hand. Glittering scarabs scurry from under their deformed and yellowed linen wrappings._ \n**Willing Sacrifices.** The undying servants of the god‑kings and queens of ancient times, the imy-ut ushabti guard the tombs of their masters and shepherd them toward their eventual awakening. Generals, trusted advisors, and close allies of their god-king willingly accompanied their dying lords into the afterlife through a horrifying transformation. Still alive, they are tightly bound in linens and sealed within a sarcophagus among a swarm of flesh‑eating scarabs that, over a period of days to weeks, fully consumed their bodies. The servant’s devotion to their task and the anguish of their passing transforms the scarab colony and animates the funerary wrappings to carry on the imy-ut’s duty. \n**Scarab Mummies.** From a distance, the imy-ut ushabti are indistinguishable from the mummified form of their master, betrayed only by the reserved ornamentation of their lacquered armor and the ripples of movement beneath their wrappings from the mass of scarabs beneath it. \n**Warding Triads.** Traditionally, imy‑ut ushabti appear only in triads—the warden, charged with ensuring the death sleep of their god‑queen is uninterrupted; the steward, tasked with escorting their master back from the land of the dead; and the herald, proclaiming their lord’s return to the world of the living.", "name": "Imy-Ut Ushabti", "size": "Medium", "type": "Monstrosity", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "neutral", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "chain shirt", "hit_points": 97, "hit_dice": "15d8+30", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 17, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 15, "intelligence": 6, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 5, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": 2, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "fire", "damage_resistances": "bludgeoning", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "exhaustion, frightened", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10", "languages": "Common (Ancient Nurian)", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Ceremonial Greatsword", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage, and the target must make a successful DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 5 (2d4) poison damage at the start of each of its turns. The target repeats the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.", "attack_bonus": 5, "damage_dice": "2d6" }, { "name": "Vomit Swarm (1/Day)", "desc": "The imy-ut ushabti parts its wrappings voluntarily and releases a swarm of scarab beetles that follow its mental commands. The statistics of this swarm are identical to a swarm of insects, but with the following attack instead of a swarm of insects' standard bite attack:" }, { "name": "Bites", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 0 ft., one creature. Hit: 10 (4d4) piercing damage, or 5 (2d4) piercing damage if the swarm has half of its hit points or fewer, and the target must make a successful DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 5 (2d4) poison damage at the start of each of its turns. A poisoned creature repeats the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.", "attack_bonus": 3, "damage_dice": "4d4" } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Regeneration", "desc": "The imy-ut ushabti regains 5 hit points at the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point." }, { "name": "Rent wrappings", "desc": "A creature that touches or deals slashing or piercing damage to an imy-ut ushabti while within 5 feet of the creature shreds its delicate linen wrappings, releasing a flurry of skittering scarabs. The attacking creature must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw to avoid them. On a failure, these beetles flow onto the attacker and deal 3 (1d6) piercing damage to it at the start of each of its turns. A creature can remove beetles from itself or from another affected creature within reach by using an action and making a successful DC 12 Dexterity saving throw. The beetles are also destroyed if the affected creature takes damage from an area effect." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 256, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob_imy-ut-ushabti/" }, { "slug": "jaculus", "desc": "_This small dragon has feathered wings on its forearms and powerful legs it uses to cling to trees._ \nThe jaculus (plural jaculi), is a draconic predator that roams the forest and jungle looking for valuable objects it can add to its hoard. Also called the javelin snake, a jaculus loves shiny or reflective items, and it is clever enough to identify items of real value. It will fight and kill to take items it desires, which it stashes inside hollow trees far from any forest trail. \n**Leapers.** Jaculi are far better jumpers than flyers. They can jump 18 feet horizontally or 12 feet vertically after taking a single 2-foot step. They even climb faster than they fly, so they use their wings to flap clumsily back into the trees only when necessary. \n**Teamwork Thievery.** Jaculi are among the least intelligent of the dragons—but they’re still smarter than most humans, and they’re known to pursue cunning and complicated plots to build their hoards. Many traditional tales tell of jaculi in the southern forests working as teams to separate merchants and other travelers from their wealth, figuring out ways to abscond with gems and jewelry before the owners even know they’ve been robbed. Some jaculi may feign docility or even pretend to be friendly and helpful, but wise travelers know that the creatures drop such ruses as soon as they can steal what they’re really after.", "name": "Jaculus", "size": "Small", "type": "Dragon", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "neutral evil", "armor_class": 18, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 65, "hit_dice": "10d6+30", "speed": { "walk": 20, "climb": 20, "fly": 10 }, "strength": 14, "dexterity": 18, "constitution": 17, "intelligence": 13, "wisdom": 13, "charisma": 13, "strength_save": 4, "dexterity_save": 6, "constitution_save": 5, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": 3, "charisma_save": 3, "perception": 3, "skills": { "acrobatics": 6, "perception": 3, "stealth": 6 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "acid, lightning", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13", "languages": "Common, Draconic", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The jaculus makes one jaws attack and one claws attack." }, { "name": "Jaws", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 2) piercing damage.", "attack_bonus": 4, "damage_dice": "2d4" }, { "name": "Claws", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage.", "attack_bonus": 4, "damage_dice": "2d6" } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Spearhead", "desc": "If the jaculus moves at least 10 feet straight toward a target and hits that target with a jaws attack on the same turn, the jaws attack does an extra 4 (1d8) piercing damage." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 258, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob_jaculus/" }, { "slug": "jba-fofi-spider", "desc": "_A large, brown spider that resembles a tarantula with exaggeratedly long legs gracefully emerges from the bushes, followed by similar arachnids that are smaller and yellow in color._ \nThe j’ba fofi resembles an oversized tarantula with very long legs, although a flicker of intelligence indicates this species evolved above mere vermin. \n**Spider Pack Leaders.** The youngest are yellow in color, but their hairs turn brown as they age. Immature j’ba fofi pull ordinary spiders into their fellowship in teeming masses that follow along wherever they roam. \n**Fond of Camouflage.** The natural coloring of a j’ba fofi, along with its proficiency at camouflage—their hair-like bristles are usually covered in a layer of leaves—makes it virtually invisible in its natural environment. They weave leaves and other forest litter into their webs to create well-hidden, enclosed lairs.", "name": "J'ba Fofi Spider", "size": "Large", "type": "Beast", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 18, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 75, "hit_dice": "10d10+20", "speed": { "walk": 40, "climb": 40 }, "strength": 17, "dexterity": 17, "constitution": 15, "intelligence": 4, "wisdom": 13, "charisma": 6, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": { "stealth": 5 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11", "languages": "", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage plus 22 (5d8) poison damage, or half as much poison damage with a successful DC 12 Constitution saving throw. A target dropped to 0 hit points by this attack is stable but poisoned and paralyzed for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points.", "attack_bonus": 5, "damage_dice": "1d10" } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Jungle Stealth", "desc": "The j'ba fofi spider gains an additional +2 to Stealth (+7 in total) in forest or jungle terrain." }, { "name": "Camouflaged Webs", "desc": "It takes a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check to spot the j'ba fofi's web. A creature that fails to notice a web and comes into contact with it is restrained by the web. A restrained creature can pull free from the web by using an action and making a successful DC 12 Strength check. The web can be attacked and destroyed (AC 10; hp 5; vulnerable to fire damage; immune to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage)." }, { "name": "Spider Climb", "desc": "The j'ba fofi can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check." }, { "name": "Spider Symbiosis", "desc": "No ordinary spider will attack the j'ba fofi unless magically controlled or the j'ba fofi attacks it first. In addition, every j'ba fofi is accompanied by a swarm of spiders (a variant of the swarm of insects), which moves and attacks according to the j'ba fofi's mental command (commanding the swarm does not require an action by the j'ba fofi)." }, { "name": "Web Sense", "desc": "While in contact with a web, the j'ba fofi knows the exact location of any other creature in contact with the same web." }, { "name": "Web Walker", "desc": "The j'ba fofi ignores movement restrictions caused by webbing." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 362, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob_jba-fofi-spider/" }, { "slug": "mahoru", "desc": "_“I saw no more terrible beast on all my journeys north than the mahoru. The white bears had their aloof majesty, the lindwurm serpentine grace, but the monster that gnawed away the pack ice beneath our feet and savaged any who fell into the water was a thing of nightmare. The men it snatched were torn apart, like rags in the mouth of a rabid dog.”_ \nA hybrid of fish and mammal, a mahoru is eight feet long and looks like a small orca with a serpentine neck and seal-like head. \n**Valuable Teeth and Fur.** Their heavy jaws are filled with triangular, serrated teeth adept at tearing flesh and sundering bone. Their white and black fur is highly prized for its warmth and waterproof qualities. Their pectoral fins feature stubby, claw-tipped paws. Skraeling use the mahoru’s fangs to make arrowheads or tooth-studded clubs, and the mahoru is a totem beast for many northern tribes. \n**Iceberg Hunters.** Relatives of the bunyip, mahoru prowl northern coasts and estuaries, hunting among the fragmenting pack ice each summer. They lurk beneath the surface, catching swimmers chunks or lurching up onto the ice to break or tilt it and send prey tumbling into the water. When necessary, they stalk beaches and riverbanks in search of carrion or unwary victims. \n**Work in Pairs and Packs.** Mahoru work together in mated pairs to corral everything from fish and seals to larger prey like kayaking humans and even polar bears. They gnaw at ice bridges and the frozen surface of lakes and rivers to create fragile patches that plunge unwary victims into their waiting jaws.", "name": "Mahoru", "size": "Large", "type": "Monstrosity", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 91, "hit_dice": "14d8+28", "speed": { "walk": 10, "swim": 60 }, "strength": 18, "dexterity": 19, "constitution": 14, "intelligence": 3, "wisdom": 12, "charisma": 7, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 3, "skills": { "perception": 3, "stealth": 6 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13", "languages": "-", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (3d10 + 4) slashing damage.", "attack_bonus": 6, "damage_dice": "3d10" }, { "name": "Roar", "desc": "When a mahoru roars all creatures with hearing within 30 feet of it must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened until the end of the mahoru's next turn. If the target fails the saving throw by 5 or more, it's also paralyzed for the same duration. A target that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to the Roar of all mahoru for the next 24 hours." }, { "name": "Vorpal Bite", "desc": "a mahoru's saw-like jaws are excel at dismembering prey. When the mahoru scores a critical hit, the target must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or lose an appendage. Roll on the following table for the result:\n\n1-2: right hand\n\n3-4: left hand\n\n5-6: right food\n\n7-8: left foot\n\n9: right forearm\n\n10: left forearm\n\n11: right lower leg\n\n12: left lower leg" } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Amphibious", "desc": "The mahoru can breathe air and water." }, { "name": "Keen Sight and Smell", "desc": "The mahoru has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight or smell." }, { "name": "Pack Tactics", "desc": "The mahoru has advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the mahoru's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated." }, { "name": "Blood Frenzy", "desc": "The mahoru has advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that isn't at maximum hit points." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 281, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob_mahoru/" }, { "slug": "mbielu", "desc": "_This lumbering saurian quadruped has large, oblong plates of bone covered in greenish slime protruding from its back and its thick, club-like tail._ \n_**Large Plates.**_ People describe this reptilian herbivore as “the animal with planks growing out of its back.” The mbielu is a large dinosaur akin to a stegosaurus, with square dorsal plates that support symbiotic colonies of toxic, green algae. The plates themselves are as large as shields. \n_**Aquatic Herbivore.**_ An mbielu spends most of its life underwater, feeding on aquatic plants and avoiding the withering glare of the harsh sun, but it comes onto land frequently to sun itself for a few hours before immersing itself once again. \n_**Toxic Alchemy.**_ Its dorsal plate algae undergo an alchemical reaction in the continual transition between water and sky, especially during mbielu migrations to new watery dens. The algae produce a hallucinogenic contact poison that clouds the minds of most creatures. Mbielus themselves are immune to the toxin.", "name": "Mbielu", "size": "Huge", "type": "Beast", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 95, "hit_dice": "10d12+30", "speed": { "walk": 30, "swim": 20 }, "strength": 19, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 16, "intelligence": 2, "wisdom": 12, "charisma": 6, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 3, "skills": { "perception": 3 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "passive Perception 13", "languages": "-", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Tail", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (3d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.", "attack_bonus": 6, "damage_dice": "3d10" } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": [ { "name": "Rollover", "desc": "If the mbielu is grappled by a Large creature, it rolls on top of the grappler and crushes it. The mbielu automatically escapes from the grapple and the grappler takes 20 (3d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage." } ], "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Toxic Skin", "desc": "A creature that touches the mbielu or hits it with a melee attack exposes itself to the mbielu's poisonous skin. The creature must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned in this way, a creature also suffers disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 114, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob_mbielu/" }, { "slug": "millitaur", "desc": "_The millitaur is a purplish-black segmented worm the size of a horse, with hundreds of legs, black multifaceted eyes and thick powerful mandibles. They wield crude stone axes._ \n**Mulch Eaters.** Millitaurs roam jungles and woodlands, where dense undergrowth rots beneath the canopy and piles high; leaves and plants provide much of the millitaur diet. Though millitaurs are territorial, they sometimes chase away threats rather than kill intruders. However, they also are good hunters and supplement their diet with squirrel, monkey, and even gnome or goblin. \n**Poisonous Drool.** As formidable as they appear, millitaurs are the preferred prey of some dragons and jungle giants, and tosculi often hunt them for use as slaves and pack animals. In defense, they’ve developed a mild poison. Millitaur handaxes often drip with this substance, smeared onto them from the beast’s mandibles. They use their axes for breaking up mulch for easier digestion, as well as using them for hunting and self-defense. \n**Clicking Speech.** Millitaurs communicate via body language, antennae movements, scent, and clicking sounds. Although they have no voice boxes, millitaurs can make sounds by artfully clicking and grinding their mandibles, and they can mimic the sounds of Common in a peculiar popping tone. They can be good sources for local information so long as they are treated with respect and their territory is not encroached.", "name": "Millitaur", "size": "Large", "type": "Monstrosity", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "neutral", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 85, "hit_dice": "10d10+30", "speed": { "walk": 40, "burrow": 20, "climb": 30 }, "strength": 18, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 16, "intelligence": 8, "wisdom": 12, "charisma": 10, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": { "acrobatics": 4 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "poison; bludgeoning and slashing from nonmagical attacks", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "prone", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 30 ft., passive Perception 11", "languages": "Common", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The millitaur makes two handaxe attacks." }, { "name": "Handaxe", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage plus 2 (1d4) poison damage.", "attack_bonus": 6, "damage_dice": "2d6" } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": null, "spell_list": [], "page_no": 288, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob_millitaur/" }, { "slug": "mindrot-thrall", "desc": "_A heavily cloaked figure reeks of decay and spreads a floating cloud of spores with every step._ \n**Fungal Rot.** Mindrot fungus is an intelligent hive-mind parasite that consumes creatures from the inside out. When inhaled, mindrot spores enter the brain through the bloodstream. As the fungus grows, it dissolves the host’s body and slowly replaces the creature’s flesh with its own. \nThe fungus’s first target is the motor function of the brain. It takes control of the creature’s movement while the victim is still alive and fully conscious—but no longer controls his or her own body! Indeed, sensory awareness may be the last function that the fungus attacks. Eventually, even the victim’s skin and muscle are replaced with fungal fibers. At that point, the affected creature no longer looks like its former self. Such a newly-born mindrot thrall conceals its alarming appearance under heavy robes or cloaks so it can travel without causing alarm. \n**Spore Blisters.** A thrall’s skin is taut and waxy. Blisters form just beneath the surface, and when they grow as large as a child’s fist they burst, releasing a spray of spores. It seeks to infect as many new victims as possible during the few weeks that it survives in humanoid form. At the end of that time, the thrall shrivels to a dried, vaguely humanoid husk. Even a dead mindrot thrall, however, is still dangerous because its half-formed spore blisters can remain infectious for months. Disturbing the husk can burst these blisters and trigger a Mindrot Spores attack. \n**Dimensional Horrors.** Wizards hypothesize the fungus was brought to the mortal world by a shambling horror crossing through a dimensional portal. The remoteness of that wasteland is likely whythe mindrot fungus hasn’t destroyed whole cities, though someday it may find a more fertile breeding ground.", "name": "Mindrot Thrall", "size": "Medium", "type": "Plant", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "neutral", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 82, "hit_dice": "11d8+33", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 15, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 17, "intelligence": 11, "wisdom": 14, "charisma": 6, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": 5, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "bludgeoning and piercing from nonmagical attacks", "damage_immunities": "acid, poison", "condition_immunities": "charmed, frightened, poisoned", "senses": "tremorsense 30 ft., passive Perception 12", "languages": "understands Common but cannot speak", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The mindrot thrall makes two claw attacks." }, { "name": "Claw", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage.", "attack_bonus": 4, "damage_dice": "2d6" }, { "name": "Acid Breath (Recharge 4-6)", "desc": "The thrall exhales a blast of acidic spores from its rotten lungs in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area takes 36 (8d8) acid damage, or half damage with a successful DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. If the saving throw fails, the creature is also infected with mindrot spores." }, { "name": "Mindrot Spores", "desc": "Infection occurs when mindrot spores are inhaled or swallowed. Infected creatures must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw at the end of every long rest; nothing happens if the saving throw succeeds, but if it fails, the creature takes 9 (2d8) acid damage and its hit point maximum is reduced by the same amount. The infection ends when the character makes successful saving throws after two consecutive long rests, or receives the benefits of a lesser restoration spell or comparable magic. A creature slain by this disease becomes a mindrot thrall after 24 hours unless the corpse is destroyed." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Fungal Aura", "desc": "A creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of a mindrot thrall must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become infected with mindrot spores." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 290, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob_mindrot-thrall/" }, { "slug": "mirager", "desc": "_This lovely lass is clad in diaphanous veils and a revealing skirt, and she shows graceful skill while dancing through the dust._ \n**Humanoid Sand.** In its natural form, a mirager resembles a shifting mass of sand and dust with a vaguely humanoid shape, crumbling away like a sandcastle in the wind. \n**Enticing Illusion.** A mirage can take on the guise of a lovely man or woman with luminous eyes, delicate features, and seductive garments. Whether male or female, a mirager dresses in veils and flowing robes that accentuate its enticing beauty. \n**Thirst for Blood.** Whatever its apparent form, a mirager’s existence is one of unnatural and endless thirst. They hunger for flesh and thirst for blood, and they draw especial pleasure from leeching a creature’s fluids in the throes of passion. A victim is drained into a lifeless husk before the mirager feasts on the dehydrated remains.", "name": "Mirager", "size": "Medium", "type": "Fey", "subtype": "shapechanger", "group": null, "alignment": "neutral evil", "armor_class": 13, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 78, "hit_dice": "12d8+24", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 12, "dexterity": 16, "constitution": 14, "intelligence": 10, "wisdom": 14, "charisma": 20, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 4, "skills": { "deception": 7, "perception": 4, "performance": 9 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14", "languages": "Common, Sylvan", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack.", "desc": "The mirager makes two slam attacks." }, { "name": "Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage.", "attack_bonus": 5, "damage_dice": "1d6" }, { "name": "Thirst Kiss", "desc": "The mirager feeds on the body moisture of creatures it lures into kissing it. A creature must be charmed, grappled, or incapacitated to be kissed. A kiss hits automatically, does 21 (6d6) necrotic damage, and fills the mirager with an exultant rush of euphoria that has the same effect as a heroism spell lasting 1 minute. The creature that was kissed doesn't notice that it took damage from the kiss unless it makes a successful DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check." }, { "name": "Captivating Dance (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest, Humanoid Form Only)", "desc": "The mirager performs a sinuously swaying dance. Humanoids within 20 feet that view this dance must make a successful DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be stunned for 1d4 rounds and charmed by the mirager for 1 minute. Humanoids of all races and genders have disadvantage on this saving throw. A creature that saves successfully is immune to this mirager's dance for the next 24 hours." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Shapechanger", "desc": "The mirager can use its action to polymorph into a Small or Medium humanoid, or back into its true form. Its statistics, other than its size, are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies." }, { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "desc": "the mirager's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:\n\n3/day: charm person\n\n1/day each: hallucinatory terrain, suggestion" }, { "name": "Enthralling Mirage", "desc": "When the mirager casts hallucinatory terrain, the area appears so lush and inviting that those who view it feel compelled to visit. Any creature that approaches within 120 feet of the terrain must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. Those that fail are affected as by the enthrall spell with the mirager as the caster; they give the mirage their undivided attention, wanting only to explore it, marvel at its beauty, and rest there for an hour. The mirager can choose to have creatures focus their attention on it instead of the hallucinatory terrain. Creatures affected by the enthrall effect automatically fail saving throws to disbelieve the hallucinatory terrain. This effect ends if the hallucinatory terrain is dispelled." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 291, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob_mirager/" }, { "slug": "monolith-footman", "desc": "_A suit of elven parade armor, beautifully ornate but perhaps not terribly functional, stands at attention._ \n**Beautiful Construct.** Like the Open Game License", "name": "Monolith Footman", "size": "Large", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 60, "hit_dice": "8d10+16", "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "strength": 18, "dexterity": 12, "constitution": 14, "intelligence": 10, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 10, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "poison, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks not made with adamantine weapons", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10", "languages": "Elvish, Umbral", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Longsword", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage plus 9 (2d8) cold or fire damage.", "attack_bonus": 6, "damage_dice": "2d6" }, { "name": "Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 9 (2d8) cold or fire damage.", "attack_bonus": 6, "damage_dice": "1d8" } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Blatant Dismissal", "desc": "While in the courts or castles of the fey, a monolith footman that scores a successful hit with its longsword can try to force the substitution of the target with a shadow double. The target must succeed at a DC 10 Charisma saving throw or become invisible, silent, and paralyzed, while an illusory version of itself remains visible and audible-and under the monolith footman's control, shouting for a retreat or the like. Outside fey locales, this ability does not function." }, { "name": "Fey Flame", "desc": "The ritual powering a monolith footman grants it an inner flame that it can use to enhance its weapon or its fists with additional fire or cold damage, depending on the construct's needs." }, { "name": "Simple Construction", "desc": "Monolith footmen are designed with a delicate fey construction. They burst into pieces and are destroyed when they receive a critical hit." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 295, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob_monolith-footman/" } ] }{ "count": 278, "next": "