Monster List
list: API endpoint for returning a list of monsters.
retrieve: API endpoint for returning a particular monster.
GET /monsters/?ordering=-document__title", "previous": null, "results": [ { "slug": "abaasy", "desc": "", "name": "Abaasy", "size": "Huge", "type": "Giant", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "neutral evil", "armor_class": 18, "armor_desc": "armor scraps, Dual Shields", "hit_points": 126, "hit_dice": "11d12+55", "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "strength": 20, "dexterity": 10, "constitution": 20, "intelligence": 9, "wisdom": 14, "charisma": 8, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 2, "skills": { "perception": 2 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "cold", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "darkvision 60', passive Perception 15", "languages": "Common, Giant", "challenge_rating": "8", "cr": 8.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Three melee attacks only one of which can be a Shield Shove. If it uses two hands to make a Spear attack it can't make an Iron Axe attack that turn." }, { "name": "Iron Axe", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, 10 ft., one target, 18 (3d8+5) slashing damage." }, { "name": "Shield Shove", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, 10 ft., one target, 15 (4d4+5) bludgeoning damage and target: DC 16 Str save or be knocked prone or pushed up to 15 ft. away from abaasy (abaasy's choice)." }, { "name": "Spear", "desc": "Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit 15 ft. or range 20/60' one target 15 (3d6+5) piercing damage or 18 (3d8+5) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack." }, { "name": "Eyebeam (Recharge 5-6)", "desc": "Fires a beam of oscillating energy from its eye in a 90' line that is 5 ft. wide. Each creature in the line: 27 (5d10) radiant (DC 16 Dex half)." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Armored Berserker", "desc": "The pain caused by the iron plates bolted to its body keep it on the edge of madness. Whenever it starts its turn with 60 hp or fewer roll a d6. On a 6 it goes berserk. While berserk has resistance to B/P/S damage. On each of its turns while berserk it attacks nearest creature it can see. If no creature is near enough to move to and attack attacks an object with preference for object smaller than itself. Once it goes berserk continues to do so until destroyed or regains all its hp." }, { "name": "Dual Shields", "desc": "Carries two shields which together give it a +3 bonus to its AC (included in its AC)." }, { "name": "Poor Depth Perception", "desc": "Has disadvantage on attack rolls vs. a target more than 30' away from it." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 8, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_abaasy/" }, { "slug": "ahu-nixta-mechanon", "desc": "", "name": "Ahu-Nixta Mechanon", "size": "Medium", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 51, "hit_dice": "6d8+24", "speed": { "walk": 20, "climb": 10 }, "strength": 16, "dexterity": 12, "constitution": 18, "intelligence": 5, "wisdom": 14, "charisma": 3, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 2, "skills": { "perception": 2 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "darkvision 60', passive Perception 10", "languages": "understands Deep Speech and Void Speech but has limited speech", "challenge_rating": "2", "cr": 2.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Two Utility Arms or one Slam and one Utility Arm." }, { "name": "Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 10 (2d6+3) bludgeoning damage." }, { "name": "Utility Arm", "desc": "Uses one of the following attack options:Grabbing Claw Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 10 ft., one target, 8 (2d4+3) piercing damage. If target is a creature is grappled by mechanon (escape DC 13). Until grapple ends creature restrained mechanon can't use Claw on another target. Sonic Disruptor Ranged Spell Attack: +4 to hit, 60 ft., one target, 9 (2d6+2) thunder. If target is a creature: DC 12 Con save or incapacitated until end of its next turn.Telekinetic Projector Mechanon fires a ray at a target it can see within 60'. If target is a creature: DC 13 Str save or mechanon moves it up to 30' in any direction. If target is an object weighing 300 pounds or less that isn't being worn or carried it is moved up to 30' in any direction. Mechanon can use projector to manipulate simple tools or open doors and containers." }, { "name": "Adapt Appendage", "desc": "Swaps its Utility Arm with Utility Arm of any other mechanon within 5 ft. of it." }, { "name": "Repair (2/Day)", "desc": "Touches an ahu-nixta or a Construct. Target regains 11 (2d8+2) hp." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Construct Nature", "desc": "Doesn't require air food drink or sleep." }, { "name": "Critical Malfunction", "desc": "Critical hit vs. mechanon: 20% chance of striking its soul chamber casing stunning it until end of its next turn." }, { "name": "Soul Reactivation", "desc": "Reduced to 0 hp stops functioning becoming inert. For the next hr if a Small or larger creature that isn't a Construct or Undead dies within 30' of a deactivated mechanon a portion of creature's soul is absorbed by mechanon and construct reactivates regaining all its hp + additional hp equal to the dead creature's CR. If it remains inert for 1 hr it is destroyed and can't be reactivated." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 9, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_ahu-nixta-mechanon/" }, { "slug": "akanka", "desc": "", "name": "Akanka", "size": "Medium", "type": "Fey", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "chaotic evil", "armor_class": 12, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 45, "hit_dice": "7d8+14", "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "strength": 10, "dexterity": 15, "constitution": 14, "intelligence": 15, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 16, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 0, "skills": { "perception": 0 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "unconscious", "senses": "passive Perception 12", "languages": "Common", "challenge_rating": "2", "cr": 2.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Uses Mirrored Carapace and then one Bite." }, { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 5 (1d6+2) piercing damage and target: DC 12 Con save or fall unconscious 1 min. Target wakes up if it takes damage or if another creature takes an action to shake it awake." }, { "name": "Mirrored Carapace", "desc": "Projects illusory duplicate of itself that appears in its space. Each time creature targets it if attack result is below 15 targets duplicate instead and destroys duplicate. Duplicate can be destroyed only by attack that hits it. It ignores all other damage/effects. Creature is unaffected by this if it can't see if it relies on senses other than sight (ex: blindsight) or if it can perceive illusions as false as with truesight. It can't use this while in darkness." }, { "name": "Spellcasting", "desc": "Cha (DC 13) no material components: At will: minor illusion silent image3/day: major image1/day: hallucinatory terrain" } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Spider Climb", "desc": "Difficult surfaces even ceilings no ability check." }, { "name": "Web Sense", "desc": "While in contact with web it knows the exact location of any other creature in contact with the same web." }, { "name": "Web Walker", "desc": "Ignores move restrictions caused by webbing." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 10, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_akanka/" }, { "slug": "akkorokamui", "desc": "", "name": "Akkorokamui", "size": "Gargantuan", "type": "Celestial", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "chaotic good", "armor_class": 17, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 189, "hit_dice": "14d20+42", "speed": { "walk": 15, "swim": 60 }, "strength": 21, "dexterity": 16, "constitution": 16, "intelligence": 19, "wisdom": 20, "charisma": 15, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 5, "skills": { "perception": 5 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "poison", "condition_immunities": "poisoned", "senses": "blindsight 30', darkvision 120', passive Perception 19", "languages": "understands all but can't speak, telepathy 120'", "challenge_rating": "12", "cr": 12.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Three Tentacles. Can replace one with Spellcasting or Healing Touch." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": [ { "name": "Guardian's Grasp", "desc": "When a creature akkorokamui can see within 30' is attack target akkorokamui can pull creature out of harm's way. If creature is willing it is pulled up to 10 ft. closer to akkorokamui and akkorokamui becomes new attack target. If creature isn't willing this reaction fails." } ], "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": [ { "name": "Discern", "desc": "Makes a Wis (Perception) or Wis (Insight) check." }, { "name": "Jet", "desc": "Swims up to half its swimming speed with o provoking opportunity attacks." }, { "name": "Cast a Spell (2)", "desc": "Uses Spellcasting." }, { "name": "Tentacle Sweep (2)", "desc": "Spins in place with its tentacles extended. Each creature within 20' of it that isn't grappled by it: DC 17 Dex save or take 19 (4d6+5) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. Each creature grappled by akkorokamui must make DC 17 Str save or take 12 (2d6+5) bludgeoning damage." } ], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Amphibious", "desc": "Can breathe air and water." }, { "name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)", "desc": "Choose to succeed failed save." }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "Advantage: spell/magic effect saves." }, { "name": "Magic Weapons", "desc": "Weapon attacks are magical." }, { "name": "Offering of Flesh", "desc": "Can spend 1 min carefully detaching part or all of one of its 100-foot-long tentacles dealing no damage to itself. Tentacle contains a magic-imbued fleshy hook and enough meat for 25 rations (if part of a tentacle) or 50 rations (if a full tentacle) if properly preserved. Fleshy hook remains imbued with magic for 4 hrs or until a creature eats it. A creature that eats magic-infused fleshy hook regains 50 hp then it is cured of blindness deafness and all diseases or restores all lost limbs (creature's choice). Limb restoration effect works like regenerate spell. Hook's magic works only if the akkorokamui offered it willingly." }, { "name": "Regeneration", "desc": "Regains 15 hp at start of its turn if it has at least 1 hp." }, { "name": "Siege Monster", "desc": "Double damage to objects/structures." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 11, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_akkorokamui/" }, { "slug": "alabroza", "desc": "", "name": "Alabroza", "size": "Small", "type": "Monstrosity", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 12, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 45, "hit_dice": "10d6+10", "speed": { "walk": 10, "fly": 50 }, "strength": 14, "dexterity": 15, "constitution": 13, "intelligence": 4, "wisdom": 15, "charisma": 7, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 2, "skills": { "perception": 2 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "darkvision 60', passive Perception 12", "languages": "understands Abyssal but can't speak", "challenge_rating": "1", "cr": 1.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Two Talons attacks or one Talons attack and one Draining Fangs attack." }, { "name": "Draining Fangs", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, 5 ft., one creature,. 6 (1d8+2) piercing damage and the alabroza attaches to the target. While attached the alabroza doesn't attack. Instead at the start of each of the alabroza's turns the target loses 6 (1d8+2) hp due to blood loss. The alabroza can detach itself by spending 5 ft. of its movement. It does so after the target is reduced to 0 hp. A creature including the target can use its action to detach the alabroza." }, { "name": "Talons", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, 5 ft., one creature,. 5 (1d6+2) slashing damage." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Bloodthirsty", "desc": "An alabroza must drink at least 1 pint of fresh blood or milk every 24 hrs or it suffers one level of exhaustion. Each pint of blood or milk the alabroza drinks removes one level of exhaustion." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 13, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_alabroza/" }, { "slug": "alabroza-bloodfiend", "desc": "", "name": "Alabroza, Bloodfiend", "size": "Small", "type": "Fiend", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "neutral evil", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 72, "hit_dice": "16d6+16", "speed": { "walk": 10, "fly": 50 }, "strength": 16, "dexterity": 15, "constitution": 13, "intelligence": 9, "wisdom": 15, "charisma": 14, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 2, "skills": { "perception": 2 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "cold, fire, lightning, poison", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "charmed", "senses": "darkvision 60', passive Perception 15", "languages": "Abyssal, Common, Infernal", "challenge_rating": "4", "cr": 4.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "3 Broomsticks 2 Talons or 1 Beak and 1 Talons." }, { "name": "Beak (Fiend Form Only)", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 5 ft., one creature,. 12 (2d8+3) piercing damage and attaches to target. While attached doesn't attack. Instead at start of each of its turns target: 12 (2d8+3) hp to blood loss. Can detach itself via 5 ft. of its move. It does so after target is reduced to 0 hp. Creature including target can use action to detach it via DC 13 Str." }, { "name": "Talons (Fiend Form Only)", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 10 (2d6+3) piercing damage." }, { "name": "Broomstick (Humanoid Form Only)", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 7 (1d8+3) bludgeoning damage." }, { "name": "Hypnotic Gaze", "desc": "Fixes its gaze on one creature it can see within 10 ft. of it. Target: DC 12 Wis save or charmed 1 min. While charmed creature is incapacitated has speed 0 and refuses to remove attached alabroza. Charmed creature can re-save at end of each of its turns success ends effect on itself. If a creature's save is successful creature immune to this for next 24 hrs." }, { "name": "Spellcasting", "desc": "Cha (DC 12) no material components: At will: minor illusion3/day ea: detect thoughts suggestion" } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Change Shape", "desc": "Transforms into Med humanoid Small mist cloud or back into true bird-like fiend form. Other than size and speed stats are same in each form with mist form exceptions. Items worn/carried not transformed. Reverts on death. Mist form: can't take any actions speak or manipulate objects resistance to nonmagical damage. Weightless fly speed 20' can hover can enter hostile creature's space and stop there. If air can pass through a space mist can with o squeezing but can't pass through water." } ], "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Bloodthirsty", "desc": "Must drink 1+ pint of fresh blood or milk every 24 hrs or suffers one level of exhaustion. Each pint it drinks removes one level." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 13, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_alabroza-bloodfiend/" }, { "slug": "alazai", "desc": "", "name": "Alazai", "size": "Large", "type": "Elemental", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "chaotic neutral", "armor_class": 16, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 149, "hit_dice": "13d10+78", "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "strength": 21, "dexterity": 15, "constitution": 22, "intelligence": 10, "wisdom": 16, "charisma": 20, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": 6, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": 7, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 3, "skills": { "perception": 3 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "fire, poison", "condition_immunities": "exhaustion, poisoned", "senses": "darkvision 120', passive Perception 13", "languages": "Ignan", "challenge_rating": "10", "cr": 10.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Two Burning Slams or three Hurl Flames." }, { "name": "Burning Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 14 (2d8+5) bludgeoning damage + 11 (2d10) fire. If target is creature/flammable object ignites. Until action used to douse fire target: 5 (1d10) fire at start of each of its turns." }, { "name": "Hurl Flame", "desc": "Ranged Spell Attack: +9 to hit, 120 ft., one target, 19 (4d6+5) fire." }, { "name": "Scorching Aura (Recharge 6)", "desc": "Increases power of its inner fire causing metal weapons and armor to burn red-hot. Each creature within 30' of it in physical contact with manufactured metal object (ex: metal weapon suit of heavy or medium metal armor): 22 (5d8) fire and must make DC 16 Con save or drop object if it can. If it doesn't drop object (or take off armor) has disadvantage on attacks and ability checks until start of alazai's next turn." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Conditional Invisibility", "desc": "Is invisible in most situations. The following situations reveal its location and enough of its form that attacks vs. it don't have disadvantage while the situation lasts:In temperatures lower than 50 degrees Fahrenheit or for 1 round after it takes cold: its natural heat outlines it in steam.Darkness: its burning eyes shine visibly marking its location." }, { "name": "Elemental Nature", "desc": "Doesn't require air food drink or sleep." }, { "name": "Fire Form", "desc": "Can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide with o squeezing. A creature that touches it or hits it with melee attack while within 5 ft. of it takes 4 (1d8) fire." }, { "name": "Iron Disruption", "desc": "Struck by a cold iron weapon becomes visible and can't use Hurl Flame or Scorching Aura until start of its next turn." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 15, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_alazai/" }, { "slug": "alke", "desc": "", "name": "Alke", "size": "Large", "type": "Monstrosity", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 114, "hit_dice": "12d10+48", "speed": { "walk": 50, "climb": 30 }, "strength": 18, "dexterity": 15, "constitution": 18, "intelligence": 4, "wisdom": 13, "charisma": 12, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": 5, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": 4, "perception": 1, "skills": { "perception": 1 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "petrified", "senses": "darkvision 60', passive Perception 16", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "5", "cr": 5.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "One Beak attack and two Claws attacks." }, { "name": "Beak", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 8 (1d8+4) piercing damage." }, { "name": "Claws", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 11 (2d6+4) slashing damage." }, { "name": "Piercing Roll (Recharge 4-6)", "desc": "Tucks in its head and throws itself spikes first into nearby foes. Alke moves up to 25 ft. in a straight line and can move through space of any Med or smaller creature. The first time it enters a creature's space during this move creature takes 14 (4d6) bludgeoning damage and 14 (4d6) piercing damage and is knocked prone (DC 15 Str half not knocked prone.)" } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": [ { "name": "Repelling Spikes", "desc": "Adds 3 to its AC vs. one melee or ranged weapon attack that would hit it. To do so the alke must see the attacker and not be prone." } ], "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Back Spikes", "desc": "Any Small or larger creature riding alke against its will: 14 (4d6) piercing damage (DC 15 Dex half)." }, { "name": "Keen Sight", "desc": "Advantage: sight Wis (Percept) checks." }, { "name": "Pounce", "desc": "If it moves 30'+ straight toward a creature and then hits it with Claws on the same turn that target: DC 15 Str save or be knocked prone. If target is prone alke can make one Beak attack vs. it as a bonus action." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 16, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_alke/" }, { "slug": "alliumite-husker", "desc": "", "name": "Alliumite, Husker", "size": "Medium", "type": "Plant", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "chaotic neutral", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "natural armor, shield", "hit_points": 68, "hit_dice": "8d8+32", "speed": { "walk": 20, "burrow": 10 }, "strength": 15, "dexterity": 12, "constitution": 18, "intelligence": 9, "wisdom": 12, "charisma": 16, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 1, "skills": { "perception": 1 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "darkvision 60', passive Perception 11", "languages": "Sylvan", "challenge_rating": "2", "cr": 2.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Two Gnarly Club attacks or it makes one Gnarly Club attack and uses Taunting Threat." }, { "name": "Gnarly Club", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 6 (1d8+2) bludgeoning damage and the target must make DC 12 Str save or be knocked prone." }, { "name": "Taunting Threat", "desc": "The husker throws a series of rude and menacing gestures at one creature it can see within 30' of it. The target must make a DC 13 Cha save. On a failure the target takes 7 (2d6) psychic and has disadvantage on all attacks not made vs. the husker until the end of its next turn. On a success the target takes half the damage and doesn't have disadvantage on attacks not made vs. the husker." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Overpowering Stench", "desc": "Each creature other than an alliumite or garlicle within 5 ft. of the alliumite when it takes damage must make DC 15 Con save or be blinded until the end of its next turn. On a successful save the creature has advantage vs. the Overpowering Stench of all alliumites for 1 min." }, { "name": "Plant Camouflage", "desc": "Aadvantage on Dex (Stealth) checks it makes in any terrain with ample obscuring plant life." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 17, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_alliumite-husker/" }, { "slug": "alliumite-rapscallion", "desc": "", "name": "Alliumite, Rapscallion", "size": "Small", "type": "Plant", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "chaotic neutral", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 38, "hit_dice": "7d6+14", "speed": { "walk": 30, "burrow": 20, "swim": 20 }, "strength": 6, "dexterity": 18, "constitution": 14, "intelligence": 9, "wisdom": 12, "charisma": 18, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 1, "skills": { "perception": 1 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "darkvision 60', passive Perception 13", "languages": "Common, Sylvan", "challenge_rating": "2", "cr": 2.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Two Thorny Rapiers or one Thorny Rapier and one Grappelvine Whip." }, { "name": "Thorny Rapier", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 8 (1d8+4) piercing damage + 3 (1d6) slashing damage." }, { "name": "Grapplevine Whip", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, 10 ft., one target, 9 (2d4+4) slashing damage. If target is holding a weapon it must make DC 14 Str save or drop the weapon. If it is holding more than one weapon it drops only one." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": [ { "name": "Grapplevine Escape", "desc": "When a creature rapscallion can see hits it with melee attack can use its whip to swing up to 20' away from attacker provided nearby terrain includes a feature it can use to swing (branch chandelier ledge mast railing or similar). This movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks." }, { "name": "Pungent Retort", "desc": "When a creature rapscallion can see within 60' of it starts its turn or casts a spell rapscallion issues forth a string of insults cleverly crafted to make a foe cry. If it can hear the rapscallion target: DC 14 Wis save or sob uncontrollably until start of rapscallion's next turn. A sobbing creature has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls and must make DC 14 Con save to cast a spell that requires spellcaster to see its target. Spellcaster doesn't lose the spell slot on a failure." } ], "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Plant Camouflage", "desc": "Advantage on Dex (Stealth) checks it makes in any terrain with ample obscuring plant life." }, { "name": "Tearful Stench", "desc": "Each creature other than an alliumite within 5 ft. of alliumite when it takes damage: DC 14 Con save or be blinded until start of creature's next turn. On a successful save creature is immune to Tearful Stench of all alliumites for 1 min." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 17, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_alliumite-rapscallion/" }, { "slug": "alpine-creeper", "desc": "", "name": "Alpine Creeper", "size": "Huge", "type": "Plant", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 5, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 95, "hit_dice": "10d12+30", "speed": { "walk": 15 }, "strength": 3, "dexterity": 1, "constitution": 17, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 4, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": -3, "skills": { "perception": -3 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "fire", "damage_resistances": "bludgeoning, piercing", "damage_immunities": "cold", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, grappled, prone", "senses": "tremorsense 60', passive Perception 7", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Gentle Dissolution", "desc": "Each creature in creeper's space: 10 (3d6) acid (DC 13 Con half). Creeper can choose not to harm friendly Beasts in its space. Unconscious creature that takes damage from this: DC 13 Wis save Fail: remain unconscious Success: wakes up." }, { "name": "Sleep Spores", "desc": "Releases sleep-inducing spores. Humanoids and Giants within 20' of it: DC 13 Con save or fall unconscious 1 min. Effect ends for creature if it takes damage or another uses action to wake it." }, { "name": "Cleaning Call (1/Day)", "desc": "Sprays pheromone-laced spores calling nearby Beasts to feast. Arrive in 1d4 rounds and act as creeper allies attacking creatures within 10 ft. of it. Beasts remain 1 hr until creeper dies or until it dismisses them as a bonus action. Choose one CR 1 or lower Beast or roll d100 to choose Summoned Beasts. They arrive at creeper's location; aggressive and prioritize active threats before feasting on creatures knocked out. Summoned Beasts:[br/] • 01-04: 2d4 badgers • 05-09: 1d6 black bears • 10-13: 1d3 brown bears • 14-17: 1d3 dire wolves • 18-20: 1d6 giant badgers • 21-30: 2d6 giant rats • 31-34: 1d3 giant vultures • 35-40: 2d6 giant weasels • 41-44: 1d3 lions or tigers • 45-60: 1d6 swarms of rats • 61-71: 2d4 wolves • 72-75: 1d4 worgs • 76-100: No beasts respond" } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Lethargic Stupor", "desc": "One unconscious Humanoid or Giant in creeper's space suffers one level of exhaustion. A creature with more than half its hp max can't suffer more than one level of exhaustion from this. This exhaustion lasts until creature finishes short rest." } ], "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "False", "desc": "[+]Appearance[/+] Motionless: indistinguishable from patch of lichen." }, { "name": "Mossy Carpet", "desc": "Enter hostile creature's space and stop there. It can move through space as narrow as 1' wide with o squeezing." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 19, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_alpine-creeper/" }, { "slug": "alseid-woad-warrior", "desc": "", "name": "Alseid, Woad Warrior", "size": "Medium", "type": "Monstrosity", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "chaotic neutral", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "leather armor", "hit_points": 55, "hit_dice": "10d8+10", "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "strength": 14, "dexterity": 17, "constitution": 12, "intelligence": 8, "wisdom": 16, "charisma": 10, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 3, "skills": { "perception": 3 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "darkvision 60', passive Perception 15", "languages": "Common, Elvish, Sylvan", "challenge_rating": "2", "cr": 2.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Two Greatsword or Shortbow attacks." }, { "name": "Greatsword", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 9 (2d6+2) slashing damage." }, { "name": "Shortbow", "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit 80/320' one target 6 (1d6+3) piercing damage." }, { "name": "Dye Bomb (3/Day)", "desc": "Lobs a sphere of concentrated dye that explodes on impact marking creatures caught in its effect. Each creature within a 10 ft. radius of where sphere landed: DC 13 Dex save or be brightly painted for 8 hrs. Any attack roll vs. creature has advantage if attacker can see it and other creatures have advantage on any Wis (Perception) or Wis (Survival) check made to find the marked creature. To remove the effect a creature must spend 1 min bathing. Alternatively spells that create water or clean objects such as prestidigitation also remove the effect." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Painted for War", "desc": "Advantage on Cha (Intimidation) checks and advantage on savings throws vs. being frightened. In addition each friendly creature within 10 ft. of warrior and that can see it has advantage on saves vs. being frightened." }, { "name": "Woodfriend", "desc": "When in a forest alseid leave no tracks and automatically discern true north." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 20, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_alseid-woad-warrior/" }, { "slug": "amphibolt", "desc": "", "name": "Amphibolt", "size": "Large", "type": "Monstrosity", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 85, "hit_dice": "9d10+36", "speed": { "walk": 30, "swim": 60 }, "strength": 16, "dexterity": 18, "constitution": 18, "intelligence": 3, "wisdom": 9, "charisma": 5, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": 7, "constitution_save": 7, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": -1, "skills": { "perception": -1 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "fire", "damage_immunities": "lightning", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "darkvision 60', passive Perception 12", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "5", "cr": 5.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Two Bites or one Electric Tongue and uses Swallow." }, { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, 5 ft., one creature,. 11 (2d6+4) piercing damage + 7 (2d6) lightning." }, { "name": "Electric Tongue", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, 20 ft., one target, 9 (2d4+4) bludgeoning damage + 7 (2d6) lightning and target is grappled (escape DC 15). Until the grapple ends the target is restrained and amphibolt can't make an Electric Tongue attack vs. another target." }, { "name": "Swallow", "desc": "Makes one Bite vs. a Med or smaller target it is grappling. If attack hits target is swallowed and grapple ends. Swallowed target is blinded and restrained has total cover vs. attacks and effects outside ambphibolt and it takes 10 (3d6) lightning at start of each of amphibolt's turns. Amphibolt can have only one target swallowed at a time. If amphibolt takes 15 damage or more on a single turn from swallowed creature amphibolt: DC 14 Con save at end of that turn or regurgitate creature which falls prone in a space within 5 ft. of amphibolt. If amphibolt dies swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape corpse using 5 ft. of move exiting prone." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Amphibious", "desc": "Can breathe air and water." }, { "name": "False Appearance", "desc": "While motionless indistinguishable from large rock formation." }, { "name": "Lightning Leap", "desc": "Its long jump is 30' with or with o a running start. Creatures in the its path: 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage and 7 (2d6) lightning and is knocked prone (DC 15 Dex half damage not prone)." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 21, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_amphibolt/" }, { "slug": "angel-haladron", "desc": "", "name": "Angel, Haladron", "size": "Tiny", "type": "Celestial", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "lawful good", "armor_class": 13, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 28, "hit_dice": "8d4+8", "speed": { "walk": 0, "fly": 60 }, "strength": 13, "dexterity": 12, "constitution": 12, "intelligence": 15, "wisdom": 15, "charisma": 10, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 2, "skills": { "perception": 2 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "radiant", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "exhaustion, poisoned, prone, unconscious", "senses": "darkvision 60', passive Perception 12", "languages": "Celestial, Common, telepathy 30'", "challenge_rating": "1/2", "cr": 0.5, "actions": [ { "name": "Bolt of Law", "desc": "Ranged Spell Attack: +4 to hit, 60 ft., one target, 6 (1d8+2) radiant + 4 (1d8) thunder." }, { "name": "Stitch (3/Day)", "desc": "The haladron repairs a single break or tear in an object it touches leaving no trace of the former damage. If the haladron uses this feature on a creature the creature regains 3 (1d6) hp." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Flyby", "desc": "The haladron doesn't provoke opportunity attacks when it flies out of an enemy's reach." }, { "name": "Immortal Nature", "desc": "Doesn't require food drink or sleep" }, { "name": "Immutable Form", "desc": "Immune: form-altering spells/effects." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 23, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_angel-haladron/" }, { "slug": "angel-kalkydra", "desc": "", "name": "Angel, Kalkydra", "size": "Huge", "type": "Celestial", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "lawful good", "armor_class": 18, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 189, "hit_dice": "14d12+98", "speed": { "walk": 40, "climb": 30, "fly": 90 }, "strength": 22, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 24, "intelligence": 17, "wisdom": 21, "charisma": 23, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": 1, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": 1, "charisma_save": 1, "perception": 5, "skills": { "perception": 5 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "poison; nonmagic B/P/S attacks", "damage_immunities": "fire, radiant", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened, poisoned, prone", "senses": "truesight 120', passive Perception 20", "languages": "all, telepathy 120'", "challenge_rating": "13", "cr": 13.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Two Bites or Sunrays. Can replace one with Constrict." }, { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, 10 ft., one target, 15 (2d8+6) piercing damage + 18 (4d8) radiant." }, { "name": "Constrict", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 17 (2d10+6) bludgeoning damage + 18 (4d8) radiant and target is grappled (escape DC 18). Until this grapple ends creature is restrained and kalkydra can't constrict another target." }, { "name": "Sunray", "desc": "Ranged Spell Attack: +11 to hit, 120 ft., one target, 24 (4d8+6) radiant + 9 (2d8) fire." }, { "name": "Song of Sunrise (1/Day)", "desc": "Sings a song to welcome the dawn causing sunlight to fill area in a 120' radius around it. Lasts 1 min." }, { "name": "Spellcasting", "desc": "Cha (DC 19) no material components: At will: detect evil and good light3/day ea: daylight dispel evil and good1/day ea: commune greater restoration" } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": [ { "name": "Solar Nimbus", "desc": "When hit by an attack it surrounds itself in a fiery nimbus searing attacker: 9 (2d8) fire and 9 (2d8) radiant and nimbus sheds bright light in 30' radius and dim light an additional 30'. Until start of kalkydra's next turn a creature within 5 ft. of kalkydra that hits it with melee attack takes 9 (2d8) fire and 9 (2d8) radiant." } ], "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Angelic Weapons", "desc": "Its weapon attacks are magical. When it hits with any weapon deals extra 4d8 radiant (included below)." }, { "name": "Immortal Nature", "desc": "Doesn't require food drink or sleep" }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "Advantage: spell/magic effect saves." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 26, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_angel-kalkydra/" }, { "slug": "angel-pelagic-deva", "desc": "", "name": "Angel, Pelagic Deva", "size": "Medium", "type": "Celestial", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "neutral good", "armor_class": 17, "armor_desc": "Living Coral Armor", "hit_points": 142, "hit_dice": "15d8+75", "speed": { "walk": 20, "swim": 90 }, "strength": 19, "dexterity": 18, "constitution": 20, "intelligence": 17, "wisdom": 20, "charisma": 22, "strength_save": 8, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": 9, "charisma_save": 1, "perception": 5, "skills": { "perception": 5 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "cold, radiant; nonmagic B/P/S attacks", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened", "senses": "darkvision 120', passive Perception 19", "languages": "all, telepathy 120'", "challenge_rating": "11", "cr": 11.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Three Trident attacks." }, { "name": "Trident", "desc": "Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit 5 ft. or range 20/60' one target 7 (1d6+4) piercing damage + 18 (4d8) radiant. If deva makes a ranged attack with its trident trident returns to its hands at start of its next turn." }, { "name": "Transforming Touch (5/Day)", "desc": "Can magically polymorph a willing creature into a giant octopus hunter shark or plesiosaurus. Transformation lasts 8 hrs until target uses a bonus action to transform back into its true form or until target dies. Items target is wearing/carrying are absorbed into new form. In new form target retains its alignment and Int Wis and Cha scores as well as its ability to speak. Its other stats are replaced by those of its new form and it gains any capabilities that new form has but it lacks." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Anoxic Aura (1/Day)", "desc": "Removes oxygen from nearby water for 1 min. Each creature that requires oxygen to live (including air-breathing creatures under effects of water breathing) and starts its turn within 20' of deva: DC 17 Con save or begin suffocating. Deva never suffers effects of this; can choose any creatures in area to ignore it." } ], "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Amphibious", "desc": "Can breathe air and water." }, { "name": "Angelic Weapons", "desc": "Its weapon attacks are magical. When it hits with any weapon deals extra 4d8 radiant (included below)." }, { "name": "Immortal Nature", "desc": "Doesn't require food drink or sleep" }, { "name": "Living Coral Armor", "desc": "Its armor is made of living coral. If armor is damaged such as from a black pudding's Pseudopod armor fully repairs itself within 1 min provided it wasn't destroyed." }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "Advantage: spell/magic effect saves." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 27, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_angel-pelagic-deva/" }, { "slug": "angel-psychopomp", "desc": "", "name": "Angel, Psychopomp", "size": "Medium", "type": "Celestial", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "lawful neutral", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 68, "hit_dice": "8d8+32", "speed": { "walk": 40, "fly": 60 }, "strength": 17, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 18, "intelligence": 14, "wisdom": 16, "charisma": 18, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": 6, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": 5, "charisma_save": 6, "perception": 3, "skills": { "perception": 3 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "necrotic, radiant; nonmagic B/P/S weapons", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened, poisoned", "senses": "darkvision 120', passive Perception 15", "languages": "all, telepathy 60'", "challenge_rating": "4", "cr": 4.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Two Lantern Flail attacks." }, { "name": "Lantern Flail", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 8 (1d10+3) bludgeoning damage + 4 (1d8) radiant. A fiend or undead hit by this takes extra 10 (3d6) radiant." }, { "name": "Divine Dictum (Recharge 5-6)", "desc": "Unleashes a small portion of its creator's influence. Each creature of psychopomp's choice that it can see within 30' of it: 22 (5d8) radiant (DC 14 Wis half). Each charmed frightened or possessed creature of psychopomp's choice within 60' of it can choose to end the condition." }, { "name": "Unmake Contract (1/Day)", "desc": "Projects power/majesty of its patron deity. Creature it can see or hear within 60': freed of all liens on its soul." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Spirit Usher (3/Day)", "desc": "Wards a creature with divine power for 1 hr. While warded Celestials Fiends and Undead have disadvantage on attack rolls vs. the creature and creature can't be charmed frightened or possessed by them. Warded creature gains 11 temp hp and if slain can't be raised as an Undead for 1 year." } ], "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Death's Accomplice", "desc": "When it deals radiant can choose to deal necrotic instead." }, { "name": "Fiendish Countenance", "desc": "When traveling planes of existence demons and devils are native to (ex: Hell the Abyss) psychopomp appears to be a Fiend of a type native to that plane. Until it reveals its true nature (no action required) or uses Divine Dictum Spirit Usher or Unmake Contract it is undetectable as a Celestial." }, { "name": "Immortal Nature", "desc": "Doesn't require food drink or sleep" }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "Advantage: spell/magic effect saves." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 28, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_angel-psychopomp/" }, { "slug": "angel-shrouded", "desc": "", "name": "Angel, Shrouded", "size": "Medium", "type": "Celestial", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "chaotic good", "armor_class": 18, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 161, "hit_dice": "17d8+85", "speed": { "walk": 40, "fly": 60 }, "strength": 18, "dexterity": 20, "constitution": 20, "intelligence": 16, "wisdom": 22, "charisma": 10, "strength_save": 9, "dexterity_save": 1, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": 1, "charisma_save": 5, "perception": 6, "skills": { "perception": 6 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "poison, radiant; nonmagic B/P/S attacks", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened, poisoned", "senses": "blindsight 30', darkvision 120', passive Perception 21", "languages": "all, telepathy 120'", "challenge_rating": "13", "cr": 13.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Three Justicar's Blade or Justicar's Blast attacks." }, { "name": "Justicar's Blade", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 13 (2d8+5) slashing damage + 14 (4d6) poison and target: DC 17 Con save or be poisoned. Poisoned condition lasts until it is removed by the lesser restoration spell or similar magic." }, { "name": "Justicar's Blast", "desc": "Ranged Spell Attack: +11 to hit, 120 ft., one target, 24 (4d8+6) radiant." }, { "name": "Spellcasting", "desc": "Wis (DC 19) no material components: At will: bane bless locate creature3/day ea: invisibility (self only) healing word (level 5) nondetection" } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": [ { "name": "Executioner's Judgment", "desc": "When a creature poisoned by shrouded angel starts its turn angel demands target repent. If it doesn't repent: DC 17 Con save. Fail: reduced to 0 hp. Success: 22 (5d8) radiant. If target repents its next action is chosen by angel as if it failed a save vs. the command spell: “Draw Nigh” (approach) “Clasp Hands in Prayer” (drop) “Seek Redemption” (flee) “Be Penitent” (grovel) or “In Stillness Hear the Truth” (halt). Once angel uses this reaction it must deal poison to a poisoned target before using it again." } ], "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Angelic Poison", "desc": "Its weapon attacks are magical and its weapons are coated with radiant poison. Creatures with resistance or immunity to poison or the poisoned condition can be affected by angel's poison. Such creatures have advantage on saves vs. the angel's poison." }, { "name": "Divine Awareness", "desc": "Knows if it hears a lie." }, { "name": "Evasion", "desc": "If subject to effect that allows Dex save for half damage takes no damage on success and only half if it fails." }, { "name": "Immortal Nature", "desc": "Doesn't require food drink or sleep" }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "Advantage: spell/magic effect saves." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 29, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_angel-shrouded/" }, { "slug": "angel-zirnitran", "desc": "", "name": "Angel, Zirnitran", "size": "Huge", "type": "Celestial", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "neutral good", "armor_class": 19, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 325, "hit_dice": "26d12+156", "speed": { "walk": 30, "fly": 80 }, "strength": 19, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 23, "intelligence": 25, "wisdom": 25, "charisma": 20, "strength_save": 1, "dexterity_save": 8, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": 1, "charisma_save": 1, "perception": 7, "skills": { "perception": 7 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "radiant; nonmagic B/P/S attacks", "damage_immunities": "necrotic, poison", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhausted, frightened, poisoned", "senses": "truesight 120', passive Perception 23", "languages": "all, telepathy 120'", "challenge_rating": "20", "cr": 20.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Uses Glimpse from the Heavens then three Anointed Claws or Draconic Blasts." }, { "name": "Anointed Claws", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 11 (2d6+4) slashing damage and 22 (5d8) radiant." }, { "name": "Draconic Blast", "desc": "Ranged Spell Attack: +13 to hit, 120 ft., one target, 29 (5d8+7) radiant. Can choose to deal acid cold fire lightning or poison instead of radiant." }, { "name": "Sacred Flame Breath (Recharge 5-6)", "desc": "Exhales holy fire in a 90' cone. Each creature in that area: 33 (6d10) fire and 33 (6d10) radiant (DC 20 Dex half). Also the holy fire burns away magic ending any spell of 7th-level or lower in the area." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": [ { "name": "Six-Scaled Aegis", "desc": "When it takes damage it gains resistance to that type of damage including the triggering damage for 1 min or until it uses this reaction again." } ], "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": [ { "name": "Detect", "desc": "Knows location of each dragon and each creature with strong connection to dragons such as a sorcerer with the draconic bloodline within 120' of it." }, { "name": "Move", "desc": "Flies up to half its fly speed with o provoking opportunity attacks." }, { "name": "Attack (2)", "desc": "Makes one Anointed Claws or Draconic Blast attack." }, { "name": "Cast a Spell (2)", "desc": "Uses Spellcasting." }, { "name": "Under Black Wings (3)", "desc": "Creates a magical feathered shield around itself or another creature it can see within 120' of it. Target gains +2 to AC and 20 temp hp until the end of zirnitran's next turn." } ], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Angelic Weapons", "desc": "Its weapon attacks are magical. When it hits with any weapon deals extra 5d8 radiant (included below)." }, { "name": "Aura of Balance", "desc": "Affects chance and probability around it. While creature within 20' of it can't have advantage or disadvantage on any ability check attack roll or save. Aura affects zirnitran. At start of each of its turns zirnitran chooses whether this aura is active." }, { "name": "Divine Awareness", "desc": "Knows if it hears a lie." }, { "name": "Dragon Watcher", "desc": "Advantage: saves vs. dragon breath weapons. No damage if it succeeds on such a save and only half if it fails." }, { "name": "Hardened Scales", "desc": "Any critical hit vs. it becomes a normal hit." }, { "name": "Immortal Nature", "desc": "Doesn't require food drink or sleep" }, { "name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)", "desc": "Choose to succeed failed save." }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "Advantage: spell/magic effect saves." }, { "name": "Glimpse from the Heavens", "desc": "Its eyes flash with the majesty of a solar eclipse. Each creature of its choice that is within 60' of it and that can see it: DC 19 Wis save or frightened for 1 min. Creature can re-save at end of each of its turns ending the effect on a success. If save is successful or effect ends for it creature is immune to zirnitran's Glimpse of the Heavens for the next 24 hrs. A creature that fails by 5+ is also blinded. Blindness lasts until removed by a greater restoration spell or similar magic." }, { "name": "Secrets of the Hidden Hoard (2/Day)", "desc": "Draws upon ages of study and observation and casts one spell of 8th level or lower that appears on the cleric or wizard spell list. Casts the spell as an action regardless of spell's normal casting time." }, { "name": "Spellcasting", "desc": "Wis (DC 21) no material components: At will: detect evil and good invisibility (self only) legend lore thaumaturgy3/day ea: dispel evil and good geas (as an action)1/day ea: antimagic field plane shift" } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 30, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_angel-zirnitran/" }, { "slug": "animal-lord-mammoth-queen", "desc": "", "name": "Animal Lord, Mammoth Queen", "size": "Huge", "type": "Fey", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "chaotic good", "armor_class": 20, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 250, "hit_dice": "20d12+120", "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "strength": 25, "dexterity": 10, "constitution": 22, "intelligence": 15, "wisdom": 18, "charisma": 19, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": 6, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": 1, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 4, "skills": { "perception": 4 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "nonmagic B/P/S attacks", "damage_immunities": "cold, poison", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, poisoned, stunned", "senses": "truesight 120', passive Perception 20", "languages": "all, telepathy 120'", "challenge_rating": "18", "cr": 18.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Three Battleaxes or two Gores or she makes one Gore and one Stomp. She can replace one attack with one Trunk or Trunk Slam." }, { "name": "Battleaxe (Humanoid or True Form)", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, 10 ft., one target, 20 (3d8+7) slashing damage or 23 (3d10+7) slashing damage if used with two hands." }, { "name": "Gore (Elephantine or True Form)", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, 10 ft., one target, 34 (6d8+7) piercing damage." }, { "name": "Trunk Slam", "desc": "One up to Large object held/creature grappled by her is slammed to ground or flung. Creature slammed: 27 (5d10) bludgeoning damage (DC 20 Con half). This doesn't end grappled condition on target. Creature flung: thrown up to 60' in random direction and knocked prone. If thrown creature strikes solid surface target: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage per 10 ft. thrown. If target is thrown at another creature that creature: DC 19 Dex save or take same damage and knocked prone." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Change Shape", "desc": "Transforms into Gargantuan oliphaunt (see Creature Codex) a Huge mammoth a Med female human with thick brown hair tied back in a braid or back into her true Huge elephant-headed humanoid form. Her stats other than size are the same in each form. Any items worn/carried transform with her." } ], "reactions": [ { "name": "Catch Weapon (Elephantine or True Form)", "desc": "When hit by a melee weapon attack she can reduce the damage by 1d10+17. If this reduces damage to 0 queen can catch the weapon with her trunk if she is not using it to grapple a creature. If Queen catches a weapon in this way she must make a Str (Athletics) check contested by attacker's Str (Athletics) or Dex (Acrobatics) check (target chooses). Queen has disadvantage on the check if wielder is holding item with 2+ hands. If she wins she disarms creature and can throw the weapon up to 60' in a random direction as part of the same reaction." } ], "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": [ { "name": "Regenerative Hide", "desc": "Regains 15 hp. She can't use this legendary action again until the end of her next turn. " }, { "name": "Trunk", "desc": "Makes one Trunk attack." }, { "name": "Shoving Stampede (2)", "desc": "Charges becoming unstoppable stampede in line up to 80' long × 15 ft. wide. All in line: 14 (4d6) bludgeoning damage and pushed up to 15 ft. away and knocked prone (DC 20 Dex half not pushed/prone). Queen's move along this line doesn't provoke opportunity attacks." }, { "name": "Queen's Trumpet (3)", "desc": "Emits loud trumpeting audible to 300'. Chooses up to 3 creatures that can hear trumpet. If target is friendly has advantage on its next attack roll ability check or save. If hostile: DC 20 Wis save or frightened til end of its next turn." } ], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Elephantine Passivism", "desc": "No elephant mammoth or other elephantine creature can willingly attack her. Can be forced to do so magically." }, { "name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)", "desc": "Choose to succeed failed save." }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "Advantage: spell/magic effect saves." }, { "name": "Magic Weapons", "desc": "Weapon attacks are magical." }, { "name": "Rejuvenation", "desc": "If she dies soul reforms on Astral Plane. In 1d6 days it inhabits body of another elephantine creature on Material Plane which becomes the Queen with all hp and abilities thereof. Only killing every elephantine creature on the Material Plane will prevent this." }, { "name": "Speak with Elephantines", "desc": "Communicate with any elephant mammoth or other elephantine creature as if they shared a language." }, { "name": "Trampling Charge", "desc": "If she moves 20'+ straight to creature and then hits it with Gore on same turn target knocked prone (DC 20 Str negates). If target is prone queen can make one Stomp vs. it as a bonus action." }, { "name": "Stomp (Elephantine or True Form)", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 34 (5d10+7) bludgeoning damage." }, { "name": "Trunk (Elephantine or True Form)", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, 15 ft., one creature,. Target is grappled (escape DC 19) if it is a Large or smaller creature. Until grapple ends target restrained queen can't use Trunk on another." }, { "name": "Tusk Sweep (Elephantine or True Form Recharge 5-6)", "desc": "Channels raw magic as she sweeps her tusks in a wide arc. Each creature in a 15 ft. cube: 35 (10d6) bludgeoning damage and is pushed up to 15 ft. away from the queen (DC 20 Dex half damage and isn't pushed away)." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 32, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_animal-lord-mammoth-queen/" }, { "slug": "animated-instrument", "desc": "", "name": "Animated Instrument", "size": "Tiny", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 12, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 17, "hit_dice": "7d4", "speed": { "walk": 0, "fly": 30 }, "strength": 1, "dexterity": 12, "constitution": 11, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 5, "charisma": 15, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": -3, "skills": { "perception": -3 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "blindsight 60' (blind beyond), passive Perception 7", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "1/4", "cr": 0.25, "actions": [ { "name": "Trouble Clef", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 4 (1d4+1) bludgeoning damage." }, { "name": "Orchestra Hit", "desc": "Ranged Spell Attack: +4 to hit, 60 ft., one target, 5 (1d6+2) thunder." }, { "name": "Spirited Solo (Recharge 5-6)", "desc": "Improvises a tune to draw listeners into entrancing thought. Each creature within 30' of it that can hear the song: creature is incapacitated until end of its next turn (DC 12 Wis creature has an epiphany and gains advantage on Cha (Performance) checks for 1 day)." }, { "name": "Courageous Anthem (1/Day)", "desc": "Plays a song that bolsters its allies. Each friendly creature within 30' of the instrument that can hear song has a +1 bonus to attack rolls ability checks and saves until song ends. Instrument must take a bonus action on subsequent turns to continue playing the song. Can stop playing at any time. Song ends if animated instrument is incapacitated. A creature can benefit from only one Courageous Anthem at a time." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Antimagic Susceptibility", "desc": "Incapacitated while in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic instrument must succeed on a Con save vs. caster's spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1 min." }, { "name": "Construct Nature", "desc": "Doesn't require air food drink or sleep." }, { "name": "False", "desc": "[+]Appearance[/+] While motionless and isn't flying indistinguishable from normal musical instrument." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 34, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_animated-instrument/" }, { "slug": "animated-instrument-quartet", "desc": "", "name": "Animated Instrument, Quartet", "size": "Large", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 102, "hit_dice": "12d10+36", "speed": { "walk": 30, "fly": 50 }, "strength": 10, "dexterity": 16, "constitution": 17, "intelligence": 4, "wisdom": 5, "charisma": 18, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": -3, "skills": { "perception": -3 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "blindsight 60' (blind beyond), passive Perception 7", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "4", "cr": 4.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Two Trouble Clef or Orchestra Hit attacks." }, { "name": "Trouble Clef", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 13 (4d4+3) bludgeoning damage." }, { "name": "Orchestra Hit", "desc": "Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit, 60 ft., one target, 18 (4d6+4) thunder." }, { "name": "Musical Arrangement", "desc": "The quartet plays one of the following songs:Dreadful Dirge. The quartet plays a hair-raising tune that evokes terror. Each hostile creature within 30' of the quartet must make DC 14 Wis save or be frightened until the end of its next turn.Oppressive Overture. The quartet plays a heavy melody that reverberates through nearby creatures. Each hostile creature within 30' of the quartet must make DC 14 Str save or be knocked prone.Seditious Sonata. The quartet plays a song that incites disobedience and rebellion. Each hostile creature within 30' of the quartet must make DC 14 Cha save" } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Antimagic Susceptibility", "desc": "The quartet is incapacitated while in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic the quartet must succeed on a Con save vs. the caster's spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1 min." }, { "name": "Construct Nature", "desc": "The quartet doesn't require air food drink or sleep." }, { "name": "False Appearance", "desc": "While motionless indistinguishable from group of musical instruments." }, { "name": "Four-Part Harmony", "desc": "An animated quartet is always composed of four instruments that sit or hover close together acting with singular intent. If an attack deals at least 25 damage to the quartet then one of the instruments falls unconscious causing the quartet to deal one die less of damage with its Trouble Clef and Orchestra Hit actions." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 34, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_animated-instrument-quartet/" }, { "slug": "animated-instrument-symphony", "desc": "", "name": "Animated Instrument, Symphony", "size": "Gargantuan", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "neutral", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 201, "hit_dice": "13d20+65", "speed": { "walk": 30, "fly": 30 }, "strength": 12, "dexterity": 18, "constitution": 20, "intelligence": 10, "wisdom": 8, "charisma": 22, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": 7, "constitution_save": 1, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": 4, "charisma_save": 1, "perception": -1, "skills": { "perception": -1 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "bludgeoning, piercing, slashing", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, stunned", "senses": "blindsight 120' (blind beyond), passive Perception 9", "languages": "understands Common but can't speak", "challenge_rating": "15", "cr": 15.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Uses Musical Arrangement. Then two Hammer Note or Pulsating Cacophony attacks." }, { "name": "Hammer Note", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit 5 ft. 1 tgt in the swarm's space. 36 (8d8) bludgeoning damage or 18 (4d8) bludgeoning damage if symphony has half its hp or fewer." }, { "name": "Pulsating Cacophony", "desc": "Ranged Spell Attack: +11 to hit, 60 ft., one target, 22 (4d10) thunder + 13 (2d12) psychic or 11 (2d10) thunder + 6 (1d12) psychic if the symphony has half its hp or fewer." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": [ { "name": "Move", "desc": "Moves up to its speed with o provoking opportunity attacks." }, { "name": "Harmonize (2)", "desc": "Tunes its worn-out instruments back to working harmony regaining 20 hp and ending one condition affecting it." }, { "name": "Orchestral Flourish (2)", "desc": "Plays a short fierce melody. Each creature within 10 ft. of symphony including creatures in its space: 10 (3d6) thunder (DC 19 Con half)." }, { "name": "Syncopated Melody (3)", "desc": "Mimics a spell that was cast since the end of its last turn. It makes a Performance check where the DC is the caster's DC+the level of the spell symphony is trying to mimic. If successful symphony casts the spell using original caster's DC and spell attack bonus." } ], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Antimagic Susceptibility", "desc": "Incapacitated while in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic instrument must succeed on a Con save vs. caster's spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1 min. Has advantage on this save." }, { "name": "Construct Nature", "desc": "Doesn't require air food drink or sleep." }, { "name": "False", "desc": "[+]Appearance[/+] Motionless and not flying: indistinguishable from large musical instrument collection and performance paraphernalia." }, { "name": "Grand Composition", "desc": "While it occupies another creature's space that creature has disadvantage on Con saves to maintain concentration and creature can't cast spells with verbal components." }, { "name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)", "desc": "Choose to succeed failed save." }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "Advantage: spell/magic effect saves." }, { "name": "Swarm", "desc": "Can occupy another creature's space and vice versa and symphony can move through any opening large enough for a Small musical instrument. Except for the Harmonize legendary action symphony can't regain hp or gain temp hp." }, { "name": "Musical Arrangement", "desc": "Plays one of the following:Ballet of Quickening Steps Lilting ballet that picks up pace in startling fashion increasing its movement speed by 10 ft. and allowing it to take the Dodge action as a bonus action on each of its turns. Lasts 1 min or until symphony plays a different song.Harrowing Hymn Foreboding verse. Each creature within 30' of symphony that can hear it: DC 19 Wis save or frightened for 1 min. A creature can re-save at end of each of its turns success ends effect on itself. If creature's save succeeds or effect ends for it creature immune to symphony's Harrowing Hymn for next 24 hrs.Concerto for the Luckless Piece pits nearby listeners vs. their own misfortunes. Each creature within 60' of symphony and can hear it: DC 19 Cha save or be cursed 1 min. While cursed creature can't add its proficiency bonus to attack rolls or ability checks. If cursed creature rolls a 20 on attack roll or ability check curse ends. Curse can be lifted early by remove curse spell or similar magic.Four Winds Canon Trumpets gale force winds in a 90' cone. Each creature in that area: creature is pushed up to 30' away from symphony and knocked prone (DC 19 Str creature is knocked prone but isn't pushed). Winds also disperse gas or vapor and it extinguishes candles torches and similar unprotected flames in the area. It causes protected flames such as those of lanterns to dance wildly and has a 50% chance to extinguish them." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 34, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_animated-instrument-symphony/" }, { "slug": "animated-offal", "desc": "", "name": "Animated Offal", "size": "Huge", "type": "Ooze", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 8, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 207, "hit_dice": "18d12+90", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 18, "dexterity": 6, "constitution": 20, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 7, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": -2, "skills": { "perception": -2 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "necrotic", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, prone", "senses": "blindsight 120' (blind beyond), passive Perception 8", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "9", "cr": 9.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Two Pseudopod attacks." }, { "name": "Pseudopod", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, 10 ft., one target, 11 (2d6+4) bludgeoning damage + 18 (4d8) necrotic and target is grappled (escape DC 16) if it is a Large or smaller creature and offal doesn't have two other creatures grappled. If target is holding or carrying one or more healing potions there is a 25 percent chance one potion shatters during the attack allowing animated offal to absorb the healing energy and gain the benefits of its Healing Sense." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Subsume", "desc": "Begins absorbing one creature it is grappling. Creature takes 18 (4d8) necrotic (DC 17 Con half). Offal regains hp equal to half the damage dealt. If offal is at its hp max it gains temp hp for 1 hr instead. Offal can add temp hp gained from this trait to temp hp gained earlier from this trait. Temporary hp can't exceed 48. If its temp hp would exceed 48 a new animated offal appears in an unoccupied space within 5 ft. of offal. The new Ooze is Small doesn't have this bonus action and has 10 hp. Creature killed by this bonus action is fully subsumed into offal and can be restored to life only by means of a resurrection spell or similar magic." } ], "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Flowing Flesh", "desc": "Can move through spaces as narrow as 6 inches wide with o squeezing." }, { "name": "Healing Sense", "desc": "Can sense healing spells effects and potions within 120' of it. If the ooze is the target of a healing spell if it consumes a healing potion or if it is affected by a similar magical effect it gains a +2 bonus to its AC has advantage on Dex saves and can use its Pseudopod attack as a bonus action for 1 min." }, { "name": "Ooze Nature", "desc": "Doesn't require sleep." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 38, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_animated-offal/" }, { "slug": "aphasian-abomination", "desc": "", "name": "Aphasian Abomination", "size": "Large", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 170, "hit_dice": "20d10+60", "speed": { "walk": 0, "fly": 60 }, "strength": 1, "dexterity": 20, "constitution": 16, "intelligence": 17, "wisdom": 20, "charisma": 5, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": 9, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": 7, "wisdom_save": 9, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 5, "skills": { "perception": 5 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic; nonmagic bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing attacks", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone", "senses": "darkvision 120', passive Perception 19", "languages": "Common, telepathy 120'", "challenge_rating": "10", "cr": 10.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Three Force Blast attacks." }, { "name": "Force Blast", "desc": "Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +9 to hit 5 ft. or range 120' one target 23 (4d8+5) force." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Amorphous", "desc": "Move through space 1ft.+ wide with o squeezing." }, { "name": "Aphasic Field", "desc": "Generates a field of psychic distortion around itself. Each creature that starts its turn within 60' of abomination: DC 17 Int save or lose ability to speak coherently saying coherent words that make no sense in context instead of what it intends to say. If creature attempts to cast a spell with verbal components it fails taking 9 (2d8) psychic per spell level of spell it attempted to cast and expends spell slot." }, { "name": "Construct Nature", "desc": "Doesn't require air food drink or sleep." }, { "name": "Immutable Form", "desc": "Immune: form-altering spells/effects." }, { "name": "Made of Magic", "desc": "Is formed of magical energy. It temporarily winks out of existence when inside an antimagic field instantly reappearing once space it occupied is no longer within area of effect. If targeted by dispel magic: 21 (6d6) damage + extra 7 (2d6) psychic for each spell level beyond 3rd if spell is cast using a higher spell slot." }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "Advantage: spell/magic effect saves." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 39, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_aphasian-abomination/" }, { "slug": "arcane-leviathan", "desc": "", "name": "Arcane Leviathan", "size": "Gargantuan", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 17, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 279, "hit_dice": "18d20+90", "speed": { "walk": 10, "swim": 60 }, "strength": 26, "dexterity": 5, "constitution": 21, "intelligence": 5, "wisdom": 17, "charisma": 8, "strength_save": 1, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": 1, "intelligence_save": 2, "wisdom_save": 8, "charisma_save": 4, "perception": 3, "skills": { "perception": 3 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "acid, thunder; nonmagic B/P/S attacks", "damage_immunities": "lightning, poison, psychic", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "truesight 120', passive Perception 13", "languages": "understands creator's languages but can't speak", "challenge_rating": "16", "cr": 16.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "One Slam and two Claws or four Lightning Bolts." }, { "name": "Claw", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, 15 ft., one target, 26 (4d8+8) slashing damage. If target is Huge or smaller it is grappled (escape DC 19). Leviathan has two claws each of which can grapple only one target." }, { "name": "Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 18 (4d4+8) bludgeoning damage and target: DC 19 Str save or be knocked prone." }, { "name": "Lightning Bolt", "desc": "Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit 150/600' one target 17 (4d6+3) lightning." }, { "name": "Pylon Discharge (Recharge 5-6)", "desc": "Discharges energy surge at a point it can see within 200' of it. Each creature within 30' of that point: 45 (10d8) lightning and is blinded until the end of its next turn (DC 19 Dex half damage not blinded)." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Arcane Barrage", "desc": "Sends arcane energy toward a creature it can see within 120' of it. Target begins to glow with arcane energy and at end of target's next turn: 35 (10d6) radiant (DC 19 Con half). Damage is divided evenly between target and all creatures within 10 ft. of it except leviathan." } ], "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Construct Nature", "desc": "Doesn't require air food drink or sleep." }, { "name": "Impregnable", "desc": "If subjected to an effect that allows it to make a save to take only half damage it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the save and only half damage if it fails." }, { "name": "Siege Monster", "desc": "Double damage to objects/structures." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 40, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_arcane-leviathan/" }, { "slug": "arcane-scavenger", "desc": "", "name": "Arcane Scavenger", "size": "Large", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "neutral", "armor_class": 17, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 127, "hit_dice": "17d10+34", "speed": { "walk": 10, "fly": 40 }, "strength": 19, "dexterity": 18, "constitution": 14, "intelligence": 16, "wisdom": 16, "charisma": 13, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": 8, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": 7, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 3, "skills": { "perception": 3 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "nonmagic B/P/S attacks", "damage_immunities": "force, poison, psychic", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "truesight 60', passive Perception 17", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "9", "cr": 9.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Three Grabbing Claw or Excavation Beams." }, { "name": "Grabbing Claw", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, 15 ft., one target, 13 (2d8+4) bludgeoning damage + 7 (2d6) force and target is grappled (escape DC 16). Scavenger has eight claws each of which can grapple only one target." }, { "name": "Excavation Beam", "desc": "Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, 60 ft., one target, 20 (5d6+3) fire." }, { "name": "Spellcasting", "desc": "Int (DC 15) no material components: At will: detect magic locate object3/day ea: counterspell dispel magic" } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Construct Nature", "desc": "Doesn't require air food drink or sleep." }, { "name": "Eldritch Overload", "desc": "When reduced to half its max hp or fewer its speed is doubled and it gains additional action each turn. The action must be to Dash Disengage Hide or Use an Object or to make one Grabbing Claws or Excavation Beam attack. Effect lasts for 3 rounds. At end of its third turn the scavenger takes 10 (3d6) fire." }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "Advantage: spell/magic effect saves." }, { "name": "Ruinous Detonation", "desc": "When it dies it explodes and each creature within 30' of it: 21 (6d6) force is flung up to 40' away from scavenger and is knocked prone (DC 16 Dex half damage and isn't flung or knocked prone)." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 41, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_arcane-scavenger/" }, { "slug": "archon-siege", "desc": "", "name": "Archon, Siege", "size": "Huge", "type": "Celestial", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "lawful good", "armor_class": 18, "armor_desc": "plate", "hit_points": 187, "hit_dice": "15d12+90", "speed": { "walk": 40, "fly": 60 }, "strength": 22, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 22, "intelligence": 10, "wisdom": 20, "charisma": 17, "strength_save": 1, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": 1, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": 1, "charisma_save": 8, "perception": 5, "skills": { "perception": 5 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "radiant; nonmagic B/P/S attacks", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened", "senses": "truesight 120', passive Perception 20", "languages": "all, telepathy 120'", "challenge_rating": "13", "cr": 13.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Two Trunk Maul attacks or four Trumpeting Blasts." }, { "name": "Trunk Maul", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, 10 ft., one target, 20 (4d6+6) bludgeoning damage + 22 (5d8) force." }, { "name": "Stomp", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit 10 ft. one prone creature. 22 (3d10+6) bludgeoning damage." }, { "name": "Trumpeting Blast", "desc": "Ranged Spell Attack: +10 to hit, 120 ft., one target, 19 (4d6+5) thunder." }, { "name": "Sundering Quake (Recharge 5-6)", "desc": "Slams its forelegs into the ground. Each creature in contact with the ground within 20' of it: 49 (14d6) force (DC 19 Dex half). Each structure in contact with the ground within 20' of archon also takes the damage and collapses if the damage reduces it to 0 hp." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Celestial Weapons", "desc": "Its weapon attacks are magical. When archon hits with its Trunk Maul weapon deals extra 5d8 force (included below)." }, { "name": "False Appearance", "desc": "While motionless indistinguishable from inanimate statue." }, { "name": "Immortal Nature", "desc": "Doesn't require food drink or sleep" }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "Advantage: spell/magic effect saves." }, { "name": "Siege Monster", "desc": "Double damage to objects/structures." }, { "name": "Trampling Charge", "desc": "If it moves 20'+ straight toward a creature and then hits it with trunk maul on same turn target: DC 19 Str save or be pushed up to 10 ft. and knocked prone. If target is prone archon can make one Stomp attack vs. it as a bonus action." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 42, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_archon-siege/" }, { "slug": "archon-ursan", "desc": "", "name": "Archon, Ursan", "size": "Large", "type": "Celestial", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "chaotic good", "armor_class": 16, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 142, "hit_dice": "15d10+60", "speed": { "walk": 30, "fly": 60 }, "strength": 21, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 18, "intelligence": 13, "wisdom": 17, "charisma": 16, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": 8, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": 7, "charisma_save": 7, "perception": 3, "skills": { "perception": 3 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "radiant; nonmagic B/P/S attacks", "damage_immunities": "cold", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened, prone", "senses": "darkvision 120', passive Perception 13", "languages": "all, telepathy 120'", "challenge_rating": "9", "cr": 9.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Two Greataxe attacks. When Thunderous Roar is available it can use the roar in place of one Greataxe attack." }, { "name": "Greataxe", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 18 (2d12+5) slashing damage + 13 (3d8) force." }, { "name": "Thunderous Roar (Recharge 5-6)", "desc": "Unleashes a terrifying roar in a 30' cone. Each creature in that area: 36 (8d8) thunder (DC 16 Con half). In addition each hostile creature within 60' of archon that can hear it: DC 15 Wis save or be frightened for 1 min. Creatures in the 30' cone have disadvantage on this save. A frightened creature can re-save at end of each of its turns success ends effect on itself." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": [ { "name": "Rallying Roar", "desc": "When it reduces a creature to 0 hp it can utter a triumphant roar. Each friendly creature within 60' of the archon that is frightened paralyzed stunned or unconscious has advantage on its next save. A friendly creature with o those conditions has advantage on its next attack roll. In addition each friendly creature within 60' of archon that can hear the roar gains 14 (4d6) temp hp." } ], "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Celestial Weapons", "desc": "Its weapon attacks are magical. When it hits with any weapon deals an extra 4d8 force (included below)." }, { "name": "Immortal Nature", "desc": "Doesn't require food drink or sleep" }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "Advantage: spell/magic effect saves." }, { "name": "Reckless", "desc": "At the start of its turn can gain advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls it makes during that turn but attacks vs. it have advantage until start of its next turn." }, { "name": "Relentless (Recharge: Short/Long Rest)", "desc": "If it takes 30 damage or less that would reduce it to 0 hp it is reduced to 1 hp instead." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 43, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_archon-ursan/" }, { "slug": "archon-word", "desc": "", "name": "Archon, Word", "size": "Tiny", "type": "Celestial", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "lawful good", "armor_class": 13, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 28, "hit_dice": "8d4+8", "speed": { "walk": 0, "fly": 90 }, "strength": 10, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 13, "intelligence": 13, "wisdom": 17, "charisma": 16, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": 5, "charisma_save": 5, "perception": 3, "skills": { "perception": 3 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "radiant", "damage_immunities": "necrotic, poison", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened, poisoned, prone", "senses": "darkvision 120', passive Perception 13", "languages": "all, telepathy 60'", "challenge_rating": "1", "cr": 1.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 7 (2d4+2) radiant." }, { "name": "Forceful Words", "desc": "Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, 90 ft., one target, 10 (2d6+3) radiant." }, { "name": "Share Smite (3/Day)", "desc": "Empowers the weapon of one creature within 30' of it that can hear and see it for 1 min. The first time the target hits with the weapon on a turn deals extra 9 (2d8) radiant. If creature the target hits is a Fiend or Undead it takes 13 (3d8) radiant instead." }, { "name": "Spellcasting", "desc": "Cha (DC 13) no material or somatic components: At will: dancing lights message true strike1/day ea: faerie fire heroism" } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Immortal Nature", "desc": "Doesn't require food drink or sleep" }, { "name": "Keen Sight", "desc": "Advantage: sight Wis (Percept) checks." }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "Advantage: spell/magic effect saves." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 44, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_archon-word/" }, { "slug": "asp-vine", "desc": "", "name": "Asp Vine", "size": "Medium", "type": "Plant", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 13, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 55, "hit_dice": "10d8+10", "speed": { "walk": 10 }, "strength": 14, "dexterity": 12, "constitution": 12, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 3, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": -4, "skills": { "perception": -4 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "bludgeoning, piercing", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "blinded, deafened, frightened", "senses": "blindsight 30' (blind beyond), passive Perception 6", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "4", "cr": 4.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Four Vine attacks." }, { "name": "Vine", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 4 (1d4+2) piercing damage and 5 (2d4) poison and the target must make DC 14 Con save or be poisoned for 1 min. If the target is a creature it is grappled (escape DC 14). Until this grapple ends the target is restrained and must succeed on a new save each round it remains grappled or take another 5 (2d4) poison. The asp vine can grapple up to four targets at a time though it can still make vine attacks vs. other targets even if it has four grappled opponents." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "False Appearance", "desc": "While motionless indistinguishable from normal cluster of vines." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 45, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_asp-vine/" }, { "slug": "astralsupial", "desc": "", "name": "Astralsupial", "size": "Medium", "type": "Beast", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 82, "hit_dice": "15d6+30", "speed": { "walk": 30, "climb": 30 }, "strength": 8, "dexterity": 17, "constitution": 14, "intelligence": 4, "wisdom": 12, "charisma": 14, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": 5, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": 4, "perception": 1, "skills": { "perception": 1 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "darkvision 30', passive Perception 13", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "4", "cr": 4.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Two Claws attacks and uses Astral Pouch." }, { "name": "Claws", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 10 (2d6+3) slashing damage." }, { "name": "Astral Pouch", "desc": "Reaches into its extradimensional pouch and chooses a point it can see within 30' of it. Each creature within 10 ft. of that point suffers effect delow determined by d6 roll if creature fails DC 13 Dex save. It is immune to its own Astral Pouch effects.1 Ball Bearings Roll out of the pouch scattering at end of astralsupial's next turn. Creature knocked prone).2 Cooking Utensils Cast-iron cook pans fly out. Creature: 5 (2d4) bludgeoning damage.3 Tangled Threads Mass of Threads bursts out of pouch. Creature restrained until a creature uses action to break thread (DC 10 Str).4 Astral Mirror Imbued with trace of Astral Plane's power flashes brilliantly. Creature: 1d4 psychic and blinded until end of its next turn.5 Smelly Trash Handfuls of putrid trash spill from the pouch. Creature is poisoned for 1 min. Creature can make a DC 13 Con save at the end of each of its turns success ends effect on itself.6 Magic Beans Magical beans bounce out of the pouch. A creature takes 10 (4d4) fire on a failed save or half as much if made." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Astral Traveler (2/Day)", "desc": "Briefly surrounds itself in a shower of glittering dust and teleports to an unoccupied space it can see within 30 feet." } ], "reactions": [ { "name": "Playing Dead", "desc": "When reduced to 10 hp or less it feigns death in hopes of deceiving its attackers. A creature that sees it in this state can determine it is a ruse via DC 15 Wis (Medicine) check. Ruse lasts until astralsupial ends it (no action required) up to 8 hrs. 1st attack it makes within 1 round of ending ruse has advantage." } ], "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Apposable Thumbs", "desc": "Advantage on climb-related Str (Athletics)." }, { "name": "Keen Hearing", "desc": "[+]and Smell[/+] Advantage: hearing/smell Wis (Perception)." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 46, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_astralsupial/" }, { "slug": "aural-hunter", "desc": "", "name": "Aural Hunter", "size": "Large", "type": "Aberration", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "chaotic evil", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 127, "hit_dice": "15d10+45", "speed": { "walk": 40, "climb": 30 }, "strength": 16, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 16, "intelligence": 7, "wisdom": 19, "charisma": 6, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 4, "skills": { "perception": 4 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "blinded", "senses": "blindsight 60' or 20' while deafened (blind beyond), passive Perception 17", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "5", "cr": 5.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Two Claws attacks and one Rib Hooks attack. It can use Consume Sound in place of one attack." }, { "name": "Claws", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 12 (2d8+3) slashing damage." }, { "name": "Rib Hooks", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 10 (2d6+3) piercing damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 15) if it is a Large or smaller creature and it doesn't have another creature grappled." }, { "name": "Consume Sound", "desc": "Siphons energy from audible vibrations surrounding a creature grappled by it. Target: 14 (4d6) necrotic and becomes deafened and unable to speak until end of its next turn (DC 13 Con half damage and is able to hear and speak). Aural hunter regains hp equal to damage dealt. Consume Sound has no effect on creatures that are already deafened and unable to speak. It can't use this action if it is deafened." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Blind Senses", "desc": "Can't use its blindsight while deafened and unable to smell." }, { "name": "Keen Hearing", "desc": "Has advantage on Wis (Perception) checks that rely on hearing." }, { "name": "Sonic Sensitivity", "desc": "When it takes thunder damage it becomes deafened until the end of its next turn." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 47, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_aural-hunter/" }, { "slug": "avestruzii", "desc": "", "name": "Avestruzii", "size": "Medium", "type": "Humanoid", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "any alignment", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "scale mail", "hit_points": 22, "hit_dice": "3d8+9", "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "strength": 14, "dexterity": 10, "constitution": 16, "intelligence": 8, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 10, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 0, "skills": { "perception": 0 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "passive Perception 12", "languages": "Common, Terran", "challenge_rating": "1/2", "cr": 0.5, "actions": [ { "name": "Battleaxe", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 6 (1d8+2) slashing damage or 7 (1d10+2) slashing damage if used with two hands." }, { "name": "Claw", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 4 (1d4+2) slashing damage." }, { "name": "Shortbow", "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit 80/320' one target 3 (1d6) piercing damage." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": [ { "name": "Dig In", "desc": "Has resistance to one melee weapon attack that would hit it. To do so the avestruzii must see the attacker and must not have moved during its previous turn." } ], "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": null, "spell_list": [], "page_no": 48, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_avestruzii/" }, { "slug": "avestruzii-champion", "desc": "", "name": "Avestruzii Champion", "size": "Medium", "type": "Humanoid", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "any alignment", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "scale mail", "hit_points": 45, "hit_dice": "6d8+18", "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "strength": 17, "dexterity": 12, "constitution": 16, "intelligence": 10, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 10, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 0, "skills": { "perception": 0 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "passive Perception 12", "languages": "Common, Terran", "challenge_rating": "2", "cr": 2.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Two Greataxe attacks." }, { "name": "Claw", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 5 (1d4+3) slashing damage." }, { "name": "Greataxe", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 9 (1d12+3) piercing damage. If target is a creature: DC 13 Str save or be pushed 5 ft. away from avestruzii." }, { "name": "Shortbow", "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit 80/320' one target 4 (1d6+1) piercing damage." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": [ { "name": "Dig In", "desc": "As Avestruzi above." } ], "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": null, "spell_list": [], "page_no": 48, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_avestruzii-champion/" }, { "slug": "aziza", "desc": "", "name": "Aziza", "size": "Tiny", "type": "Fey", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "chaotic good", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "leather", "hit_points": 21, "hit_dice": "6d4+6", "speed": { "walk": 30, "climb": 30, "fly": 30 }, "strength": 8, "dexterity": 18, "constitution": 13, "intelligence": 10, "wisdom": 14, "charisma": 12, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 2, "skills": { "perception": 2 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "passive Perception 14", "languages": "Sylvan", "challenge_rating": "1/2", "cr": 0.5, "actions": [ { "name": "Thorn Dagger", "desc": "Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit 5 ft. or range 20/60' one target 6 (1d4+4) piercing damage." }, { "name": "Shortbow", "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit 80/320' one target 7 (1d6+4) piercing damage and the target must make DC 11 Con save or be poisoned for 1 min." }, { "name": "Befuddle", "desc": "Magically confuses one creature it can see within 30' of it. The target must make DC 12 Wis save or be affected as though it failed a save vs. the confusion spell until the end of its next turn." }, { "name": "Spellcasting", "desc": "Wis (DC 12) no material components: At will: druidcraft guidance1/day ea: animal messenger bless" } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": [ { "name": "Dazzling Glow", "desc": "When a creature the aziza can see targets it with melee attack its skin briefly glows brightly causing the attacker to have disadvantage on the attack roll." } ], "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Speak with Frogs and Toads", "desc": "Can communicate with frogs and toads as if they shared a language." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 49, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_aziza/" }, { "slug": "baleful-miasma", "desc": "", "name": "Baleful Miasma", "size": "Medium", "type": "Elemental", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "neutral evil", "armor_class": 13, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 52, "hit_dice": "8d8+16", "speed": { "walk": 0, "fly": 60 }, "strength": 13, "dexterity": 17, "constitution": 14, "intelligence": 6, "wisdom": 11, "charisma": 6, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 0, "skills": { "perception": 0 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "lightning; nonmagic B/P/S attacks", "damage_immunities": "poison", "condition_immunities": "exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious", "senses": "darkvision 60', passive Perception 10", "languages": "Auran", "challenge_rating": "2", "cr": 2.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Two Slam attacks." }, { "name": "Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 6 (1d6+3) bludgeoning damage + 3 (1d6) poison." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": [ { "name": "Swift Advance", "desc": "If a creature in same space as miasma moves miasma can move up to its speed with the creature. This move doesn't provoke opportunity attacks but miasma must move in same spaces creature moved ending in creature's space or space nearest to it." } ], "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Air Form", "desc": "Can enter a hostile creature's space and stop there. Can move through space as narrow as 1ft. wide with o squeezing." }, { "name": "Asphyxiate", "desc": "If a creature that breathes air starts its turn in miasma's space it must make DC 12 Con save or begin suffocating as its lungs fill with the poisonous air emitted by the miasma. Suffocation lasts until creature ends its turn in a space not occupied by baleful miasma or the baleful miasma dies. When the suffocation ends the creature is poisoned until the end of its next turn." }, { "name": "Elemental Nature", "desc": "Doesn't require air food drink or sleep." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 50, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_baleful-miasma/" }, { "slug": "bannik", "desc": "", "name": "Bannik", "size": "Medium", "type": "Fey", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "neutral", "armor_class": 13, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 60, "hit_dice": "11d8+11", "speed": { "walk": 30, "swim": 30 }, "strength": 14, "dexterity": 15, "constitution": 13, "intelligence": 9, "wisdom": 17, "charisma": 10, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": 3, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": 2, "perception": 3, "skills": { "perception": 3 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "cold", "damage_resistances": "fire; nonmagic B/P/S attacks", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "darkvision 60', passive Perception 13", "languages": "Common, Elvish, Sylvan", "challenge_rating": "2", "cr": 2.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Two Scalding Claws attacks." }, { "name": "Scalding Claws", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 5 (1d6+2) slashing damage + 3 (1d6) fire." }, { "name": "Scalding Splash (Recharge 5-6)", "desc": "Summons a giant ladle full of boiling water that pours down on a point it can see within 60' of it extinguishing exposed flames within 10 ft. of that point. Each creature within 10 ft. of that point must make a DC 13 Con save. On a failure a creature takes 14 (4d6) fire and is scalded for 1 min. On a success a creature takes half the damage and isn't scalded. A scalded creature has disadvantage on weapon attack rolls and on Con saves to maintain concentration. A scalded creature can re-save at end of each of its turns success ends effect on itself." }, { "name": "Spellcasting", "desc": "Wis (DC 13) only wand of bound fir required: At will: augury create or destroy water fog cloud3/day: lesser restoration" } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Hazesight", "desc": "Can see through areas obscured by fog smoke and steam with o penalty." }, { "name": "Hold Breath", "desc": "Can hold its breath for 10 min." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 51, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_bannik/" }, { "slug": "beach-weird", "desc": "", "name": "Beach Weird", "size": "Large", "type": "Elemental", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "neutral", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 65, "hit_dice": "10d10+10", "speed": { "walk": 20, "swim": 40 }, "strength": 17, "dexterity": 13, "constitution": 13, "intelligence": 13, "wisdom": 14, "charisma": 10, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 2, "skills": { "perception": 2 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "acid, fire; nonmagic B/P/S attacks", "damage_immunities": "poison", "condition_immunities": "exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious", "senses": "blindsight 30', passive Perception 12", "languages": "Aquan", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 10 ft., one target, 16 (3d8+3) bludgeoning damage and target: DC 13 Str save or be pushed up to 10 ft. away from the beach weird." }, { "name": "Create Quicksand (3/Day)", "desc": "Creates a 10 ft. radius 5 ft. deep area of quicksand centered on a point it can see within 30' of it. A creature that starts its turn in the quicksand or enters area for the first time on a turn: DC 13 Str save or be grappled by it. Grappled creature must make DC 13 Str save at start of each of its turns or sink 1 foot into the quicksand. A Small creature that sinks 2'+ or a Med creature that sinks 3'+ is restrained instead." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Elemental Nature", "desc": "Doesn't require air food drink or sleep." }, { "name": "Invisible in Water", "desc": "Is invisible while fully immersed in water." }, { "name": "Swim in Sand", "desc": "Can burrow through sand at half its swim speed. It can't make attacks while immersed in sand." }, { "name": "Tidepool Bound", "desc": "Dies if it moves more than 100' from the tide pools to which it is bound or if those tide pools remain waterless for more than 24 hrs." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 52, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_beach-weird/" }, { "slug": "bearfolk-thunderstomper", "desc": "", "name": "Bearfolk Thunderstomper", "size": "Medium", "type": "Humanoid", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "chaotic neutral", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "chain shirt", "hit_points": 105, "hit_dice": "14d8+42", "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "strength": 18, "dexterity": 15, "constitution": 16, "intelligence": 9, "wisdom": 14, "charisma": 18, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": 5, "constitution_save": 6, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 2, "skills": { "perception": 2 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "darkvision 60', tremorsense 30', passive Perception 15", "languages": "Common, Giant, Umbral", "challenge_rating": "6", "cr": 6.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Thunder Stomp or Warsong then 1 Bite and 1 War Flute." }, { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 11 (2d6+4) piercing damage." }, { "name": "War Flute", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 8 (1d8+4) bludgeoning damage + 4 (1d8) thunder." }, { "name": "Thunder Stomp", "desc": "Hammers its feet on the ground while chanting emitting destructive energy in a 15 ft. cube. Each creature in that area: 10 (3d6) thunder and be knocked prone (DC 15 Str negates both)." }, { "name": "Warsong", "desc": "Sets an inspiring rhythm with its dancing. Each friendly creature within 60' of the bearfolk has advantage on all saves vs. being charmed or frightened until end of bearfolk's next turn." }, { "name": "Spellcasting", "desc": "Cha (DC 15): At will: dancing lights prestidigitation vicious mockery2/day ea: charm person disguise self mirror image1/day ea: compulsion enthrall freedom of movement hypnotic pattern" } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Frenzy (Recharges on a Short or Long Rest)", "desc": "Triggers berserk frenzy for 1 min. It gains resistance to B/P/S damage from nonmagical weapons and has advantage on attacks. Attacks vs. frenzied bearfolk have advantage." }, { "name": "Taunt (2/Day)", "desc": "Jests at one creature it can see within 30' of it. If target can hear bearfolk target: DC 15 Cha save or disadvantage on ability checks attacks and saves until start of bearfolk's next turn." } ], "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Deceptive Steps", "desc": "While traveling can perform a stomping dance that mimics thundering footsteps of giants. Any creature within half mile that hears it but can't see bearfolk: DC 15 Wis (Perception) or believe sound comes from Giants (or other Huge or larger creatures)." }, { "name": "Keen Smell", "desc": "Advantage: smell Wis (Percept) checks." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 53, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_bearfolk-thunderstomper/" }, { "slug": "beetle-clacker-soldier", "desc": "", "name": "Beetle, Clacker Soldier", "size": "Small", "type": "Beast", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 18, "hit_dice": "4d6+4", "speed": { "walk": 20, "climb": 20 }, "strength": 8, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 13, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 7, "charisma": 3, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": -2, "skills": { "perception": -2 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "slashing from nonmagical attacks", "damage_immunities": "thunder", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "blindsight 30', passive Perception 8", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "1", "cr": 1.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, 0 ft., one creature,. 11 (2d8+2) piercing damage." }, { "name": "Clack", "desc": "Clacks its mandibles to create small but dangerous booming noise in 15 ft. cone. Each creature in area: 5 (2d4) thunder (DC 13 Con half). When multiple beetles clack in same turn and create overlapping cones each creature in overlapping cones makes one save with disadvantage vs. total damage from all overlapping cones rather than one save for each." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Compact", "desc": "Can occupy same space as one other clacker soldier." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 54, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_beetle-clacker-soldier/" }, { "slug": "beetle-clacker-swarm", "desc": "", "name": "Beetle, Clacker Swarm", "size": "Medium", "type": "Beast", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 36, "hit_dice": "8d8", "speed": { "walk": 20, "climb": 20 }, "strength": 3, "dexterity": 13, "constitution": 10, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 7, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": -2, "skills": { "perception": -2 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "charmed, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned", "senses": "blindsight 30', passive Perception 8", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit 0' 1 tgt in the swarm's space. 14 (4d6) piercing damage or 7 (2d6) piercing damage if the swarm has half of its hp or fewer." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Constant Clacking", "desc": "A creature that starts its turn in the swarm's space takes 5 (1d10) thunder." }, { "name": "Swarm", "desc": "Can occupy another creature's space and vice versa and swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny creature. Swarm can't regain hp or gain temp hp." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 54, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_beetle-clacker-swarm/" }, { "slug": "belu", "desc": "", "name": "Belu", "size": "Huge", "type": "Giant", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "chaotic good", "armor_class": 16, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 184, "hit_dice": "16d12+80", "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "strength": 22, "dexterity": 12, "constitution": 20, "intelligence": 12, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 18, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": 5, "constitution_save": 9, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 0, "skills": { "perception": 0 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "poison", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "poisoned", "senses": "darkvision 60', passive Perception 10", "languages": "Common, Giant", "challenge_rating": "10", "cr": 10.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Three Slam attacks." }, { "name": "Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, 10 ft., one target, 20 (4d6+6) bludgeoning damage and target: DC 16 Str save or pushed up to 10 ft. away from it and knocked prone." }, { "name": "Shatterstone (Recharge 5-6)", "desc": "Hurls enchanted rock at point it can see within 60' of it. Rock shatters on impact and each creature within 10 ft. of that point: 44 (8d10) slashing damage (DC 16 Dex half)." }, { "name": "Spellcasting", "desc": "Cha (DC 14) no material components: At will: entangle speak with plants stone shape2/day: plant growth" } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Change Shape", "desc": "Magically transforms into a Small or Med Humanoid or back into its true form. Its stats other than size are same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying transforms with it. If it dies it reverts to its true form." } ], "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Healing Lotuscraft", "desc": "(1/Day). Can spend 1 min crafting poultice that lasts 24 hrs. When a creature takes an action to apply poultice to a wound or skin of a creature target regains 18 (4d8) hp and is cured of any diseases or conditions affecting it." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 55, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_belu/" }, { "slug": "berberoka", "desc": "", "name": "Berberoka", "size": "Large", "type": "Giant", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "neutral", "armor_class": 16, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 114, "hit_dice": "12d10+48", "speed": { "walk": 40, "swim": 40 }, "strength": 20, "dexterity": 10, "constitution": 18, "intelligence": 6, "wisdom": 12, "charisma": 10, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": 4, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 1, "skills": { "perception": 1 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "acid", "damage_immunities": "poison", "condition_immunities": "paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "darkvision 60', passive Perception 14", "languages": "Common, Giant", "challenge_rating": "7", "cr": 7.0, "actions": null, "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Saturated Expansion", "desc": "While in contact with body of water it absorbs water that is a cube up to 10 ft. on a side and becomes saturated as water fills its body. While saturated increases in size along with anything it is wearing or carrying becoming Huge and has advantage on Str checks and Str saves. If it lacks room to become Huge it attains max size possible in space available. Ground exposed by the absorbed water becomes difficult terrain." } ], "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Amphibious", "desc": "Can breathe air and water." }, { "name": "Aqueous Regeneration", "desc": "If it starts its turn in contact with body of water large enough to submerge at least half of its body it regains 10 hp if it has at least 1 hp." }, { "name": "Swamp Camouflage", "desc": "Has advantage on Dex (Stealth) checks made to hide in marshland or swamp terrain." }, { "name": "Swamp Stalker", "desc": "Leaves behind no tracks or other traces of its passage when it moves through marshland or swamp terrain." }, { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Three Slams or two Muck-Coated Slam attacks." }, { "name": "Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 14 (2d8+5) bludgeoning damage." }, { "name": "Muck-Coated Slam (Saturated Only)", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, 10 ft., one target, 24 (3d12+5) bludgeoning damage and the target: DC 15 Dex save or its speed is reduced by 10 ft. as mud and muck coat it. A creature including target can take an action to clean off the mud and muck." }, { "name": "Water Jet (Saturated Only Recharge 4-6)", "desc": "Releases all absorbed water as a powerful jet in a 60' line that is 5 ft. wide. Each creature in that line: 40 (9d8) bludgeoning damage and is pushed up to 15 ft. away from it and knocked prone (DC 14 Dex half damage and isn't pushed or knocked prone). After using Water Jet it is no longer saturated." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 56, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_berberoka/" }, { "slug": "birgemon-seal", "desc": "", "name": "Birgemon Seal", "size": "Medium", "type": "Aberration", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 12, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 60, "hit_dice": "8d8+24", "speed": { "walk": 20, "swim": 60 }, "strength": 12, "dexterity": 15, "constitution": 16, "intelligence": 4, "wisdom": 12, "charisma": 9, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 1, "skills": { "perception": 1 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "acid, cold", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "darkvision 60', passive Perception 13", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "2", "cr": 2.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "One Bite attack one Toothy Maw attack and three Tendril attacks. It can replace all three Tendril attacks with use of Reel." }, { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 7 (2d4+2) piercing damage." }, { "name": "Toothy Maw", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 9 (2d6+2) piercing damage." }, { "name": "Tendril", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, 15 ft., one target, The target is grappled (escape DC 13) if it is a Med or smaller creature and the seal can't use the same tendril on another target. If a creature is grappled by two or more tendrils it is also Restrained." }, { "name": "Reel", "desc": "Pulls each creature grappled by it up to 10 ft. straight toward it." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Ice Slide", "desc": "If the birgemon seal moves at least 10 ft. in a straight line while on snow or ice during its turn it can slide up to 40 feet." } ], "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Frozen to the Spot", "desc": "When on snow or ice the birgemon seal can't be moved vs. its will." }, { "name": "Hold Breath", "desc": "Can hold its breath for 90 min." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 57, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_birgemon-seal/" }, { "slug": "black-patch", "desc": "", "name": "Black Patch", "size": "Large", "type": "Ooze", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 7, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 153, "hit_dice": "18d10+54", "speed": { "walk": 0, "swim": 40 }, "strength": 18, "dexterity": 5, "constitution": 16, "intelligence": 4, "wisdom": 6, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": -2, "skills": { "perception": -2 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "cold", "damage_immunities": "acid, poison", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, poisoned, prone", "senses": "blindsight 120' (blind beyond), passive Perception 8", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "6", "cr": 6.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "2 Pseudopods. Can replace 1 with Viscid Suffocation." }, { "name": "Pseudopod", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, 10 ft., one target, 7 (1d6+4) bludgeoning damage + 13 (3d8) acid." }, { "name": "Viscid Suffocation", "desc": "One creature in patch's space: DC 15 Dex save or take 18 (4d8) acid and patch attaches to it coating creature and its equipment. While patch is attached to it creature's speed is halved can't breathe and takes 9 (2d8) acid at start of each of its turns. Also if creature is in the water has disadvantage on ability checks to swim or stay afloat. Patch can devour flesh quickly but its acid doesn't harm metal wood or similar objects or creatures with o flesh. Patch can detach itself by spending 5 ft. of move. A creature including target can take its action to detach patch via DC 15 Str check." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Amphibious", "desc": "Can breathe air and water." }, { "name": "Eldritch Luminance", "desc": "When a creature that can see the patch starts its turn within 90' of it patch can force it to make a DC 15 Wis save if ooze isn't incapacitated and can see the creature. Fail: creature is mesmerized 1 min. Mesmerized creature over 5 ft. away from patch must move on its turn toward ooze by most direct route trying to get within 5 feet. It doesn't avoid opportunity attacks but before moving into damaging terrain such as lava or a pit and whenever it takes damage from a source other than ooze target can re-save. Mesmerized target can also re-save at end of each of its turns success ends effect on itself. If creature's save succeeds or effect ends for it is immune to patch's Eldritch Luminance for next 24 hrs." }, { "name": "Flowing Form", "desc": "Can enter hostile creature's space and stop there. It can move through a space as narrow as 1ft. wide with o squeezing." }, { "name": "Ooze Nature", "desc": "Doesn't require sleep." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 58, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_black-patch/" }, { "slug": "black-shuck", "desc": "", "name": "Black Shuck", "size": "Large", "type": "Fiend", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "chaotic evil", "armor_class": 17, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 157, "hit_dice": "15d10+75", "speed": { "walk": 50 }, "strength": 19, "dexterity": 16, "constitution": 21, "intelligence": 14, "wisdom": 17, "charisma": 15, "strength_save": 8, "dexterity_save": 7, "constitution_save": 9, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": 7, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 3, "skills": { "perception": 3 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "cold, fire, lightning", "damage_immunities": "necrotic, poison; bludgeoning, piercing or slashing from nonmagical attacks not made with silvered weapons", "condition_immunities": "charmed, frightened", "senses": "darkvision 90', truesight 60', passive Perception 13", "languages": "understands Abyssal and Common but can't speak", "challenge_rating": "11", "cr": 11.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Three Bites and can use Curse of the Grave or Fearsome Howl if available. If 2+ Bites hit a Med or smaller target black shuck sinks in its teeth shaking head violently. Target: DC 17 Str save or 7 (2d6) slashing damage and be thrown up to 15 ft. in random direction and knocked prone." }, { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 13 (2d8+4) piercing damage and 10 (3d6) necrotic." }, { "name": "Curse of the Grave", "desc": "Glares at one creature it can see within 30' of it. Target: DC 17 Wis save or be cursed: disadvantage on next two death saves it makes in the next 7 days. Curse lasts until cursed creature has made two death saves until 7 days have passed or until it is lifted by a remove curse spell or similar magic." }, { "name": "Fearsome Howl (Recharge 5-6)", "desc": "Howls a haunting tune. Each creature within 60' and can hear it: frightened until the end of its next turn (DC 17 Wis negates). A frightened creature concentrating on a spell must make DC 17 Con save or it loses concentration." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Mist Stalker", "desc": "In dim light fog or mist it takes the Hide action." } ], "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Blood Frenzy", "desc": "Has advantage on attack rolls vs. any creature that doesn't have all its hp." }, { "name": "Keen Hearing and Smell", "desc": "Has advantage on Wis (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell." }, { "name": "Water Walker", "desc": "Can move across the surface of water as if it were harmless solid ground. This otherwise works like the water walk spell." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 59, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_black-shuck/" }, { "slug": "blaspheming-hand", "desc": "", "name": "Blaspheming Hand", "size": "Large", "type": "Fiend", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "lawful evil", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 68, "hit_dice": "8d10+24", "speed": { "walk": 30, "fly": 30 }, "strength": 18, "dexterity": 10, "constitution": 17, "intelligence": 6, "wisdom": 12, "charisma": 12, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 1, "skills": { "perception": 1 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "cold, fire, psychic; nonmagic B/P/S attacks not made w/silvered weapons", "damage_immunities": "poison", "condition_immunities": "blinded, deafened, poisoned", "senses": "blindsight 60' (blind beyond), passive Perception 11", "languages": "understands Abyssal and Infernal but can't speak", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "One Claw attack and uses Evil Fingers." }, { "name": "Claw", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 11 (2d6+4) slashing damage and target is grappled (escape DC 14) if it is a Med or smaller creature and hand isn't being used as a mount. Until the grapple ends the target is restrained hand can't use its Claw on another and hand's walking speed is reduced to 0." }, { "name": "Evil Fingers", "desc": "Gestures at one creature it can see within 60' causing one of the following effects:Beckoning Finger Target: DC 14 Str save or be magically pulled up to 30' in a straight line toward hand. If creature is pulled to within 5 ft. of the hand hand can make one Claw attack vs. it as a bonus action.Punishing Finger Target: DC 14 Cha save or take 10 (3d6) fire and be marked for punishment. Until start of hand's next turn each time punished target makes an attack vs. the hand or its rider target takes 7 (2d6) fire.Repelling Finger Target: DC 14 Str save or take 11 (2d10) force and be pushed up to 10 ft. away from the hand and knocked prone.Unravelling Finger Target: DC 14 Wis save or bear a magical mark. When hand deals damage to marked creature regains hp equal to half damage dealt. Mark lasts until hand dismisses it as a bonus action or it uses Unravelling Finger again." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "Advantage: spell/magic effect saves." }, { "name": "Steadfast", "desc": "Can't be charmed or frightened while at least one of its allies is within 30' of it." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 60, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_blaspheming-hand/" }, { "slug": "blestsessebe", "desc": "", "name": "Blestsessebe", "size": "Large", "type": "Celestial", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "neutral good", "armor_class": 16, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 144, "hit_dice": "17d10+51", "speed": { "walk": 50 }, "strength": 21, "dexterity": 18, "constitution": 16, "intelligence": 11, "wisdom": 17, "charisma": 18, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": 6, "charisma_save": 7, "perception": 3, "skills": { "perception": 3 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "poison, radiant", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "poisoned", "senses": "darkvision 60', passive Perception 13", "languages": "Celestial, Common", "challenge_rating": "8", "cr": 8.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "One Gore attack and two Hooves attacks." }, { "name": "Gore", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, 10 ft., one target, 18 (3d8+5) piercing damage + 13 (3d8) radiant." }, { "name": "Hooves", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 12 (2d6+5) bludgeoning damage." }, { "name": "Distracting Glow (Recharge 6)", "desc": "Its horns flare brightly for a moment distracting its enemies. Each hostile creature within 60' of it and can see its horns: DC 15 Wis save or entranced by it until start of blestsessebe's next turn. Entranced creature has disadvantage on attacks vs. creatures other than blestsessebe." }, { "name": "Hastening Stomp (Recharge 5-6)", "desc": "Rears and stomps sending small magical shockwave. For 1 min each friendly creature within 60' of it increases its speed by 10 ft. and can use Free Runner bonus action." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Free Runner", "desc": "Can take the Dash action." } ], "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Blur of Motion", "desc": "When it moves 30'+ on its turn ranged attack rolls vs. it have disadvantage until start of its next turn." }, { "name": "Freedom of Movement", "desc": "Ignores difficult terrain and magical effects can't reduce its speed or cause it to be restrained. Can spend 5 ft. of move to escape nonmagical restraints or being grappled." }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "Advantage: spell/magic effect saves." }, { "name": "Trampling Charge", "desc": "If it moves 30'+ straight toward a creature and then hits it with gore on the same turn target: DC 15 Str save or be knocked prone. If target is prone blestsessebe can make one hooves attack vs. it as a bonus action." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 61, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_blestsessebe/" }, { "slug": "blood-barnacle", "desc": "", "name": "Blood Barnacle", "size": "Tiny", "type": "Beast", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 13, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 25, "hit_dice": "10d4", "speed": { "walk": 10, "swim": 30 }, "strength": 2, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 10, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 12, "charisma": 8, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": 2, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 1, "skills": { "perception": 1 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "fire", "damage_resistances": "necrotic", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "", "senses": "blindsight 60' (blind beyond), passive Perception 11", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "1/4", "cr": 0.25, "actions": [ { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, 5 ft., one creature,. 5 (1d6+2) piercing damage and barnacle attaches to target. While attached barnacle doesn't attack. Instead at start of each of barnacle's turns target loses 5 (1d6+2) hp due to blood loss. Barnacle can detach itself by spending 5 ft. of its movement. A creature including target can take its action to detach barnacle via DC 12 Str check. When barnacle is removed target takes 2 (1d4) piercing damage. If creature ends its turn with barnacle attached to it that creature: DC 12 Con save or contract barnacle shivers (see above)." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": [ { "name": "Host Defense", "desc": "When a creature damages an attached blood barnacle with anything other than fire creature hosting barnacle must make DC 12 Wis save or use its reaction to protect the barnacle. Barnacle takes half the damage dealt to it and host takes the other half." } ], "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Barnacle Shivers", "desc": "Characterized by inescapable cold and shiveringthat slowly pervades victim's body this is a disease that infects creatures attacked by blood barnacles. Until disease is cured infected creature can't regain hp except magically and its hp max decreases by 3 (1d6) for every 24 hrs that elapse. Reduction lasts until disease is cured. Creature dies if disease reduces its hp max to 0. A Humanoid or Beast slain by this disease rises 24 hrs later as a zombie. Zombie isn't under barnacle's control but it views barnacle as an ally." }, { "name": "Blood Sense", "desc": "Can pinpoint by scent location of creatures that aren't Constructs or Undead and that don't have all of their hp within 60' of it and can sense general direction of such creatures within 1 mile of it." }, { "name": "False Appearance", "desc": "While motionless indistinguishable from normal barnacle." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 62, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_blood-barnacle/" } ] }{ "count": 3207, "next": "