Monster List
list: API endpoint for returning a list of monsters.
retrieve: API endpoint for returning a particular monster.
GET /monsters/?ordering=charisma", "previous": null, "results": [ { "slug": "animated-armor-a5e", "desc": "", "name": "Animated Armor", "size": "Medium", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "", "armor_class": 18, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 31, "hit_dice": "7d8", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 14, "dexterity": 10, "constitution": 10, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "piercing", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 10", "languages": "", "challenge_rating": "1", "cr": 1.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Weapon", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) bludgeoning piercing or slashing damage depending on weapon." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Spell-created", "desc": "The DC for dispel magic to destroy this creature is 19." }, { "name": "False Appearance", "desc": "While motionless, the armor is indistinguishable from normal armor." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 23, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "menagerie", "document__title": "Level Up Advanced 5e Monstrous Menagerie", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/mmenag_animated-armor/" }, { "slug": "black-pudding-a5e", "desc": "", "name": "Black Pudding", "size": "Large", "type": "Ooze", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "", "armor_class": 7, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 85, "hit_dice": "10d10+30", "speed": { "walk": 20, "climb": 20, "swim": 20 }, "strength": 16, "dexterity": 4, "constitution": 16, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 6, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "acid, cold, lightning, slashing", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, fatigue, frightened, prone", "senses": "blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 8", "languages": "", "challenge_rating": "4", "cr": 4.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Pseudopod", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage plus 9 (2d8) acid damage. Nonmagical armor worn by the target corrodes taking a permanent -1 penalty to its AC protection per hit. If the penalty reduces the armors AC protection to 10 the armor is destroyed." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": [ { "name": "Split", "desc": "When a Medium or larger pudding with at least 10 hit points is subjected to lightning or slashing damage, it splits into two puddings that are each one size smaller. Each new pudding has half the originals hit points (rounded down)." } ], "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Amorphous", "desc": "The pudding can pass through an opening as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing." }, { "name": "Corrosive Body", "desc": "A creature that touches the pudding or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet takes 9 (2d8) acid damage. A nonmagical weapon made of metal or wood that hits the black pudding corrodes after dealing damage, taking a permanent -1 penalty to damage rolls per hit. If this penalty reaches -5, the weapon is destroyed. Wooden or metal nonmagical ammunition is destroyed after dealing damage. Any other metal or organic object that touches it takes 9 (2d8) acid damage." }, { "name": "Spider Climb", "desc": "The pudding can use its climb speed even on difficult surfaces and upside down on ceilings." }, { "name": "Sunlight Sensitivity", "desc": "While in sunlight, the pudding has disadvantage on attack rolls." }, { "name": "Ooze Nature", "desc": "An ooze doesnt require air or sleep." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 350, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "menagerie", "document__title": "Level Up Advanced 5e Monstrous Menagerie", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/mmenag_black-pudding/" }, { "slug": "bolt-thrower-a5e", "desc": "", "name": "Bolt-Thrower", "size": "Small", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 44, "hit_dice": "8d6+16", "speed": { "walk": 15, "climb": 15 }, "strength": 6, "dexterity": 16, "constitution": 14, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 6, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": { "perception": 0 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "blindsight 120 ft. (blind beyond that range), passive Perception 14", "languages": "", "challenge_rating": "2", "cr": 2.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The bolt-thrower attacks once with each of its crossbows." }, { "name": "Light Crossbow", "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage." }, { "name": "Heavy Crossbow", "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Clockwork Sights", "desc": "The bolt-thrower does not have disadvantage on attack rolls when making ranged attacks within 5 feet of a hostile creature." }, { "name": "Rooted", "desc": "The bolt-thrower can use a bonus action to anchor itself to or detach itself from a surface. While anchored, the bolt-throwers Speed is 0, and a DC 20 Strength check is required to detach it. A bolt-thrower cannot use its heavy crossbow unless it is anchored." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 52, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "menagerie", "document__title": "Level Up Advanced 5e Monstrous Menagerie", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/mmenag_bolt-thrower/" }, { "slug": "clay-guardian-a5e", "desc": "", "name": "Clay Guardian", "size": "Large", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 133, "hit_dice": "14d10+56", "speed": { "walk": 25 }, "strength": 20, "dexterity": 10, "constitution": 18, "intelligence": 3, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "acid, poison, psychic; damage from nonmagical, non-adamantine weapons", "condition_immunities": "charmed, fatigue, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10", "languages": "understands the languages of its creator but can't speak", "challenge_rating": "9", "cr": 9.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The guardian attacks twice with its slam." }, { "name": "Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature it makes a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failure its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage dealt. The target dies if its hit point maximum is reduced to 0. A greater restoration spell or similar magic removes the reduction." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Constructed Nature", "desc": "Guardians dont require air, sustenance, or sleep." }, { "name": "Acid Absorption", "desc": "When the guardian is subjected to acid damage, it instead regains hit points equal to the acid damage dealt." }, { "name": "Berserk", "desc": "When the guardian starts its turn while bloodied , roll a d6. On a 6, the guardian goes berserk. While berserk, the guardian attacks the nearest creature it can see. If it can’t reach a creature, it attacks an object. The guardian stays berserk until it is destroyed or restored to full hit points." }, { "name": "Bloodied Haste", "desc": "While the guardian is bloodied, its speed is doubled, it gains a +2 bonus to AC, it has advantage on Dexterity saving throws , and it can use its slam as a bonus action." }, { "name": "Immutable Form", "desc": "The guardian is immune to any effect that would alter its form." }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "The guardian has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 261, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "menagerie", "document__title": "Level Up Advanced 5e Monstrous Menagerie", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/mmenag_clay-guardian/" }, { "slug": "clockwork-sentinel-a5e", "desc": "", "name": "Clockwork Sentinel", "size": "Medium", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "", "armor_class": 18, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 60, "hit_dice": "8d8+24", "speed": { "walk": 35 }, "strength": 16, "dexterity": 12, "constitution": 16, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 6, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": { "athletics": 5, "perception": 0, "survival": 0 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "blindsight 120 ft. (blind beyond that range), passive Perception 12", "languages": "", "challenge_rating": "4", "cr": 4.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The sentinel attacks three times." }, { "name": "Halberd", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage." }, { "name": "Calculated Sweep", "desc": "The sentinel makes a melee attack against each creature of its choice within 10 feet. On a critical hit the target makes a DC 13 Strength saving throw falling prone on a failure." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Overclock (Recharge 5-6)", "desc": "The sentinel takes the Dash action." } ], "reactions": [ { "name": "Parry", "desc": "The sentinel adds 2 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it." } ], "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "False Appearance", "desc": "While motionless, the sentinel is indistinguishable from normal armor." }, { "name": "Clockwork Nature", "desc": "A clockwork doesnt require air, nourishment, or rest, and is immune to disease." }, { "name": "Immutable Form", "desc": "The clockwork is immune to any effect that would alter its form." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 52, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "menagerie", "document__title": "Level Up Advanced 5e Monstrous Menagerie", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/mmenag_clockwork-sentinel/" }, { "slug": "crusher-a5e", "desc": "", "name": "Crusher", "size": "Large", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "", "armor_class": 20, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 115, "hit_dice": "11d10+55", "speed": { "walk": 20 }, "strength": 20, "dexterity": 8, "constitution": 20, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 6, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": { "perception": 2 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond that range), passive Perception 12", "languages": "", "challenge_rating": "10", "cr": 10.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Crush", "desc": "The crusher moves up to its Speed in a straight line. While doing so it can attempt to enter Large or smaller creatures spaces. Whenever the crusher attempts to enter a creatures space the creature makes a DC 17 Dexterity or Strength saving throw (the creatures choice). If the creature succeeds at a Strength saving throw the crushers movement ends for the turn. If the creature succeeds at a Dexterity saving throw the creature may use its reaction if available to move up to half its Speed without provoking opportunity attacks. The first time on the crushers turn that it enters a creatures space the creature is knocked prone and takes 50 (10d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage. A creature is prone while in the crushers space." }, { "name": "Ram", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 23 (4d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage. If the crusher moves at least 20 feet straight towards the target before the attack the attack deals an extra 18 (4d8) bludgeoning damage." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Overclock (Recharge 5-6)", "desc": "The crusher takes the Dash action." } ], "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Clockwork Nature", "desc": "A clockwork doesnt require air, nourishment, or rest, and is immune to disease." }, { "name": "Immutable Form", "desc": "The clockwork is immune to any effect that would alter its form." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 53, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "menagerie", "document__title": "Level Up Advanced 5e Monstrous Menagerie", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/mmenag_crusher/" }, { "slug": "dead-mans-fingers-a5e", "desc": "", "name": "Dead Mans Fingers", "size": "Medium", "type": "Plant", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 190, "hit_dice": "20d8+100", "speed": { "walk": 0 }, "strength": 20, "dexterity": 10, "constitution": 20, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 12, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": -1, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": -1, "perception": null, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, fatigue, frightened, prone, restrained, stunned", "senses": "blindsight 90 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 11", "languages": "", "challenge_rating": "10", "cr": 10.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The dead mans fingers makes two tendril attacks." }, { "name": "Tendril (Ethereal or Material Plane)", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 20 ft., one creature. Hit: 10 (1d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage plus 10 (3d6) poison damage. A target on the Material Plane is subject to the Ethereal Shift trait." }, { "name": "Ethereal Spores (While Bloodied, Ethereal Plane Only)", "desc": "Each creature within 30 feet makes a DC 15 Constitution saving throw taking 31 (9d6) necrotic damage on a failed save or half damage on a success. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this damage dies. If a creature killed by this attack remains on the Ethereal Plane for 24 hours its corpse disintegrates and a new dead mans fingers sprouts from its place." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Telekinetic Pull (Ethereal or Material Plane)", "desc": "One creature within 90 feet makes a DC 15 Strength saving throw. On a failure, it is magically pulled up to 60 feet straight towards the dead mans fingers." } ], "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Ethereal and Material", "desc": "The dead mans fingers lives simultaneously on the Ethereal and Material Planes. Its senses extend into both planes, and it can touch and be touched by creatures on both planes." }, { "name": "Ethereal Shift", "desc": "When a creature on the Material Plane touches the dead mans fingers or hits it with a melee attack, the creature is magically transported to the Ethereal Plane. The creature can see and hear into both the Ethereal and Material Plane but is unaffected by creatures and objects on the Material Plane. It can be seen as a ghostly form by creatures on the Material Plane. It can move in any direction, with each foot of movement up or down costing 2 feet of movement." }, { "name": "If the creature is still on the Ethereal Plane when the dead mans fingers dies, the creature returns to the Material Plane", "desc": "If this would cause a creature to appear in a space occupied by a solid object or creature, it is shunted to the nearest unoccupied space and takes 10 (3d6) force damage." }, { "name": "Flammable", "desc": "After taking fire damage, the dead mans fingers catches fire and takes ongoing 11 (2d10) fire damage if it isnt already suffering ongoing fire damage. It can spend an action or bonus action to extinguish this fire." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 211, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "menagerie", "document__title": "Level Up Advanced 5e Monstrous Menagerie", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/mmenag_dead-mans-fingers/" }, { "slug": "elder-black-pudding-a5e", "desc": "", "name": "Elder Black Pudding", "size": "Huge", "type": "Ooze", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "", "armor_class": 7, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 171, "hit_dice": "18d12+54", "speed": { "walk": 20, "climb": 20, "swim": 20 }, "strength": 16, "dexterity": 4, "constitution": 16, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 6, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "acid, cold, lightning, slashing", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, fatigue, frightened, prone", "senses": "blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 8", "languages": "", "challenge_rating": "8", "cr": 8.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Pseudopod", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage plus 9 (2d8) acid damage. Nonmagical armor worn by the target corrodes taking a permanent -1 penalty to its AC protection per hit. If the penalty reduces the armors AC protection to 10 the armor is destroyed." }, { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The pudding makes two pseudopod attacks. The pudding can't use Multiattack after it splits for the first time." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": [ { "name": "Split", "desc": "When a Medium or larger pudding with at least 10 hit points is subjected to lightning or slashing damage, it splits into two puddings that are each one size smaller. Each new pudding has half the originals hit points (rounded down)." } ], "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Amorphous", "desc": "The pudding can pass through an opening as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing." }, { "name": "Corrosive Body", "desc": "A creature that touches the pudding or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet takes 9 (2d8) acid damage. A nonmagical weapon made of metal or wood that hits the black pudding corrodes after dealing damage, taking a permanent -1 penalty to damage rolls per hit. If this penalty reaches -5, the weapon is destroyed. Wooden or metal nonmagical ammunition is destroyed after dealing damage. Any other metal or organic object that touches it takes 9 (2d8) acid damage." }, { "name": "Spider Climb", "desc": "The pudding can use its climb speed even on difficult surfaces and upside down on ceilings." }, { "name": "Sunlight Sensitivity", "desc": "While in sunlight, the pudding has disadvantage on attack rolls." }, { "name": "Ooze Nature", "desc": "An ooze doesnt require air or sleep." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 350, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "menagerie", "document__title": "Level Up Advanced 5e Monstrous Menagerie", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/mmenag_elder-black-pudding/" }, { "slug": "flying-sword-a5e", "desc": "", "name": "Flying Sword", "size": "Small", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "", "armor_class": 17, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 10, "hit_dice": "3d6", "speed": { "walk": 0, "fly": 30 }, "strength": 12, "dexterity": 12, "constitution": 10, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "piercing", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 10", "languages": "", "challenge_rating": "1/4", "cr": 0.25, "actions": [ { "name": "Longsword", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) slashing damage." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Spell-created", "desc": "The DC for dispel magic to destroy this creature is 19." }, { "name": "False Appearance", "desc": "While motionless, the sword is indistinguishable from a normal sword." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 23, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "menagerie", "document__title": "Level Up Advanced 5e Monstrous Menagerie", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/mmenag_flying-sword/" }, { "slug": "gear-spider-a5e", "desc": "", "name": "Gear Spider", "size": "Tiny", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "", "armor_class": 13, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 28, "hit_dice": "8d4+8", "speed": { "walk": 30, "climb": 20 }, "strength": 6, "dexterity": 15, "constitution": 12, "intelligence": 2, "wisdom": 6, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": { "perception": 0, "stealth": 4 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 10", "languages": "", "challenge_rating": "1/2", "cr": 0.5, "actions": [ { "name": "Claw", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 slashing damage." }, { "name": "Needle", "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Photograph", "desc": "The gear spider stores a black and white image of what it can see. The gear spider can hold up to 10 images at a time. Retrieving the image storage device inside the gear spider requires 1 minute. Once the device is accessed, viewing a stored image requires a DC 12 Investigation check to make out any details." } ], "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Clockwork Nature", "desc": "A clockwork doesnt require air, nourishment, or rest, and is immune to disease." }, { "name": "Immutable Form", "desc": "The clockwork is immune to any effect that would alter its form." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 53, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "menagerie", "document__title": "Level Up Advanced 5e Monstrous Menagerie", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/mmenag_gear-spider/" }, { "slug": "gelatinous-cube-a5e", "desc": "", "name": "Gelatinous Cube", "size": "Large", "type": "Ooze", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "", "armor_class": 6, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 76, "hit_dice": "8d10+32", "speed": { "walk": 15, "swim": 15 }, "strength": 16, "dexterity": 2, "constitution": 18, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 6, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, fatigue, frightened, prone", "senses": "blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 8", "languages": "", "challenge_rating": "2", "cr": 2.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Pseudopod", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) acid damage." }, { "name": "Engulf", "desc": "The cube moves up to its Speed. While doing so it can enter Large or smaller creatures spaces. Whenever the cube enters a creatures space the creature makes a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. If the creature is unaware of the cubes presence it makes its saving throw against Engulf with disadvantage. On a success the creature may use its reaction if available to move up to half its Speed without provoking opportunity attacks. If the creature doesnt move it is engulfed by the cube." }, { "name": "A creature engulfed by the cube takes 10 (3d6) acid damage, can't breathe, is restrained, and takes 10 (3d6) acid damage at the start of each of the cubes turns", "desc": "It can be seen but has total cover. It moves with the cube. The cube can hold as many creatures as fit in its space without squeezing." }, { "name": "An engulfed creature can escape by using an action to make a DC 13 Strength check", "desc": "On a success the creature moves to a space within 5 feet of the cube. A creature within 5 feet can take the same action to free an engulfed creature but takes 10 (3d6) acid damage in the process." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Engulfing Body", "desc": "A creature that enters the cubes space is subjected to the saving throw and consequences of its Engulf attack." }, { "name": "Sunlight Sensitivity", "desc": "While in sunlight, the cube has disadvantage on attack rolls." }, { "name": "Transparent", "desc": "While the cube is motionless, creatures unaware of its presence must succeed on a DC 15 Perception check to spot it." }, { "name": "Ooze Nature", "desc": "An ooze doesnt require air or sleep." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 351, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "menagerie", "document__title": "Level Up Advanced 5e Monstrous Menagerie", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/mmenag_gelatinous-cube/" }, { "slug": "gelatinous-wall-a5e", "desc": "", "name": "Gelatinous Wall", "size": "Huge", "type": "Ooze", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "", "armor_class": 6, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 136, "hit_dice": "13d12+52", "speed": { "walk": 30, "swim": 15 }, "strength": 16, "dexterity": 2, "constitution": 18, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 6, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, fatigue, frightened, prone", "senses": "blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 8", "languages": "", "challenge_rating": "7", "cr": 7.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Pseudopod", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) acid damage plus 9 (2d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage." }, { "name": "Engulf", "desc": "The cube moves up to its Speed. While doing so it can enter Large or smaller creatures spaces. Whenever the cube enters a creatures space the creature makes a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. If the creature is unaware of the cubes presence it makes its saving throw against Engulf with disadvantage. On a success the creature may use its reaction if available to move up to half its Speed without provoking opportunity attacks. If the creature doesnt move it is engulfed by the cube." }, { "name": "A creature engulfed by the cube takes 10 (3d6) acid damage plus 9 (2d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage, can't breathe, is restrained, and takes 10 (3d6) acid damage plus 9 (2d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage at the start of each of the cubes turns", "desc": "It can be seen but has total cover. It moves with the cube. The cube can hold as many creatures as fit in its space without squeezing." }, { "name": "An engulfed creature can escape by using an action to make a DC 13 Strength check", "desc": "On a success the creature moves to a space within 5 feet of the cube. A creature within 5 feet can take the same action to free an engulfed creature but takes 10 (3d6) acid damage plus 9 (2d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage in the process." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Engulfing Body", "desc": "A creature that enters the cubes space is subjected to the saving throw and consequences of its Engulf attack." }, { "name": "Sunlight Sensitivity", "desc": "While in sunlight, the cube has disadvantage on attack rolls." }, { "name": "Transparent", "desc": "While the cube is motionless, creatures unaware of its presence must succeed on a DC 15 Perception check to spot it." }, { "name": "Ooze Nature", "desc": "An ooze doesnt require air or sleep." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 351, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "menagerie", "document__title": "Level Up Advanced 5e Monstrous Menagerie", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/mmenag_gelatinous-wall/" }, { "slug": "gray-ooze-a5e", "desc": "", "name": "Gray Ooze", "size": "Medium", "type": "Ooze", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "", "armor_class": 8, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 22, "hit_dice": "3d8+9", "speed": { "walk": 15, "climb": 15, "swim": 15 }, "strength": 12, "dexterity": 6, "constitution": 16, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 6, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "acid, cold, fire", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, fatigue, frightened, prone", "senses": "blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 8", "languages": "", "challenge_rating": "1/2", "cr": 0.5, "actions": [ { "name": "Pseudopod", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage plus 5 (2d4) acid damage. Nonmagical metal armor worn by the target corrodes taking a permanent -1 penalty to its AC protection per hit. If the penalty reduces the armors AC protection to 10 the armor is destroyed." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Amorphous", "desc": "The ooze can pass through an opening as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing." }, { "name": "Corrosive Body", "desc": "A creature or a metal object that touches the ooze takes 5 (2d4) acid damage. A nonmagical weapon made of metal that hits the black pudding corrodes after dealing damage, taking a permanent -1 penalty to damage rolls per hit. If this penalty reaches -5, the weapon is destroyed. Metal nonmagical ammunition is destroyed after dealing damage." }, { "name": "False Appearance", "desc": "While motionless, the ooze is indistinguishable from wet stone." }, { "name": "Sunlight Sensitivity", "desc": "While in sunlight, the ooze has disadvantage on attack rolls." }, { "name": "Ooze Nature", "desc": "An ooze doesnt require air or sleep." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 352, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "menagerie", "document__title": "Level Up Advanced 5e Monstrous Menagerie", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/mmenag_gray-ooze/" }, { "slug": "iron-guardian-a5e", "desc": "", "name": "Iron Guardian", "size": "Large", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "", "armor_class": 20, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 210, "hit_dice": "20d10+100", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 24, "dexterity": 12, "constitution": 20, "intelligence": 3, "wisdom": 12, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "fire, poison, psychic; damage from nonmagical, non-adamantine weapons", "condition_immunities": "charmed, fatigue, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11", "languages": "understands the languages of its creator but can't speak", "challenge_rating": "14", "cr": 14.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The guardian makes two sword attacks." }, { "name": "Sword", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 29 (4d10 + 7) slashing damage." }, { "name": "Poison Breath (Recharge 5-6)", "desc": "The guardian exhales poisonous gas in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the area makes a DC 18 Constitution saving throw taking 45 (10d8) poison damage on a failure or half damage on a success." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": [ { "name": "Deflection", "desc": "When missed by a ranged attack by a creature the guardian can see, the guardian redirects the attack against a creature within 60 feet that it can see. The original attacker must reroll the attack against the new target." } ], "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Fire Absorption", "desc": "When the guardian is subjected to fire damage, it instead regains hit points equal to the fire damage dealt." }, { "name": "Immutable Form", "desc": "The guardian is immune to any effect that would alter its form." }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "The guardian has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects." }, { "name": "Constructed Nature", "desc": "Guardians dont require air, sustenance, or sleep." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 263, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "menagerie", "document__title": "Level Up Advanced 5e Monstrous Menagerie", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/mmenag_iron-guardian/" }, { "slug": "ochre-jelly-a5e", "desc": "", "name": "Ochre Jelly", "size": "Large", "type": "Ooze", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "", "armor_class": 8, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 45, "hit_dice": "6d10+12", "speed": { "walk": 15, "climb": 15, "swim": 15 }, "strength": 14, "dexterity": 6, "constitution": 14, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 6, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "acid, lightning, slashing", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, fatigue, frightened, prone", "senses": "blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 8", "languages": "", "challenge_rating": "2", "cr": 2.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Pseudopod", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage plus 3 (1d6) acid damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 12). A grappled target takes 3 (1d6) acid damage at the start of each of the jellys turns." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": [ { "name": "Split", "desc": "When a Medium or larger jelly with at least 10 hit points is subjected to lightning or slashing damage, it splits into two jellies that are each one size smaller, freeing any grappled targets. Each new jelly has half the originals hit points (rounded down)." } ], "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Amorphous", "desc": "The jelly can pass through an opening as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing." }, { "name": "Spider Climb", "desc": "The jelly can use its climb speed even on difficult surfaces and upside down on ceilings." }, { "name": "Sunlight Sensitivity", "desc": "While in sunlight, the jelly has disadvantage on attack rolls." }, { "name": "Ooze Nature", "desc": "An ooze doesnt require air or sleep." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 352, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "menagerie", "document__title": "Level Up Advanced 5e Monstrous Menagerie", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/mmenag_ochre-jelly/" }, { "slug": "rug-of-smothering-a5e", "desc": "", "name": "Rug of Smothering", "size": "Large", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "", "armor_class": 12, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 45, "hit_dice": "7d8+14", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 16, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 14, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "bludgeoning", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 10", "languages": "", "challenge_rating": "2", "cr": 2.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Smother", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Large or smaller creature. Hit: The target is grappled (escape DC 13). Until this grapple ends the target is restrained and can't breathe. When the rug is dealt damage while it is grappling it takes half the damage (rounded down) and the other half is dealt to the grappled target. The rug can only have one creature grappled at once." }, { "name": "Squeeze", "desc": "One creature grappled by the rug takes 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Spell-created", "desc": "The DC for dispel magic to destroy this creature is 19." }, { "name": "False Appearance", "desc": "While motionless, the rug is indistinguishable from a normal rug." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 24, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "menagerie", "document__title": "Level Up Advanced 5e Monstrous Menagerie", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/mmenag_rug-of-smothering/" }, { "slug": "shrieker-a5e", "desc": "", "name": "Shrieker", "size": "Medium", "type": "Plant", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "", "armor_class": 5, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 13, "hit_dice": "3d8", "speed": { "walk": 0 }, "strength": 1, "dexterity": 1, "constitution": 10, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 2, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "fire", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, fatigue, frightened, prone, restrained, stunned", "senses": "blindsight 30 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 6", "languages": "", "challenge_rating": "0", "cr": 0.0, "actions": null, "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": [ { "name": "Shriek", "desc": "If the shrieker perceives a creature within 30 feet or if an area of bright light is within 30 feet it shrieks loudly and continuously. The shriek is audible within 300 feet. The shrieker continues to shriek for 1 minute after the creature or light has moved away." } ], "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "False Appearance", "desc": "While motionless, the shrieker is indistinguishable from a normal fungus." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 212, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "menagerie", "document__title": "Level Up Advanced 5e Monstrous Menagerie", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/mmenag_shrieker/" }, { "slug": "stone-colossus-a5e", "desc": "", "name": "Stone Colossus", "size": "Gargantuan", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "", "armor_class": 17, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 263, "hit_dice": "17d20+85", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 22, "dexterity": 10, "constitution": 20, "intelligence": 3, "wisdom": 12, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic; damage from nonmagical, non-adamantine weapons", "condition_immunities": "charmed, fatigue, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11", "languages": "understands the languages of its creator but can't speak", "challenge_rating": "16", "cr": 16.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The guardian attacks twice with its slam." }, { "name": "Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage." }, { "name": "Rock", "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 30 (7d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage. The target makes a DC 18 Strength saving throw falling prone on a failure." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Slow (Recharge 5-6)", "desc": "The guardian targets one or more creatures within 30 feet. Each target makes a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the target is slowed for 1 minute. A target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." } ], "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": [ { "name": "The colossus can take 2 legendary actions", "desc": "Only one legendary action can be used at a time and only at the end of another creatures turn. It regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn." }, { "name": "Seize", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (4d4 + 6) bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 18). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the colossus can't seize a different creature." }, { "name": "Fling", "desc": "The colossus throws one Large or smaller object or creature it is grappling up to 60 feet. The target lands prone and takes 21 (6d6) bludgeoning damage. If the colossus throws the target at another creature, that creature makes a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking the same damage on a failure." }, { "name": "Stomp", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (4d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Large or smaller creature, it makes a DC 18 Strength check, falling prone on a failure." }, { "name": "Bolt from the Blue (Costs 2 Actions)", "desc": "If the colossus is outside, it calls a bolt of energy down from the sky, hitting a point on the ground or water within 120 feet. Each creature in a 10-foot-radius, sky-high cylinder centered on that point makes a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 28 (8d6) lightning damage on a failed save or half damage on a success. The colossus can choose to make the bolt deal fire or radiant damage instead of lightning." } ], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Immutable Form", "desc": "The guardian is immune to any effect that would alter its form." }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "The guardian has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects." }, { "name": "Constructed Nature", "desc": "Guardians dont require air, sustenance, or sleep." }, { "name": "Legendary Resistance (2/Day)", "desc": "If the colossus fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. When it does so, it crumbles and cracks, losing 20 hit points." }, { "name": "Siege Monster", "desc": "The colossus deals double damage to objects and structures." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 266, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "menagerie", "document__title": "Level Up Advanced 5e Monstrous Menagerie", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/mmenag_stone-colossus/" }, { "slug": "stone-guardian-a5e", "desc": "", "name": "Stone Guardian", "size": "Large", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "", "armor_class": 17, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 178, "hit_dice": "17d10+85", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 22, "dexterity": 10, "constitution": 20, "intelligence": 3, "wisdom": 12, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic; damage from nonmagical, non-adamantine weapons", "condition_immunities": "charmed, fatigue, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11", "languages": "understands the languages of its creator but can't speak", "challenge_rating": "10", "cr": 10.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The guardian attacks twice with its slam." }, { "name": "Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage." }, { "name": "Rock", "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 30 (7d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage. The target makes a DC 18 Strength saving throw falling prone on a failure." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Slow (Recharge 5-6)", "desc": "The guardian targets one or more creatures within 30 feet. Each target makes a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the target is slowed for 1 minute. A target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." } ], "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Immutable Form", "desc": "The guardian is immune to any effect that would alter its form." }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "The guardian has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects." }, { "name": "Constructed Nature", "desc": "Guardians dont require air, sustenance, or sleep." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 265, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "menagerie", "document__title": "Level Up Advanced 5e Monstrous Menagerie", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/mmenag_stone-guardian/" }, { "slug": "violet-fungus-a5e", "desc": "", "name": "Violet Fungus", "size": "Medium", "type": "Plant", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "", "armor_class": 5, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 18, "hit_dice": "4d8", "speed": { "walk": 5 }, "strength": 1, "dexterity": 1, "constitution": 10, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 2, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "fire", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, fatigue, frightened, prone, restrained, stunned", "senses": "blindsight 30 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 6", "languages": "", "challenge_rating": "1/4", "cr": 0.25, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The fungus makes a rotting touch attack against two different creatures." }, { "name": "Rotting Touch", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d10) necrotic damage." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "False Appearance", "desc": "While motionless, the violet fungus is indistinguishable from a normal fungus." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 212, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "menagerie", "document__title": "Level Up Advanced 5e Monstrous Menagerie", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/mmenag_violet-fungus/" }, { "slug": "walking-statue-a5e", "desc": "", "name": "Walking Statue", "size": "Large", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "", "armor_class": 16, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 66, "hit_dice": "7d10+28", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 18, "dexterity": 8, "constitution": 18, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": null, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 10", "languages": "", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Smash", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Bludgeoning Weakness", "desc": "When the statue takes more than 10 bludgeoning damage from one attack, it falls prone." }, { "name": "False Appearance", "desc": "While motionless, the statue is indistinguishable from a normal statue." }, { "name": "Spell-created", "desc": "The DC for dispel magic to destroy this creature is 19." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 24, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "menagerie", "document__title": "Level Up Advanced 5e Monstrous Menagerie", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/mmenag_walking-statue/" }, { "slug": "anglerworm-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Angler Worm", "size": "Huge", "type": "Monstrosity", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Unaligned", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 104, "hit_dice": "11d12 + 33", "speed": { "walk": 20 }, "strength": 14, "dexterity": 5, "constitution": 16, "intelligence": 3, "wisdom": 14, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 12, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "poison", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, poisoned, prone", "senses": "tremorsense 60 ft., passive Perception 12", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "4", "cr": 4.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The angler worm makes two Bite attacks or one Bite attack and one Coils attack." }, { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) acid damage." }, { "name": "Coils", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature. Hit: 12 (3d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 13). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained by the angler worm, it can't breathe, it takes 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage at the start of each of the angler worm's turns, and the angler worm can't use its Coils on another target." }, { "name": "Ethereal Lure (Recharge 4-6)", "desc": "The angler worm creates an orb of faint, blue light on a point it can see within 20 feet of it. The light glows until the start of the worm's next turn. When a creature that isn't an angler worm starts its turn within 60 feet of the orb and can see the light, it must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed until the start of its next turn. While charmed, the creature must take the Dash action and move toward the light by the most direct route, trying to get within 5 feet of the light. It doesn't avoid opportunity attacks, but before moving into damaging terrain, such as lava or a pit, the creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. If the charmed creature enters the worm's snares, it has disadvantage on the saving throw to avoid being restrained." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Keen Touch", "desc": "The angler worm has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on vibrations." }, { "name": "Snare Walker", "desc": "The angler worm ignores movement restrictions caused by its snares or the snares of other angler worms." }, { "name": "Spider Climb", "desc": "The angler worm can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check." }, { "name": "Transparent Trap", "desc": "With 10 minutes of work, the angler worm can create a web of nearly transparent snares in a 20-foot cube. The web must be anchored between two solid masses or layered across a floor, wall, or ceiling. A web of snares layered over a flat surface has a depth of 5 feet. The web is difficult terrain, and the snares forming it are nearly transparent, requiring a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check to notice them." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 20, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_angler-worm/" }, { "slug": "citrullus-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Citrullus", "size": "Medium", "type": "Plant", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Unaligned", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 85, "hit_dice": "10d10 + 30", "speed": { "walk": 15 }, "strength": 18, "dexterity": 8, "constitution": 16, "intelligence": 3, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 10, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "bludgeoning", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "acid", "condition_immunities": "False", "senses": "blindsight 30 ft., passive Perception 10", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (4d6 + 4) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) acid damage." }, { "name": "Bile Spray (Recharge 5-6)", "desc": "The citrullus exhales pink bile in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes 14 (4d6) acid damage and is restrained by the sticky seed-filled juice for 1 minute. On a success, the creature takes half the damage and isn't restrained. A creature, including the restrained creature, can take its action to free the restrained creature by succeeding on a DC 13 Strength check." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Creeping Seedlings", "desc": "The seeds in the sticky juice grow viny tendrils and drag each creature restrained by Bile Spray and Gush up to 25 feet straight toward the citrullus." } ], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "False Appearance", "desc": "While the citrullus remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal melon plant." }, { "name": "Gush", "desc": "When the citrullus takes bludgeoning damage, sticky juice splashes out of it. If the attacker is within 30 feet of the citrullus, the attacker must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or be restrained by the sticky juice as if it had failed a saving throw against the plant's Bile Spray action." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 58, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_citrullus/" }, { "slug": "clockworkhound-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Clockwork Hound", "size": "Medium", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Unaligned", "armor_class": 12, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 71, "hit_dice": "11d8 + 22", "speed": { "walk": 50 }, "strength": 16, "dexterity": 15, "constitution": 14, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": 4, "constitution_save": 4, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 14, "skills": { "Athletics": 7, "Perception": 4 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14", "languages": "understands Common but can’t speak", "challenge_rating": "2", "cr": 2.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d10 + 3) piercing damage." }, { "name": "Tripping Tongue", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) slashing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Construct Nature", "desc": "The clockwork hound doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep." }, { "name": "Diligent Tracker", "desc": "The clockwork hound has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) and Wisdom (Survival) checks that rely on scent or that are made to find a creature." }, { "name": "Explosive Core", "desc": "The mechanism that powers the hound explodes when the Construct is destroyed. Each creature within 5 feet of the hound when it is destroyed must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." }, { "name": "Immutable Form", "desc": "The clockwork hound is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form." }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "The clockwork hound has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 61, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_clockwork-hound/" }, { "slug": "clockworkhuntsman-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Clockwork Huntsman", "size": "Medium", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Unaligned", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 99, "hit_dice": "18d8 + 18", "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "strength": 17, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 12, "intelligence": 4, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": 5, "dexterity_save": 4, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 14, "skills": { "Perception": 4, "Survival": 4 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14", "languages": "understands Common but can’t speak", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The clockwork huntsman makes one Slam attack and two Longsword attacks. It can replace its Slam attack with a Net Cannon attack." }, { "name": "Longsword", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage." }, { "name": "Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage." }, { "name": "Net Cannon (4/Day)", "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 10/20 ft., one target. Hit: If the target is a Large or smaller creature, it is restrained. A mechanism within the clockwork huntsman's chest can fire a net with a 20-foot trailing cable anchored within its chest. A creature, including the restrained creature, can take its action to free the restrained creature by succeeding on a DC 10 Strength check. Alternatively, dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC 10) frees the creature." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Reel", "desc": "The clockwork huntsman pulls a creature restrained by its net up to 15 feet straight toward it." } ], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Construct Nature", "desc": "The clockwork huntsman doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep." }, { "name": "Explosive Core", "desc": "The mechanism that powers the huntsman explodes when the construct is destroyed, projecting superheated steam and shrapnel. Each creature within 5 feet of the huntsman when it is destroyed must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." }, { "name": "Immutable Form", "desc": "The clockwork huntsman is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form." }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "The clockwork huntsman has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 62, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_clockwork-huntsman/" }, { "slug": "clockworkmyrmidon-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Clockwork Myrmidon", "size": "Large", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Unaligned", "armor_class": 16, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 136, "hit_dice": "16d10 + 48", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 20, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 16, "intelligence": 6, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": 8, "dexterity_save": 5, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 16, "skills": { "Athletics": 8, "Perception": 6 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16", "languages": "understands Common but can’t speak", "challenge_rating": "6", "cr": 6.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The clockwork myrmidon makes one Slam attack and two Heavy Pick attacks. It can replace both Heavy Pick attacks with a use of its Alchemical Flame Jet." }, { "name": "War Pick", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) piercing damage." }, { "name": "Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d12 + 5) bludgeoning damage." }, { "name": "Alchemical Flame Jet (4/Day)", "desc": "The clockwork myrmidon spews a jet of alchemical fire in a 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Grease Spray (4/Day)", "desc": "The clockwork myrmidon's chest fires a spray of alchemical grease on a point on the ground within 30 feet of it. The grease covers a 10-foot square centered on that point, and the area is difficult terrain. Each creature standing in the area must succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. A creature that enters the area or ends its turn there must also succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone." } ], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Alchemical Fireball", "desc": "The clockwork myrmidon's alchemical flame reservoir explodes when the construct is destroyed, spraying nearby creatures with burning fuel. Each creature within 10 feet of the myrmidon when it is destroyed must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. This explosion doesn't occur if the clockwork myrmidon has already fired its alchemical flame jet four times." }, { "name": "Construct Nature", "desc": "The clockwork myrmidon doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep." }, { "name": "Immutable Form", "desc": "The clockwork myrmidon is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form." }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "The clockwork myrmidon has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 63, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_clockwork-myrmidon/" }, { "slug": "clockworkwatchman-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Clockwork Watchman", "size": "Medium", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Unaligned", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 44, "hit_dice": "8d8 + 8", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 14, "dexterity": 12, "constitution": 12, "intelligence": 5, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": 3, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 14, "skills": { "Athletics": 4, "Perception": 4 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14", "languages": "Common", "challenge_rating": "1/2", "cr": 0.5, "actions": [ { "name": "Halberd", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) slashing damage." }, { "name": "Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage." }, { "name": "Net Cannon (4/Day)", "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 10/20 ft., one target. Hit: If the target is a Large or smaller creature, it is restrained. A mechanism within the clockwork watchman's chest can fire a net with a 20-foot trailing cable anchored within the watchman's chest. A creature, including the restrained creature, can take its action to free the restrained creature by succeeding on a DC 10 Strength check. Alternatively, dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC 10) frees the creature." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Reel", "desc": "The clockwork watchman pulls a creature restrained by its net up to 15 feet straight toward it." } ], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Construct Nature", "desc": "The clockwork watchman doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep." }, { "name": "Immutable Form", "desc": "The clockwork watchman is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form." }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "The clockwork watchman has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 64, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_clockwork-watchman/" }, { "slug": "corruptingooze-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Corrupting Ooze", "size": "Large", "type": "Ooze", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Neutral Evil", "armor_class": 12, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 115, "hit_dice": "10d10 + 60", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 16, "dexterity": 10, "constitution": 22, "intelligence": 4, "wisdom": 2, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 6, "skills": { "Stealth": 3 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "bludgeoning, slashing", "damage_immunities": "poison", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, prone poisoned", "senses": "blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 6", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "5", "cr": 5.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The corrupting ooze makes two Slam attacks. If both attacks hit one creature, the target must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or one nonmagical leather, metal, or wooden item the creature is wearing or carrying is destroyed. This effect can't destroy armor or weapons." }, { "name": "Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Reshape Body", "desc": "The corrupting ooze can reshape its mass into a vaguely Humanoid shape or back into its amorphous shape. It reverts to its amorphous shape if it dies. While in a Humanoid shape, it can take any action that requires hands, except it can't wield weapons or a shield or don armor." } ], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Ooze Nature", "desc": "The ooze doesn't require sleep." }, { "name": "Putrid Stench", "desc": "A creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of the corrupting ooze must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take 3 (1d6) poison damage and be poisoned until the start of its next turn." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 291, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_corrupting-ooze/" }, { "slug": "dipsa-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Dipsa", "size": "Tiny", "type": "Ooze", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Unaligned", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 27, "hit_dice": "6d4 + 12", "speed": { "walk": 20 }, "strength": 3, "dexterity": 17, "constitution": 14, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 6, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 8, "skills": { "Stealth": 5 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "acid", "damage_immunities": "False", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, prone", "senses": "blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 8", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "1/4", "cr": 0.25, "actions": [ { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 1 piercing damage, and the dipsa attaches to the target. While attached, the dipsa can't attack, and at the start of each of the dipsa's turns, the target takes 3 (1d6) acid damage and must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or have its hp maximum reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hp maximum to 0." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Translucent", "desc": "The dipsa takes the Hide action." } ], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Amorphous", "desc": "The dipsa can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing." }, { "name": "Discreet Bite", "desc": "The bite of a dipsa is barely perceptible and the wound is quickly anesthetized. When the dipsa hits with a Bite attack, the target must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check to notice the dipsa and its attack. Each time the creature takes acid damage from an attached dipsa, it can repeat this check, noticing the dipsa on a success. A creature that takes acid damage from the dipsa while below half its hp maximum automatically succeeds on this check." }, { "name": "Ooze Nature", "desc": "The dipsa doesn't require sleep." }, { "name": "Swamp Camouflage", "desc": "The dipsa has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in swampy terrain." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 105, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_dipsa/" }, { "slug": "emptycloak-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Empty Cloak", "size": "Medium", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Neutral", "armor_class": 13, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 45, "hit_dice": "10d8", "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "strength": 18, "dexterity": 14, "constitution": 10, "intelligence": 10, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": 4, "constitution_save": 2, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 12, "skills": { "Perception": 2, "Stealth": 4 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "fire", "damage_resistances": "bludgeoning", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12", "languages": "understands Elvish and Umbral but can’t speak", "challenge_rating": "1/2", "cr": 0.5, "actions": [ { "name": "Razor Cloak", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage." }, { "name": "Shadow Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage." }, { "name": "Shadow Snare", "desc": "Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 20/60 ft., one Large or smaller creature. Hit: The target is grappled (escape DC 14). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained by tendrils of shadow. A creature, including the restrained creature, can take its action to free the restrained creature by succeeding on a DC 14 Strength check. The tendrils of shadow can be attack and destroyed (AC 12; hp 10; vulnerability to radiant damage; immunity to necrotic, poison, and psychic damage)." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Protective Embrace", "desc": "When a creature the cloak can see attacks a creature in the cloak's space, the cloak can briefly wrap itself around the creature in its space. The creature in its space takes only half the damage from the attack, and the cloak takes the other half." } ], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Construct Nature", "desc": "The empty cloak doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep." }, { "name": "Diligent Sentinel", "desc": "The empty cloak has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks." }, { "name": "Shadow Construction", "desc": "Made mostly of shadow, the empty cloak bursts into pieces then dissipates when a creature scores a critical hit against it." }, { "name": "Wrapping Embrace", "desc": "The empty cloak can occupy a Medium or smaller creature's space and vice versa. It has advantage on attack rolls against any creature in the same space as it." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 164, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_empty-cloak/" }, { "slug": "eyegolem-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Eye Golem", "size": "Large", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Unaligned", "armor_class": 20, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 157, "hit_dice": "15d10 + 75", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 22, "dexterity": 9, "constitution": 20, "intelligence": 5, "wisdom": 11, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 18, "skills": { "Perception": 8 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic, radiant; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks not made with adamantine weapons", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 18", "languages": "understands the languages of its creator but can’t speak", "challenge_rating": "11", "cr": 11.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The eye golem can use its Primal Voice of Doom. It then makes two Slam attacks." }, { "name": "Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage plus 18 (4d8) radiant damage." }, { "name": "Gaze of Ancient Light (Recharge 5-6)", "desc": "The golem opens all of its eyes and emits a burst of blinding light. Each creature within 30 feet of it must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 35 (10d6) radiant damage and is blinded for 1 minute. On a success, a creature takes half the damage and isn't blinded. A creature that fails the saving throw by 5 or more is also stunned until the end of its next turn. A blinded creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." }, { "name": "Primal Voice of Doom", "desc": "The golem intones a disturbing invocation of the sun god at one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. The frightened target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Blinding Demise", "desc": "When the golem reduces a creature to 0 hp, it can blind the creature permanently. If it does so, the creature is reduced to 1 hp instead." }, { "name": "Construct Nature", "desc": "The golem doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep." }, { "name": "Immutable Form", "desc": "The golem is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form." }, { "name": "Light-Infused Fists", "desc": "The golem's Slam attacks are magical. When the golem hits with a Slam attack, the attack deals an extra 4d8 radiant damage (included in the attack)." }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "The golem has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 216, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_eye-golem/" }, { "slug": "frostveil-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Frostveil", "size": "Medium", "type": "Plant", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Unaligned", "armor_class": 16, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 67, "hit_dice": "9d8 + 27", "speed": { "walk": 15, "fly": 10 }, "strength": 20, "dexterity": 20, "constitution": 16, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 11, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 10, "skills": { "Stealth": 7 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "fire", "damage_resistances": "bludgeoning and piercing from nonmagical attacks", "damage_immunities": "cold", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, prone", "senses": "blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception 10", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "4", "cr": 4.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The frostveil makes two Frozen Tendril attacks. If both attacks hit a Medium or smaller target, the target is grappled (escape DC 15), and the frostveil uses Snowy Engulf on it." }, { "name": "Frozen Tendril", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage plus 3 (1d6) cold damage." }, { "name": "Snowy Engulf", "desc": "The frostveil engulfs a Medium or smaller creature grappled by it. The engulfed target is blinded and restrained, and it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw at the start of each of the frostveil's turns or take 4 (1d8) acid damage and 3 (1d6) cold damage. If the frostveil moves, the engulfed target moves with it. The frostveil can have only one creature engulfed at a time." }, { "name": "Spirit Spores (Recharge 6)", "desc": "The frostveil releases a puff of psychotropic spores around itself. Each creature within 10 feet of the frostveil must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 21 (6d6) cold damage and is incapacitated for 1 minute. On a success, a creature takes half the damage and isn't incapacitated. When an incapacitated creature moves, it moves in a random direction. An incapacitated creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Chilling Acidic Body", "desc": "A creature that touches the frostveil or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 4 (1d8) acid damage." }, { "name": "Damage Transfer", "desc": "While engulfing a creature, the frostveil takes only half the damage dealt to it (rounded down), and the engulfed creature takes the other half." }, { "name": "False Appearance", "desc": "While the frostveil remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a formation of frost and ice." }, { "name": "Windborne", "desc": "In windy conditions, the frostveil's flying speed increases to 30 feet. In a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour), its flying speed increases to 60 feet." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 193, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_frostveil/" }, { "slug": "gnarljak-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Gnarljak", "size": "Small", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Unaligned", "armor_class": 16, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 88, "hit_dice": "16d6 + 32", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 13, "dexterity": 21, "constitution": 15, "intelligence": 2, "wisdom": 14, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": 4, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 15, "skills": { "Perception": 5, "Stealth": 8 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 15", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "6", "cr": 6.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The gnarljak makes one Gnawing Bite attack and two Chain Tail attacks, or it makes three Chain Tail attacks." }, { "name": "Gnawing Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) piercing damage, and the gnarljak attaches to the target. While attached, the gnarljak can't make Gnawing Bite attacks, and at the start of each of the gnarljak's turns, the target takes 14 (2d8 + 5) piercing damage." }, { "name": "Chain Tail", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Secure Tail", "desc": "When within 10 feet of the ground, structure, wall, or other solid surface, the gnarljak can secure its tail spike on a point in the surface within 10 feet of it. While secured, the gnarljak can't be knocked prone, it can't move more than 10 feet from that point, and its Chain Tail attack's reach is reduced to 5 feet. If the gnarljak is attached to a creature while its tail is secured, the creature is restrained until the gnarljak is no longer attached to it." } ], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Construct Nature", "desc": "The gnarljak doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep." }, { "name": "False Appearance", "desc": "While the gnarljak remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal bear trap." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 212, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_gnarljak/" }, { "slug": "hoardgolem-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Hoard Golem", "size": "Huge", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Unaligned", "armor_class": 18, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 161, "hit_dice": "14d12 + 70", "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "strength": 22, "dexterity": 15, "constitution": 20, "intelligence": 3, "wisdom": 11, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": 9, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 14, "skills": { "Athletics": 10, "Perception": 4 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks not made with adamantine weapons", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 14", "languages": "understands the languages of its creator but can’t speak", "challenge_rating": "12", "cr": 12.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The hoard golem makes two Slam attacks." }, { "name": "Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (3d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage plus 18 (4d8) force damage." }, { "name": "Thieving Whirlwind (Recharge 5-6)", "desc": "The hoard golem partially disperses into a whirlwind of coins, gemstones, and other valuables then recoalesces. Each creature within 20 feet of the golem must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 44 (8d10) bludgeoning damage and loses one object it is wearing or carrying. On a success, a creature takes half the damage and doesn't lose an object. Each object the golem steals must weigh no more than 20 pounds and not be wrapped around or firmly attached to a creature. For example, the golem could steal a belt pouch full of coins or a creature's jewel-encrusted dagger, but it can't steal a creature's shirt or armor. The hoard golem steals objects of high value over those of minimal value. The stolen object becomes part of the golem's body and can't be retrieved until the golem dies." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Construct Nature", "desc": "The golem doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep." }, { "name": "Enchanted Weapons", "desc": "The golem's weapon attacks are magical. When the golem hits with any weapon, the weapon deals an extra 4d8 force damage (included in the attack)." }, { "name": "Immutable Form", "desc": "The golem is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form." }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "The golem has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." }, { "name": "Strike with Awe", "desc": "A creature that enters a space within 120 feet of the hoard golem or starts its turn there must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks while it remains within 120 feet of the golem." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 217, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_hoard-golem/" }, { "slug": "possessedpillar-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Possessed Pillar", "size": "Large", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Unaligned", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 95, "hit_dice": "10d10 + 40", "speed": { "walk": 20 }, "strength": 20, "dexterity": 8, "constitution": 19, "intelligence": 3, "wisdom": 11, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 10, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks not made with adamantine weapons", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10", "languages": "understands the languages of its creator but can’t speak", "challenge_rating": "7", "cr": 7.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The possessed pillar makes two Slam attacks." }, { "name": "Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage plus 9 (2d8) necrotic damage or radiant damage (the pillar's choice)." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Construct Nature", "desc": "The possessed pillar doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep." }, { "name": "Divine Fists", "desc": "The possessed pillar's weapon attacks are magical. When the pillar hits with a Slam attack, the Slam deals an extra 2d8 necrotic damage or radiant damage (included in the attack), the pillar's choice." }, { "name": "False Appearance", "desc": "While the pillar remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a statue or a carved column." }, { "name": "Immutable Form", "desc": "The pillar is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form." }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "The pillar has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." }, { "name": "Magnetic Body", "desc": "The eldritch magic powering the possessed pillar causes the pillar's body to produce a minor magnetic field. When a creature hits the pillar with a weapon made of metal, it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or the weapon sticks to the pillar. If the creature can't or won't let go of the weapon, it is also stuck to the pillar and restrained. A stuck weapon can't be used. A creature can take its action to remove one metal object from the pillar by succeeding on a DC 15 Strength check. The pillar can release one creature or metal object stuck to it as a bonus action. If the pillar dies, all creatures and metal objects stuck to it are released." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 295, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_possessed-pillar/" }, { "slug": "saltgolem-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Salt Golem", "size": "Large", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Unaligned", "armor_class": 17, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 115, "hit_dice": "11d10 + 55", "speed": { "walk": 20 }, "strength": 20, "dexterity": 9, "constitution": 20, "intelligence": 3, "wisdom": 11, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 10, "skills": { "Athletics": 9 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "fire, poison, psychic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks not made with adamantine weapons", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10", "languages": "understands the languages of its creator but can’t speak", "challenge_rating": "10", "cr": 10.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The salt golem makes two Slam attacks. If both attacks hit one creature, the target must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or suffer one level of exhaustion." }, { "name": "Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage plus 18 (4d8) necrotic damage." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Blinding Salt Spray", "desc": "When the salt golem takes damage, thousands of tiny salt crystals erupt from the golem's body, and each creature within 5 feet of the golem must succeed on a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or be blinded until the end of its next turn." }, { "name": "Construct Nature", "desc": "The golem doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep." }, { "name": "Dehydrating Fists", "desc": "The salt golem's Slam attacks are magical. When the golem hits with a Slam attack, the attack deals an extra 4d8 necrotic damage (included in the attack)." }, { "name": "Immutable Form", "desc": "The golem is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form." }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "The golem has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 218, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_salt-golem/" }, { "slug": "skitterhaunt-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Skitterhaunt", "size": "Large", "type": "Ooze", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Unaligned", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 95, "hit_dice": "10d10 + 40", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 15, "dexterity": 11, "constitution": 19, "intelligence": 3, "wisdom": 7, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 8, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "acid", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, prone", "senses": "blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 8", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "4", "cr": 4.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The skitterhaunt makes one Mandibles attack and one Sting attack, or it makes two Sting attacks." }, { "name": "Mandibles", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage plus 9 (2d8) acid damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 12) if it is a Medium or smaller creature. Until this grapple ends, the creature is restrained, and the skitterhaunt can't use its Mandibles on another target." }, { "name": "Sting", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage plus 9 (2d8) acid damage." }, { "name": "Infest Vermin", "desc": "The skitterhaunt infests a Large or smaller Beast with an exoskeleton within 5 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned until the skitterhaunt no longer infests it. Every 24 hours that elapse, the target must repeat the saving throw or take 7 (2d6) acid damage, and its hp maximum is reduced by that amount. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest after the skitterhaunt no longer infests it. The target dies if this reduces its hp maximum to 0. The skitterhaunt then takes control of the body, dissolving the flesh and hiding within the exoskeleton. A target that succeeds on two consecutive saving throws forces the skitterhaunt out of its body and is immune to the skitterhaunt's Infest Vermin for the next 24 hours." }, { "name": "Acid Spray (Recharge 6)", "desc": "The skitterhaunt spits acid in a 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Broken Shell", "desc": "A creature that hits the skitterhaunt with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 4 (1d8) acid damage." }, { "name": "Ooze Nature", "desc": "The skitterhaunt doesn't require sleep." }, { "name": "Vermin Encasement", "desc": "The creature within the vermin's shell is a shapeless ooze protected by the vermin's exoskeleton. When the skitterhaunt is reduced to 0 hp, the exoskeleton breaks, and the skitterhaunt ooze exits it. Once out of its exoskeleton, the ooze is Small, has an AC of 10, 10 hp, and a speed of 15 feet, and it can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. In addition, its only attack is a Slam that uses the same statistics as its Sting, except it deals bludgeoning damage instead of piercing damage. The skitterhaunt dies if it remains outside of a host for more than 24 hours. It can exit or enter a dead host's exoskeleton as a bonus action." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 332, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_skitterhaunt/" }, { "slug": "smaragdinegolem-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Smaragdine Golem", "size": "Large", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Unaligned", "armor_class": 17, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 231, "hit_dice": "22d10 + 110", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 24, "dexterity": 11, "constitution": 21, "intelligence": 3, "wisdom": 11, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 10, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks not made with adamantine weapons", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10", "languages": "understands the languages of its creator but can’t speak", "challenge_rating": "14", "cr": 14.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The smaragdine golem makes two Slam attacks. It can replace one attack with a use of Release Spell." }, { "name": "Slam", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (3d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage plus 22 (5d8) force damage." }, { "name": "Release Spell (Recharge Special)", "desc": "The smaragdine golem releases an absorbed spell's energy in a green burst centered on a point the golem can see within 60 feet of it. Each creature, other than the smaragdine golem, within 5 feet of that point per level of the absorbed spell must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 10 (3d6) force damage per level of the absorbed spell and is incapacitated until the end of its next turn. On a success, a creature takes half the damage and isn't incapacitated. The golem can use this action only if it is Charged (see the Magic Vessel trait)." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [ { "name": "Absorb Spell", "desc": "When a creature the smaragdine golem can see within 30 feet of it casts a spell, the golem can absorb the spell's energy, countering it. This works like the counterspell spell, except the golem must always make a spellcasting ability check, no matter the spell's level. Alternatively, when a creature the golem can see within 30 feet of the golem starts its turn while under the effects of a spell, such as bless or heroes' feast, the golem can absorb the spell's magic, ending the effect. In either case, the golem's ability check for this is +10. If it successfully counters or ends the spell, it becomes Charged (see the Magic Vessel trait). The golem can't use Absorb Spell while it is Charged." } ], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Construct Nature", "desc": "The golem doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep." }, { "name": "Enchanted Weapons", "desc": "The golem's weapon attacks are magical. When the golem hits with any weapon, the weapon deals an extra 5d8 force damage (included in the attack)." }, { "name": "Immutable Form", "desc": "The golem is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form." }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "The golem has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." }, { "name": "Magic Vessel", "desc": "When the smaragdine golem counters or ends a spell with Absorb Spell, it holds the spell's magical energy within its body and becomes Charged for 1 minute. While Charged, the golem sheds dim light in a 10-foot radius." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 219, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_smaragdine-golem/" }, { "slug": "spiderthief-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Spider Thief", "size": "Small", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Unaligned", "armor_class": 13, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 66, "hit_dice": "12d6 + 24", "speed": { "walk": 20 }, "strength": 10, "dexterity": 12, "constitution": 14, "intelligence": 3, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 10, "skills": { "Stealth": 3 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "fire", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10", "languages": "understands the languages of its creator but can’t speak", "challenge_rating": "2", "cr": 2.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The spider thief makes one Hooked Wire attack and one Sickle Claw attack, or it makes two Sickle Claw attacks." }, { "name": "Sickle Claw", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d8 + 1) slashing damage." }, { "name": "Hooked Wire", "desc": "Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 15/30 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (2d4 + 1) piercing damage, and the spider thief pulls itself in a straight line up to 25 feet toward the target, stopping in the nearest unoccupied space to the target. When the spider thief moves in this way, opportunity attacks against it have disadvantage." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Wire Jump", "desc": "The spider thief throws a hooked wire at a point on a surface, such as the ground or wall, it can see within 30 feet of it, attaching one end of the wire to that point. It then reels in the wire, pulling itself to an unoccupied space within 5 feet of that point. It can bring along objects and willing creatures as long as their total weight doesn't exceed 100 pounds. When the spider moves in this way, opportunity attacks against it have disadvantage." } ], "reactions": [], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Construct Nature", "desc": "The spider thief doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep." }, { "name": "Immutable Form", "desc": "The spider thief is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form." }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "The spider thief has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 342, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_spider-thief/" }, { "slug": "steamgolem-tob1-2023", "desc": "False", "name": "Steam Golem", "size": "Large", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": "null", "alignment": "Unaligned", "armor_class": 18, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 171, "hit_dice": "18d10 + 72", "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "strength": 26, "dexterity": 12, "constitution": 18, "intelligence": 3, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 10, "skills": {}, "damage_vulnerabilities": "False", "damage_resistances": "False", "damage_immunities": "fire, poison, psychic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks not made with adamantine weapons", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10", "languages": "understands the languages of its creator but can’t speak", "challenge_rating": "13", "cr": 13.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "The steam golem makes one Axe Arm attack and one Long Axe attack." }, { "name": "Axe Arm", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (4d6 + 8) slashing damage plus 18 (4d8) fire damage." }, { "name": "Long Axe", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 26 (4d8 + 8) slashing damage plus 18 (4d8) fire damage." }, { "name": "Steam Blast (Recharge 5-6)", "desc": "The steam golem releases a blast of steam in a 30-foot cone or in a 10-foot-radius cloud that extends from it, spreading around corners. Each creature in the area must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 54 (12d8) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." } ], "bonus_actions": [], "reactions": [ { "name": "Whistle (Recharge 4-6)", "desc": "When a creature the steam golem can see within 30 feet of it casts a spell, the steam golem emits a shriek from its twin steam whistles. The spellcaster must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or the spell fails and has no effect." } ], "legendary_desc": null, "legendary_actions": [], "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Boiler Weakness", "desc": "If the steam golem starts its turn immersed in water, or if it was soaked with at least 20 gallons of water on its previous turn, it risks losing steam pressure in its boiler. The steam golem must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or its internal fire is extinguished. Until its internal fire is relit, the golem's speed is halved, its AC is reduced by 2, and it must repeat the saving throw at the start of each of its turns. On a failure, it stops repeating this saving throw and becomes dormant, effectively dead until the fire is relit. A Medium or smaller creature within 5 feet of the golem can take an action to relight the golem's internal fire, making it active again." }, { "name": "Construct Nature", "desc": "The golem doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep." }, { "name": "Heated Weapons", "desc": "The steam golem's weapon attacks are magical. When the golem hits with any weapon, the weapon deals an extra 4d8 fire damage (included in the attack)." }, { "name": "Immutable Form", "desc": "The golem is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form." }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "The golem has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 220, "environments": [], "img_main": "", "document__slug": "tob-2023", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 2023", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob-2023_steam-golem/" }, { "slug": "alpine-creeper", "desc": "", "name": "Alpine Creeper", "size": "Huge", "type": "Plant", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 5, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 95, "hit_dice": "10d12+30", "speed": { "walk": 15 }, "strength": 3, "dexterity": 1, "constitution": 17, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 4, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": -3, "skills": { "perception": -3 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "fire", "damage_resistances": "bludgeoning, piercing", "damage_immunities": "cold", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, grappled, prone", "senses": "tremorsense 60', passive Perception 7", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Gentle Dissolution", "desc": "Each creature in creeper's space: 10 (3d6) acid (DC 13 Con half). Creeper can choose not to harm friendly Beasts in its space. Unconscious creature that takes damage from this: DC 13 Wis save Fail: remain unconscious Success: wakes up." }, { "name": "Sleep Spores", "desc": "Releases sleep-inducing spores. Humanoids and Giants within 20' of it: DC 13 Con save or fall unconscious 1 min. Effect ends for creature if it takes damage or another uses action to wake it." }, { "name": "Cleaning Call (1/Day)", "desc": "Sprays pheromone-laced spores calling nearby Beasts to feast. Arrive in 1d4 rounds and act as creeper allies attacking creatures within 10 ft. of it. Beasts remain 1 hr until creeper dies or until it dismisses them as a bonus action. Choose one CR 1 or lower Beast or roll d100 to choose Summoned Beasts. They arrive at creeper's location; aggressive and prioritize active threats before feasting on creatures knocked out. Summoned Beasts:[br/] • 01-04: 2d4 badgers • 05-09: 1d6 black bears • 10-13: 1d3 brown bears • 14-17: 1d3 dire wolves • 18-20: 1d6 giant badgers • 21-30: 2d6 giant rats • 31-34: 1d3 giant vultures • 35-40: 2d6 giant weasels • 41-44: 1d3 lions or tigers • 45-60: 1d6 swarms of rats • 61-71: 2d4 wolves • 72-75: 1d4 worgs • 76-100: No beasts respond" } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Lethargic Stupor", "desc": "One unconscious Humanoid or Giant in creeper's space suffers one level of exhaustion. A creature with more than half its hp max can't suffer more than one level of exhaustion from this. This exhaustion lasts until creature finishes short rest." } ], "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "False", "desc": "[+]Appearance[/+] Motionless: indistinguishable from patch of lichen." }, { "name": "Mossy Carpet", "desc": "Enter hostile creature's space and stop there. It can move through space as narrow as 1' wide with o squeezing." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 19, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_alpine-creeper/" }, { "slug": "animated-offal", "desc": "", "name": "Animated Offal", "size": "Huge", "type": "Ooze", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 8, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 207, "hit_dice": "18d12+90", "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "strength": 18, "dexterity": 6, "constitution": 20, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 7, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": -2, "skills": { "perception": -2 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "necrotic", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, prone", "senses": "blindsight 120' (blind beyond), passive Perception 8", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "9", "cr": 9.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Two Pseudopod attacks." }, { "name": "Pseudopod", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, 10 ft., one target, 11 (2d6+4) bludgeoning damage + 18 (4d8) necrotic and target is grappled (escape DC 16) if it is a Large or smaller creature and offal doesn't have two other creatures grappled. If target is holding or carrying one or more healing potions there is a 25 percent chance one potion shatters during the attack allowing animated offal to absorb the healing energy and gain the benefits of its Healing Sense." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Subsume", "desc": "Begins absorbing one creature it is grappling. Creature takes 18 (4d8) necrotic (DC 17 Con half). Offal regains hp equal to half the damage dealt. If offal is at its hp max it gains temp hp for 1 hr instead. Offal can add temp hp gained from this trait to temp hp gained earlier from this trait. Temporary hp can't exceed 48. If its temp hp would exceed 48 a new animated offal appears in an unoccupied space within 5 ft. of offal. The new Ooze is Small doesn't have this bonus action and has 10 hp. Creature killed by this bonus action is fully subsumed into offal and can be restored to life only by means of a resurrection spell or similar magic." } ], "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Flowing Flesh", "desc": "Can move through spaces as narrow as 6 inches wide with o squeezing." }, { "name": "Healing Sense", "desc": "Can sense healing spells effects and potions within 120' of it. If the ooze is the target of a healing spell if it consumes a healing potion or if it is affected by a similar magical effect it gains a +2 bonus to its AC has advantage on Dex saves and can use its Pseudopod attack as a bonus action for 1 min." }, { "name": "Ooze Nature", "desc": "Doesn't require sleep." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 38, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_animated-offal/" }, { "slug": "asp-vine", "desc": "", "name": "Asp Vine", "size": "Medium", "type": "Plant", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 13, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 55, "hit_dice": "10d8+10", "speed": { "walk": 10 }, "strength": 14, "dexterity": 12, "constitution": 12, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 3, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": -4, "skills": { "perception": -4 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "bludgeoning, piercing", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "blinded, deafened, frightened", "senses": "blindsight 30' (blind beyond), passive Perception 6", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "4", "cr": 4.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Four Vine attacks." }, { "name": "Vine", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 4 (1d4+2) piercing damage and 5 (2d4) poison and the target must make DC 14 Con save or be poisoned for 1 min. If the target is a creature it is grappled (escape DC 14). Until this grapple ends the target is restrained and must succeed on a new save each round it remains grappled or take another 5 (2d4) poison. The asp vine can grapple up to four targets at a time though it can still make vine attacks vs. other targets even if it has four grappled opponents." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "False Appearance", "desc": "While motionless indistinguishable from normal cluster of vines." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 45, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_asp-vine/" }, { "slug": "beetle-clacker-swarm", "desc": "", "name": "Beetle, Clacker Swarm", "size": "Medium", "type": "Beast", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 14, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 36, "hit_dice": "8d8", "speed": { "walk": 20, "climb": 20 }, "strength": 3, "dexterity": 13, "constitution": 10, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 7, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": -2, "skills": { "perception": -2 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "charmed, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned", "senses": "blindsight 30', passive Perception 8", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Bite", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit 0' 1 tgt in the swarm's space. 14 (4d6) piercing damage or 7 (2d6) piercing damage if the swarm has half of its hp or fewer." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Constant Clacking", "desc": "A creature that starts its turn in the swarm's space takes 5 (1d10) thunder." }, { "name": "Swarm", "desc": "Can occupy another creature's space and vice versa and swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny creature. Swarm can't regain hp or gain temp hp." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 54, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_beetle-clacker-swarm/" }, { "slug": "black-patch", "desc": "", "name": "Black Patch", "size": "Large", "type": "Ooze", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 7, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 153, "hit_dice": "18d10+54", "speed": { "walk": 0, "swim": 40 }, "strength": 18, "dexterity": 5, "constitution": 16, "intelligence": 4, "wisdom": 6, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": -2, "skills": { "perception": -2 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "cold", "damage_immunities": "acid, poison", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, poisoned, prone", "senses": "blindsight 120' (blind beyond), passive Perception 8", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "6", "cr": 6.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "2 Pseudopods. Can replace 1 with Viscid Suffocation." }, { "name": "Pseudopod", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, 10 ft., one target, 7 (1d6+4) bludgeoning damage + 13 (3d8) acid." }, { "name": "Viscid Suffocation", "desc": "One creature in patch's space: DC 15 Dex save or take 18 (4d8) acid and patch attaches to it coating creature and its equipment. While patch is attached to it creature's speed is halved can't breathe and takes 9 (2d8) acid at start of each of its turns. Also if creature is in the water has disadvantage on ability checks to swim or stay afloat. Patch can devour flesh quickly but its acid doesn't harm metal wood or similar objects or creatures with o flesh. Patch can detach itself by spending 5 ft. of move. A creature including target can take its action to detach patch via DC 15 Str check." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Amphibious", "desc": "Can breathe air and water." }, { "name": "Eldritch Luminance", "desc": "When a creature that can see the patch starts its turn within 90' of it patch can force it to make a DC 15 Wis save if ooze isn't incapacitated and can see the creature. Fail: creature is mesmerized 1 min. Mesmerized creature over 5 ft. away from patch must move on its turn toward ooze by most direct route trying to get within 5 feet. It doesn't avoid opportunity attacks but before moving into damaging terrain such as lava or a pit and whenever it takes damage from a source other than ooze target can re-save. Mesmerized target can also re-save at end of each of its turns success ends effect on itself. If creature's save succeeds or effect ends for it is immune to patch's Eldritch Luminance for next 24 hrs." }, { "name": "Flowing Form", "desc": "Can enter hostile creature's space and stop there. It can move through a space as narrow as 1ft. wide with o squeezing." }, { "name": "Ooze Nature", "desc": "Doesn't require sleep." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 58, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_black-patch/" }, { "slug": "climbing-vine", "desc": "", "name": "Climbing Vine", "size": "Medium", "type": "Plant", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 11, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 13, "hit_dice": "2d8+4", "speed": { "walk": 10, "climb": 10 }, "strength": 13, "dexterity": 7, "constitution": 15, "intelligence": 1, "wisdom": 7, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": -2, "skills": { "perception": -2 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "psychic", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, prone", "senses": "blindsight 20', passive Perception 8", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "1/8", "cr": 0.125, "actions": [ { "name": "Dewvine", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, 5 ft., one creature,. The target is grappled (escape DC 11). The climbing vine has two attacking vines each of which can grapple only one creature." }, { "name": "Squeeze", "desc": "Squeezes creatures in its grasp. Each creature grappled by the climbing vine must make DC 11 Str save or take 5 (2d4) bludgeoning damage." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": [ { "name": "Grasping Retaliation", "desc": "When a creature hits the climbing vine with melee attack while within 5 ft. of the vine the vine can make one Dewvine attack vs. it." } ], "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Digestive Dew", "desc": "A creature that starts its turned grappled by the climbing vine takes 2 (1d4) acid." }, { "name": "Flexible Form", "desc": "A climbing vine can move through a space as narrow as 6 inches wide with o squeezing." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 85, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_climbing-vine/" }, { "slug": "clockwork-scorpion", "desc": "", "name": "Clockwork Scorpion", "size": "Large", "type": "Construct", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 16, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 95, "hit_dice": "10d10+40", "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "strength": 19, "dexterity": 13, "constitution": 19, "intelligence": 3, "wisdom": 12, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 1, "skills": { "perception": 1 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "fire; nonmagic B/P/S attacks not made w/adamantine weapons", "damage_immunities": "poison, psychic", "condition_immunities": "charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned", "senses": "darkvision 60', tremorsense 60', passive Perception 15", "languages": "understands creator's languages but can't speak", "challenge_rating": "9", "cr": 9.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "One Sting attack and two Claw attacks." }, { "name": "Claw", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 10 (1d12+4) bludgeoning damage and target grappled (escape DC 16). Has two claws each of which can grapple only one target." }, { "name": "Sting", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, 5 ft., one creature,. 9 (1d10+4) piercing damage + 22 (4d10) poison. Scorpion then chooses one of the following target: DC 16 Con save.Hallucinatory Elixir Failed save: sees enemies everywhere 1 min. On its turn target uses its action for melee attack vs. nearest creature (not scorpion) moving up to its speed to creature if necessary. Can re-save at end of each of its turns success ends effect on itself. If it makes initial save is charmed until end of its next turn.Sleep Solution Failed save: falls unconscious 1 min. Effect ends for target if it takes damage or if another creature uses action to wake it. Successful save: target incapacitated until end of its next turn.Vocal Paralytic Failed save: target is poisoned for 1 min. While poisoned in this way target is unable to speak or cast spells that require verbal components. Target can re-save at end of each of its turns success ends effect on itself. If target succeeds on initial save it is poisoned in this way until end of its next turn." }, { "name": "Acid Spray (Recharge 5-6)", "desc": "Spews acid in a 15 ft. cone. Each creature in that area: 42 (12d6) acid (DC 16 Dex half)." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": [ { "name": "Gas Nozzles", "desc": "When it takes damage all within 5 feet: 5 (1d10) poison. If damage taken was fire gas ignites deals + 5 (1d10) fire." } ], "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Construct Nature", "desc": "Doesn't require air food drink or sleep." }, { "name": "Immutable Form", "desc": "Immune: form-altering spells/effects." }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "desc": "Advantage: spell/magic effect saves." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 89, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_clockwork-scorpion/" }, { "slug": "desert-slime", "desc": "", "name": "Desert Slime", "size": "Large", "type": "Ooze", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 8, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 75, "hit_dice": "10d10+20", "speed": { "walk": 20 }, "strength": 17, "dexterity": 6, "constitution": 14, "intelligence": 2, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 0, "skills": { "perception": 0 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "acid, fire", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, prone", "senses": "blindsight 60' (blind beyond), passive Perception 10", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "3", "cr": 3.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Pseudopod", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 5 ft., one target, 7 (1d8+3) bludgeoning damage + 10 (3d6) acid." }, { "name": "Mire", "desc": "One creature in slime's space must make a DC 13 Dex save. If a creature fails the save by 5+ it is restrained and knocked prone. Otherwise creature that fails the save is restrained and slime steadily creeps up the creature dissolving and consuming its flesh. The restrained creature must re-save at end of each of turns being pulled prone on a failure. A restrained creature takes 10 (3d6) acid at start of each of slime's turns. If restrained creature is also prone it is unable to breathe or cast spells with verbal components. Slime can have only one creature mired at a time and a mired creature moves with the slime when it moves. A creature including a restrained target can take its action to pull the restrained creature out of the slime by succeeding on a DC 13 Str check. The creature making the attempt takes 10 (3d6) acid." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Surging Sands (Recharge 4-6)", "desc": "Takes the Dash action." } ], "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Amorphous", "desc": "Move through space 1ft.+ wide with o squeezing." }, { "name": "False Appearance", "desc": "While motionless indistinguishable from ordinary sand." }, { "name": "Ooze Nature", "desc": "Doesn't require sleep." }, { "name": "Sandy Ooze", "desc": "Can occupy another creature's space and vice versa. Its space is difficult terrain for creatures traveling through it." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 115, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_desert-slime/" }, { "slug": "diving-gel", "desc": "", "name": "Diving Gel", "size": "Tiny", "type": "Ooze", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 13, "armor_desc": "", "hit_points": 17, "hit_dice": "5d4+5", "speed": { "walk": 5, "swim": 40 }, "strength": 3, "dexterity": 16, "constitution": 13, "intelligence": 3, "wisdom": 6, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": -2, "skills": { "perception": -2 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "acid, fire, poison", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, prone", "senses": "darkvision 60', passive Perception 8", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "1/4", "cr": 0.25, "actions": [ { "name": "Pseudopod", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 5 ft., one creature,. 5 (1d4+3) bludgeoning damage." }, { "name": "Attach", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 5 ft., one creature,. The gel attaches itself to the head face or gills of a creature. If the creature is Large or smaller and can breathe air it continues to breathe normally as the air-filled gel provides breathable air for the creature. If the creature can't breathe air it must hold its breath or begin to suffocate. If the gel is attached to a creature it has advantage on attack rolls vs. that creature. A creature including the target can take its action to detach the diving gel by succeeding on a DC 12 Str check." } ], "bonus_actions": null, "reactions": null, "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Amorphous", "desc": "Move through space 1ft.+ wide with o squeezing." }, { "name": "Amphibious", "desc": "Can breathe air and water." }, { "name": "Ooze Nature", "desc": "Doesn't require sleep." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 136, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_diving-gel/" }, { "slug": "fungi-mulcher", "desc": "", "name": "Fungi, Mulcher", "size": "Gargantuan", "type": "Plant", "subtype": "", "group": null, "alignment": "unaligned", "armor_class": 15, "armor_desc": "natural armor", "hit_points": 139, "hit_dice": "9d20+45", "speed": { "walk": 10, "burrow": 30 }, "strength": 18, "dexterity": 6, "constitution": 20, "intelligence": 4, "wisdom": 10, "charisma": 1, "strength_save": null, "dexterity_save": null, "constitution_save": null, "intelligence_save": null, "wisdom_save": null, "charisma_save": null, "perception": 0, "skills": { "perception": 0 }, "damage_vulnerabilities": "", "damage_resistances": "", "damage_immunities": "", "condition_immunities": "blinded, deafened, frightened, prone", "senses": "blindsight 120' (blind beyond), passive Perception 13", "languages": "—", "challenge_rating": "6", "cr": 6.0, "actions": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "desc": "Two Mycelium Spike attacks." }, { "name": "Mycelium Spike", "desc": "Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, 15 ft., one target, 15 (2d10+4) piercing damage and grappled (escape DC 15) if it doesn't have 2 others grappled (DC 15 Str not grappled)." }, { "name": "Excavate", "desc": "If underground creates 20' square cover on ground over self and lurks just below surface. Cover identical to ground. If creature enters cover's space one Mycelium Spike vs. creature as reaction destroying cover. Target: disadvantage on save to avoid grapple." } ], "bonus_actions": [ { "name": "Expose Stalk", "desc": "Exposes central stalk above ground until end of its next turn or until it ends effect as bonus action. If exposed can't burrow." }, { "name": "Rapid Burrow", "desc": "Burrows up to 60 feet. Opportunity attacks vs. it are made with disadvantage when mulcher burrows out of an enemy's reach this way. Creatures grappled by it are freed before it burrows." } ], "reactions": [ { "name": "Emergent Stalk", "desc": "When reduced below half hp max or creature scores critical hit vs. it immediately uses Expose Stalk." } ], "legendary_desc": "", "legendary_actions": null, "special_abilities": [ { "name": "Central Stalk Weakness", "desc": "When exposed central stalk can be attacked and destroyed (AC 13; hp 50; vulnerability to acid cold and fire). If central stalk is destroyed mulcher has disadvantage on attacks and can't use Expose Stalk until it regrows one at end of next long rest." }, { "name": "Disturbed Soil (Exposed Stalk Only)", "desc": "Ground within 20' is difficult." }, { "name": "Mulcher Pit", "desc": "If it burrows 20'+ straight toward a creature can dig 10 ft. diameter 20' deep pit beneath it. Each Large or smaller creature in pit's area: fall into mycelium-lined pit and land prone taking 14 (4d6) piercing damage from spiked mycelium + fall damage (DC 15 Dex doesn't fall). Can make one Mycelium Spike vs. prone creature in pit as bonus action." }, { "name": "Stalk Regeneration (Exposed Stalk Only)", "desc": "Gains 15 hp at start of its turn if it has at least 1 hp." } ], "spell_list": [], "page_no": 191, "environments": [], "img_main": null, "document__slug": "tob3", "document__title": "Tome of Beasts 3", "document__license_url": "", "document__url": "", "v2_converted_path": "/v2/creatures/tob3_fungi-mulcher/" } ] }{ "count": 3207, "next": "